Appeals to the Privy Council from the American Colonies


List of Appeals by Colony, Date, and Long Case Name


The date is the date of the first mention in the Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series. Information in brackets is not found in the APC but in Joseph Smith, Appeals to the Privy Council from the American Plantations. The case name is linked to the report that contains the case.


Edward Palmes and John Hallam v [FitzJohn Winthrop, Richard Christopher and Samuel Fosdick] – 1699

John Hallam and Nicholas Hallam v John Fitz Winthrop and Edward Palmes – 1699

Edward Palmes v Fitzjohn Winthrop, Richard Christopher and Samuel Fosdick – 1703

John Winthrop v Thomas and Ann Lechmere – 1727

Robert Wheeler v Thomas Levenworth – 1737

Samuel Clark v Thomas and Hannah Towsey (and against Thomas Towsey as guardian to John Clark), Thomas Clark (and as guardian to Gamaliel Clerk) and Richard Bryon (as guardian to children of late wife Mehitabell) – 1737

Samuel Danielson and Nathan West v Dan Throop and Caleb and Irena Hide – 1756

Samuel Danielson and Nathan West v Aaron Fish – 1756

Elisha Whittlesey, appeal of – 1765


David, Robert, Elizabeth and Ann Dorothy Finney v Henry Bickerton et al – 1774

David, Robert, Elizabeth and Ann Dorothy Finney v James Byrne et al – 1774


Caleb Davis v James Edward Powell – 1751

Raymond Demere v Caleb Davis – 1755


Richard Rawstone, appeal of – 1694

John Taylor v Ann Jones and Thomas Gassaway – 1707

Thomas Macnamara v Rex – 1711

Jonathan Forward v Gilbert Poulson (later William Hunt) – 1720

Joseph Brown v Thomas Boardley – 1723

Michael Macnamara v Thomas Brooke – 1730

Thomas Nelson v John Beale – 1730

John Collins, appeal of – 1735

Edmund Jennings and John Gallaway v William Cuming Executor of Thomas Facer and Achsah Woodward Administrator de bonis non of Amos Garret – 1738

Charles Carroll v Mary Parran and John Parran – 1738

Benjamin Tasker v John Simpson on the demise of William Brent – 1739

Elizabeth Frisby v Mary Frisby Baldwin – 1748

John Beale Bordley and Margaret Bordley and William and Mary Paca v Ann Thomas – 1773

Crispin Heeltap on the demise of William Chew v James Weems and David Weems – 1776


Edward Randolph, appeals of – 1681

Richard Thayre v [Capt. Savage] and [Capt. Clapp] – 1682

[In re The Salisbury] – 1691

Jahleel Brenton v George Lawson (In re The Two Brothers) – 1692

Jahleel Brenton v Thomas Wilkinson (In re The Three Brothers) – 1692

Jahleel Brenton, appeal of (In re The Mary) – 1692

Jahleel Brenton v Elizabeth Shrimpton – 1698

Jonathan Ting v Wait Wynthrop – 1700

Samuel Allen (later Thomas Allen) v Humphrey Spencer – 1705

Samuel Gookin v Sarah Smith – 1705

George Lason v Peter Serjeant – 1706

Samuel Lillie v Edward Bromfield and Francis Burroughs – 1711

Samuel Lillie v Elias Adams – 1711

Thomas Bannister v Margaret Bowe – 1715

John Oulton and Cornelius Waldo v Arthur Savage – 1717

William and Christian Tunley v William Maccarty – 1718

Henry Flint v Ann Willett – 1718

Christopher Taylor v Rebecca Taylor and Sarah Taylor – 1718

John Gilbert v John Branfield and William Ward – 1722

In re The Mary Ann – 1726

Joseph Bennet and Samuel Freeth and William Walker v Benjamin Gray – 1731

Samuel Waldo v Thomas Fairweather (later Hannah Fairweather and John Fairweather (1) – 1733

Samuel Waldo v Thomas Fairweather (later Hannah Fairweather and John Fairweather) (2) – 1733

William Stoddard v John Barrell, sen. (later revived against Barrell’s executors) – 1733

Nathaniel Byfield v Samuel Swasey – 1733

Cornelius Waldo v Samuel Waldo, Jonathan Waldo, Thomas Fairweather, Edward and Anna Tyng – 1734

James Gooch, Abraham Blish, James Allen, James Gooch, jun., and Francis Wilks v Samuel Dummer – 1734

