Appeals to the Privy Council from the American Colonies


Proceedings That Have Printed Cases
(by Colony, Report Number, and Case Name)



(Lists the colony, report number, and the first case named within a single report number for all proceedings that have printed cases. Printed cases may be of one or more parties and sometimes more than one for a party.)



04_1720_00 Forward v Poulson (later Hunt)

04_1739_00 Tasker v Simpson

04_1748_00 Frisby v Baldwin


05_1733_01 Waldo v Fairweather

05_1734_05 Philips v Savage

05_1753_00 Vassall v Fletcher

05_1767_00 Jeffries v Donnell

New Hampshire

06_1754_00 Merrill v Proprietors of Bow

06_1758_00 Trecothick v Wentworth

06_1759_01 Sherburne v Sherburne

06_1759_02 Dering v Packer

06_1762_00 Rolfe v Proprietors of Bow


10_1765_01 Fothergill v Stover

10_1765_02 McMurterie v Browne

10_1766_01 Long v Harper

Rhode Island

11_1732_00 Brenton v Boreland

11_1736_00 MacSparran v Hassard

11_1738_01 Brown v Allen

11_1738_02 Coggeshall v Coggeshall

11_1745_02 Potter v Freeborn

11_1746_01 Rous v Hassard

11_1751_00 Rodman v Bannister

11_1754_00 Freebody v Cook

11_1755_02 Stanton v Thompson

11_1755_04 Whipple v Bowen

11_1757_00 Isaacs v Merrett

11_1758_00 Freebody v Brenton

11_1760_02 Larkin v York

11_1762_02 Potter v Hazard

11_1765_02 Shearman v Cornell

11_1766_01 Stead v Isaacs

11_1766_02 Lewis v Wilkinson

11_1766_04 Freebody v Brenton

11_1766_05 Freebody v Holmes


13_1736_00 Burges v Hack

13_1740_01 Rogers v Spalding

13_1749_02 Randolph v Wormley

13_1751_00 Degge v Kay

13_1752_03 McCarty v Turf

13_1753_01 Jones v Shields

13_1753_02 King v Lewis

13_1753_03 Jones v Porter

13_1755_01 Lidderdale v Chiswell

13_1755_02 Dunbar v Custis

13_1759_02 Burwell v Johnson

13_1760_00 Tabb v Edmundson

13_1762_01 Camm v William and Mary College

13_1762_02 Rickards v Hudson

13_1763_01 Cleeve v Mills

13_1763_03 Howlett v Osburne

13_1763_04 Parsons v Parsons

13_1765_01 Camm v Hansford

13_1766_00 Corbin v Lomax

13_1771_00 Lee v Hunter