Appeals to the Privy Council from the
Caribbean and Canadian Colonies
Report No. BAR_1753_01

Kennedy v Alleyne



Case Name Long

William Kennedy v John Gay Alleyne, Christian Alleyne, and Thomas Nicholas


Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series


APC Citation  

v.4 [203] p.198 (7 Feb. 1753)

  PC Register Citation

George II v.14 (1 April 1752 – 31 Dec. 1753) p.315: PC 2/103/315



Colonial Courts


Chancery – 19 Feb. 1752



Alleyne, Christian, respondent (wife of John Gay)


Alleyne, John Gay, respondent (husband of Christian)


Kennedy, Oliver, esquire, deceased


Kennedy, William, esquire, appellant


Nicholas, George, esquire, deceased


Nicholas, Thomas, respondent



Injunction on a scire facias.


Not stated in the Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series.


The PC register misstates the respondent’s name as Gay rather than Alleyne.


Printed Cases

Not found


Privy Council Documents in PC 1 at The National Archives at Kew


Not found

Other Documents

Other DocumentsPetition of the Appellant (manuscript) 
Library University of Michigan. William L. Clements Library: (William Kennedy Papers, 1752–1753) Document 3 (The digital catalogue of the Clements Library describes the proceedings that led to the appeal in some detail, and lists the other contents of the Kennedy Papers, all of which deal with this case.)