Giles Dulake Tidmarsh v Joseph Brandon – 1734

John Waldo v Samuel Waldoe, Jonathan Waldoe, Thomas Fairweather, and Edward and Anne Tyng – 1734

Gillam Philips v Hannah Savage, Faith Savage, Hannah Philips, and representatives for Mary Butler – 1734

Samuel Waldo v Thomas and Hannah Fairweather – 1734

Samuel Waldo v Jonathan Waldo – 1734

Samuel Waldo v Edward and Ann Tyng – 1734

Matthew Ellis v Richard Sprague – 1735

William Leighton v John Frost – 1735

Anthony Stoddard, William Stoddard and William Clarke v John and Hannah Jones, Elizabeth Willard, Hebzibah Mortimer, Mary Alden and Thomas Alden, Elizabeth Alden, Ann Alden, Mary Brightman, Nathaniel and Hepzibah Howard, Elizabeth Butterly, Peter and Lydia Briton, Zachariah Alden, Samuel and Mary Kneeland, Timothy and Elizabeth Green, and Nathaniel Alden – 1737

Herbert Pelham v Samuel Stone, Isaac Hunt and Thomas Bent – 1737

Herbert Pelham v Samuel Bannister and Thomas Soden – 1738

Abraham Francis and John and Hannah Jones v John Jeffries, Jonathan Armitage, David Colson, Alexander Forsythe, Caleb Lyman, Jonas Clarke and Thomas Hutchinson – 1742

___ Liebenrood v ___ Dennie – 1749

Governor Shirley v Samuel Waldo – 1750

Charles Knowles v Dr. William Douglas – 1750

William Vassall v William Fletcher – 1753

John Bannister and Frances Bowen v Nathaniel Cunningham – 1755

Thomas Dudley v Joseph and Elizabeth Richards, Benjamin and Rebecca Guerrish, Joseph Dudley, John and Mary Cotton, and Ann Dudley – 1764

David Jeffries v Nathaniel Donnell – 1767

Charles Ward Apthorpe v Richard Pateshall – 1768

John Wentworth v James Bowdoin and William Bowdoin, James Pitt, Silvester Gardiner and Benjamin Hallowell – 1774

Simon Pease v Abraham Pullibank – 1775

Lieutenant Richard Beale, appeal of – 1776

New Hampshire

Georg Walton v Jeremy Walford and John Amazeen – 1683

Walter Barefoot v Robert Wadleigh – 1683

William Vaughan v [Richard Martin] – 1684

William Vaughan v [Robert Mason] – 1684

William Vaughan v [Rex] – 1684

[In re The Diligence] – 1684

Samuel Allen, appeal of – 1700

Samuel Allen (later Thomas Allen) v Richard Waldron – 1701

Nathaniel French v Thomas Folensby, Peter Moss and Moses Calton – 1750

Rev. Timothy Walker et al, appeal of – 1753

John Merrill v Proprietors of the township of Bow – 1754

Barlow Trecothick v Samuel Wentworth – 1758

John Sherburne v Samuel Sherburne, Peter and Dorothy Gillman, Joseph and Anne Langdon – 1759

Thomas Dering v Thomas Packer – 1759

Benjamin Rolfe, Daniel Carter, Timothy Simons, John Evans, John Chandler, Abraham Colby and Abraham Kimball v Proprietors of Bow – 1762

Josiah Hilton v Philip Fowler – 1765

Philip Fowler v Josiah Hilton – 1765

William James v Samuel Moffatt and George Meserve – 1773

New Jersey

Jeffrie Jones v James Fullerton on the demise of the Proprietors of East Jersey – 1696

Mary Crowley and John Borrow, appeal of – 1712

Peter Sonmans v Joseph and Rachel Ormstone and Joseph and Johanna Wright – 1716

Peter Wickoff and Joseph Reed v William Ouke – 1773

John Reid v Joseph Reed – 1775

New York

John Ward v Mrs. John Palmer – 1680

Thomas Darvall v Richard Hall – 1681

Capt. William Dyer v Samuel Winder – 1681

Robert Wright and Francis Pew v Robert Cornwall – 1683

Capt. [Christopher] Billop v ___ [West] – 1685

Jacob Mauritz v Frederick Philips – 1692

Valentine Cruger v Abraham Depeyster – 1699

Richard Alsop v Audry Vaudall – 1700

In re The Elizabeth and Catherine – 1702

Col. Nicholas Bayard v Rex – 1702

John Hutchins v Rex – 1702

Mr. Budge, appeal of – 1708

Abraham Gouverneur et al v Isaac De Biemer, sen. – 1716

Thomas Summers et al, appeal of – 1717

John Smith, appeal of – 1717

Solomon Medina Mossesson, Moses Medina and Abraham Medina, and Roderigo Pacheto v Mathew Norris – 1735

