Appeals to the Privy Council

Search US Colonial Appeals

For most purposes, use the Basic search form. Below it are special search engines for searching the APC fields and the TNA fields and for finding cases that are or are not ‘true appeals’.

Basic search form. Entering a single word operates as might be expected. If more than one word is entered, do not use Boolean AND, OR, or NOT. The results will approximate those of a string search (though quotation marks should not be used). You may, however use * to truncate any word in the search.

The returns are given on this page and are organized by tables in the database in the order in which they appear in the reports. Many of the fields that appear in the reports are in the table ‘baseall’, so a search that reports items in ‘baseall’ will probably necessitate looking at the report to find what you are looking for. The inclusion of the other tables may help in limiting (or expanding) the number of reports to be looked up.

General Search:    

Please enter search query


APC search form. This search form searches the text fields in the database that give references to the Acts of the Privy Council and to the original registers of the Privy Council. These fields are not included in the basic search. This search form will accept Boolean AND, OR, and NOT. String searches should be enclosed in double quotation marks: “”. The form is useful for searching for specific dates in the APC and names of monarchs. (To differentiate among the Georges, do a string search “George <Roman numeral> v.”) The form will also find the TNA reference numbers also by string search: e.g., “PC 2/77”.

APC Search:    

Please enter search query


TNA documents search form. This search form searches the text fields that describe and present images of handwritten documents at the TNA in the category PC 1 that relate to the appeals. These fields are not included in the basic search form. This search form works like the APC search form. It will find the TNA reference numbers by string search: e.g., “PC 1/47”.

TNA Search:    

Please enter search query


Formal appeal search. This search form returns a list of cases that we have classified as ‘true’ appeals or those which we have classified as not ‘true’ appeals. Enter 0 to return the former, 1 to return the latter.

Formal Appeal Search:    

Please enter search query. You must enter either ‘0’ or ‘1’.