Thomas Brown v Frederick Philips – 1738

Capt. Vincent Pearse v George Cummyns – 1741

Capt. Vincent Pearse v John Key and Michael Hubbard – 1741

Archibald Kennedy v Thomas Fowles – 1742

Robert Etherington, Waddle Cunningham, Elias Debrosses and Richard Thomas, appeal of – 1765

Waddell Cunningham v Thomas Forsey – 1765

John Van Rensselaer v James Jackson, Thomas Williams, Harme van Hoesen, William W., Cornelius, and Volckert G. Vandenbergh, Anthony van Tevere, and Dirk Bradt van Schoenhoven – 1773

North Carolina

Christopher Gale v Sir Richard Everard, Baronet – 1729

Abner Nash v Conway Richard Dobbs and Edward Brice Dobbs – 1773

George Casey, appeal of – 1774


John Macarell, appeal of – 1712

Simon Clement’s appeal on behalf of William Penn’s widow – 1720

Peter Evans, appeal of – 1736

John Fothergill, Daniel Zachary, Thomas How, Devereux Bowley, Luke Hind, Jacob Hagen, Silvanus Grove and William Heron v Christian Stover – 1765

David McMurterie and William McMurterie v John Browne and Obadiah Browne – 1765

John Long and William Plumstead v Thomas Harper and John Nixon and Co. – 1766

Patrick Crawford (representing James Crawford) and Charles Smith v James Hawker – 1766

John Swift v Henry Jones and Robert Smith – 1770

John Swift v George Hawkins and John Moore – 1770

John Swift v Abraham Mitchell and Thomas Lightfoot – 1770

Samuel Pike v Samuel Hoare and Nathaniel Newberry – 1770

James Styles v Joseph Kirkbride and Thomas Riche – 1773

Timothy Thrustout on the demise of Peter Henry Sheipers v James Logan – 1774

Rhode Island

Daniel Peirce et al v Edmund and Margaret Willie and Richard and Judith Hancock – 1698

Francis Brinley v ___ [Dyer] – 1699

Andrew Harris, Thomas Field and Nathaniel Waterman, appeal of – 1705

Thomas Newton, appeal of – 1705

Stephen Remington v Jahleel Brenton – 1709

Peter Ford v Daniel Hodgson – 1718

Nicholas Carr v John Holmes and Thomas Martin – 1718

Capt. John Owen, appeal of – 1721

In re The Pearl – 1721

Samuel Cranston v John Jekyll – 1724

John Jekyll v Samuel Cranston – 1724

James MacSparran v George Mumford – 1725

Eunice Wharton v Stephen, Thomas, Benjamin, Henry jr., and Nicholas Northrup and Lawrence Whaley – 1729

William Wood and John Allen v Samuel Sanford – 1729

Daniel Sabere v Ann Sabere and Deborah Sabere and Mary Sabere – 1730

Jahleel Brenton (later Jahleel Brenton, his son and executor) v Francis and Jane Boreland – 1732

Francis and Jane Boreland v Jahleel Brenton, son and executor of Jahleel Brenton – 1732

Jahleel Brenton, son and executor of Jahleel Brenton, v Francis and Jane Boreland – 1732

Joseph Torrey v George Mumford – 1733

Peter Coggeshall v Edward Pelham – 1735

Stephen Hassard and Robert Hassard v John Potter – 1735

Ezekiel Johnson v Josiah Arnold – 1735

James MacSparran v Robert Hassard – 1736

Benjamin Brenton v Jahleel Brenton – 1737

Peleg Brown v James Allen and Ezekiel Chever – 1738

Daniel Coggeshall v Mary Coggeshall – 1738

James Martin v William Gardiner by Abigail Gardiner – 1738

James Martin v Elizabeth Gibbs – 1738

Edward Fogg v William Harvey – 1745

John Potter v Joseph and Dorcas Freeborn – 1745

John Rous v Benjamin Hassard, Robert Carr, John Easton and Jonathan Hassard – 1746

Benjamin Hassard, Robert Carr, John Easton and Jonathan Hassard v John Rous – 1746

David Vanbrugh and Samuel Carpenter v Joseph Powers – 1746

Joseph Powers v David Vanbrugh and Samuel Carpenter – 1746

Isaac Polock v Gulian Verplank – 1746

Wait Tripp v Benjamin Tripp – 1746

John Staniford v Timothy and Margaret Newell – 1747

John Freebody v Joseph Wanton – 1747

Benjamin Brenton v Gersham Remington – 1747

Robert Gibbs v Jonathan Sheldon – 1748

Nathaniel Wheelwright v Ebenezer Tyler – 1749

George and Mary Taylor v James and Mary Clark – 1749

John Channing v Arthur Fenner – 1749

Thomas Clemence v John Angel – 1750

Robert Rodman v John Bannister – 1751

John Peirce and Thomas Peirce v John Rice – 1752

William Walker v Henry Paget – 1752

Noah Whitman v John Whitman – 1752

Samuel Borden and Stephen Cook v William Cook – 1753

John Freebody v John Cook – 1754

Patrick Grant and Andrew Heatley v Samuel Dyre – 1755

Daniel Stanton v Elias Thompson – 1755

John Chaloner v Elias Bland – 1755

John Whipple v Ephraim Bowen, John Carlisle, and Joseph Sweeting – 1755

Benjamin Hazard v Mary Hazard – 1755

Joseph Whipple, Daniel Coggeshall, John Spencer, Samuel Perry, and David Anthony v Thomas Ninigret by Jonathan Nichols, guardian – 1755

Jahleel Brenton, Benjamin Wickham and George Gardner v Joseph Sylvester – 1756

Jacob Isaacs v John Merrett – 1757

John Freebody (later Samuel, John and Thomas Freebody) v Jahleel Brenton, Benjamin Wickham and George Gardiner – 1758

Boyle Moss v Esek Hopkins – 1759

Paul Creaugh v Charles Whitfield – 1760

John Larkin v Edward York – 1760

Peter Simons v Joseph Wanton – 1761

William Read v Benjamin Nicholls – 1762

John Potter v George Hazard – 1762

William Stead v Napthali Hart and Isaac Hart – 1765

William Stead v Isaac Elizer – 1765

Thomas Shearman v Gideon Cornell – 1765

William Stead v Jacob Isaacs – 1766

Robert Lewis and Ellis Lewis v Benjamin Wilkinson – 1766

Benjamin Arnold et al v Nathaniel Green – 1766

John, Thomas, and Samuel Freebody v Jahleel Brenton, Benjamin Wickham and George Gardiner – 1766

Jahleel Brenton, Benjamin Wickham and George Gardiner v John, Thomas and Samuel Freebody – 1766

Thomas Freebody v John Holmes – 1766

John Holmes v Thomas Freebody – 1766

John Bannister v Jane Brown, Matthew Robinson, and Robert Brown – 1766

Godfrey Laycock (later Hannah Laycock) v James Clarke and Solomon Southwick – 1767

Jacob Isaacks v William Stead – 1768

Napthali Hart and Isaac Hart v Abraham Solomons – 1769

Alexander Grant v Charles Hardy – 1769

Giles and Elizabeth Sandford v Elizabeth and Isaac Smith, William Taggart, Israel and Sarah Church – 1773

Gervase Elam v John Dockray – 1773

Charles Dudley v John Innis Clarke and Joseph Nightingale – 1773

Charles Dudley v Nathaniel Shaw – 1773

Robert Keeler v William Rhodes – 1773

Samuel Bean and Isaac Walker, Francis Newton and John Colville v Gideon Wanton and John Wanton – 1774

John Andrews v John Farrint – 1775

South Carolina

George Peers v Jonathan Amory (In re The Turtle) – 1699

Benjamin Niccoll, John Crosse, Patrick Walsh, and Giles Been v [Blake] (In re The Cole and Bean) – 1700


Sarah Bland v Col. St. Leger Codd and wife – 1682

Edward Plampin v Edmund Scarborrow – 1685

Philip Ludwell v John Toton – 1690

William Bowtell and Thomas Wenborne, appeal of – 1696

Thomas Starke v Thomas and Francillia Parker – 1699

Samuel Selden v Robert Beverley – 1703

Francis Ballard on the demise of Samuel and Rebecca Selden v Robert Beverley – 1703

Robert D’Oyly v Benjamin Harrison – 1709

Robert Beverly v Samuel Seldon – 1715

Anne Stannard by William Stannard v John Wormeley – 1716

Robert and Elizabeth Jones v Thomas Toleson and William Williams – 1719

Elizabeth Winder and Richard and Elizabeth Kenner v Robert and Elizabeth Jones – 1719

Gawen Corbin v James and Jane Roscow – 1720

Sarah Perry, Micaiah Perry and Philip Perry v Mary, William and Thomas Randolph – 1724

George Heal v William Ball – 1727

William Ball v George Heal – 1727

John Bayler by Robert Bayler and Augustine Moor v John and Elizabeth Carter – 1729

Gawen Corbin v Robert Faldo on the demise of Thomas Corbin – 1732

Lemuel Gulliver on the demise of Frances Burges v John Hack – 1736

William Hunt v James and Joyce Hill – 1738

Sarah Rogers v Alexander Spalding – 1740

Micaiah Perry, John Maynard and Edward Athawes v Armistead Churchill – 1740

Courtney, George, Francis and Margaret Walker by Jacob Walker and Samuel Boush v Robert Tucker and John Tucker and John Cook and Robert Cook – 1740

Edward Randolph v William Woodford – 1742

Edward Randolph v William Beverley – 1742

Thomas Starke and Augustine Baughan v William Thrustout on the demise of John Hawkins – 1742

David Meade v William Thrustout on the demise of Martha Godwin, Samuel and Elizabeth Whitfield, William and Leah Godwin, Julian Norsworthy, Martha Norsworthy, Mary Norsworthy, and Ann Norsworthy – 1743

John Lillie v William Tab – 1747

Richard Kenner v Jesse Ball – 1747

Philip Ludwell, appeal of – 1749

Thomas Man Randolph by Peter Randolph v Ralph Wormley – 1749

William Degge, George Russell and Thomas Russell v Rev. William Kay – 1751

Anne Mason and George Mason v Edmund Withers – 1752

John Robinson and Humphry Hill v John Anderson – 1752

Daniel McCarty by Joseph Morton v Thomas Turf on the demise of Daniel McCarty – 1752

Robert jun. and Sarah Jones and Dudley and Martha Richardson v James Shields – 1753

Walter King v Charles Lewis and Lewis Burwell – 1753

Walter King v Carter Braxton and Lewis Burwell – 1753

Carter Braxton by John Robinson v Walter King – 1753

Churchill Jones v Jane Porter – 1753

John Lidderdale and John Harmer v John Chiswell – 1755

Charles Dunbar v Daniel Parke Custis – 1755

William Nelson and Francis Whiting v Richard Ambler – 1759

Lewis and Frances Burwell v Philip and Elizabeth Johnson – 1759

William, Martha and Humphrey Toy Tabb v Thomas Edmundson and John Edmundson – 1760

Thomas Edmundson and John Edmundson v William, Martha and Humphrey Toy Tabb – 1760

Rev. John Camm v Rector, Visitors and Governors of William and Mary College – 1762

Rev. Richard Graham v Rector, Visitors and Governors of William and Mary College – 1762

Samuel Rickards, Archibald Maclane, Israel Mauduit, Edmund Lardner, William Cooke, Francis Jerdone, Robert Duncanson and Ann Buchanan v John and Ann Hudson, William and Martha Johnson, Roger Gregory, Orlando Jones, Rolling Jones and Francis Barber Jones – 1762

Richard Cleeve and John Hinde v James Mills, William Bird, John Robinson, Richard Bland, William Jordan, Presly Thornton and James Power – 1763

Charles Steuart v Thomas Buchanan et al – 1763

Thomas Howlett v John Doe on the demise of Thomas Osburne – 1763

John Doe on the demise of John Parsons v William Parsons – 1763

Rev. John Camm v Charles Hansford, jun., and William Moss – 1765

Thomas Wilson, William and Anne Huggins, John Wilson, William Wilson, Isaac and Elizabeth Hobday v Sampson Darrell, George and Elizabeth Turner, William and Ann Sansom, John and Elizabeth Noble, and William Slaughter – 1765

Gawen Corbin by Lettice Corbin v Lunsford Lomax and Aminadab Seekright – 1766

Edward Dixon and Harry Dixon and Turner Dixon v Thomas Turner by Thomas Jett, guardian, and Harry Turner by Anthony Thornton, guardian, Walker and Sally Turner Taliaferro, and Thomas Jett, John Skinker and Joseph Murdock – 1768

John Hiscox v Humphrey Hill – 1768

Philip Ludwell Lee v John Hunter – 1771

Mary Taliaferro, Harry Taliaferro, William and Mildred Strother v Lawrence Taliaferro et al – 1775