Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists |
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Report No. r245 |
Johannes Antonius Carafa |
ca. 1408–1486 |
Alternative Names |
Carafa, Giovanni Antonio (LC); Ioannes Carafa; Joannes Antonius Carafa; Ioannes Antonius Carafa |
Biography/Description |
J., the son of Tommaso of Napoli, was destined for an ecclesiastical career. He held various chaplaincies at a young age. Probably by 1433, he had received a doctorate utriusque iuris at the studium in Napoli. The head of the Carafa family, Antonio, called ‘Malizia’, had been supporting the Aragonese since 1420. He persuaded Alfonso V ‘the Magnanimous’ of Aragon to promote J. as archbishop of Salerno in 1439, but the move did not succeed. J. abandoned the clerical state and became a layman. When Alfonso took over Napoli in 1442, he made J. the castellan of Castel Capuano. From 1449, J. was a judge of the Sommaria and a member of the Sacro Regio Consiglio. On the death of Alfonso in 1458, the new king, Ferrante, confirmed J. in all his offices, and in 1463 made him president of the Sacro Regio Consiglio. J. claimed that he had taught at the studium from 1425, but he is documented as teaching civil law there only from 1453. In 1463, he began to lecture in canon law, and did so for the rest of his life. When Jean d’Anjou attacked Napoli in 1459, the studium fell on hard times, and J. began to work there only intermittently. In 1460, he conducted a doctoral exam in his own house. In September of 1463, with the defeat of Angevins at hand, King Ferrante wanted to revive the studium. He made J. the vice-chancellor and authorized him give both ordinary and extraordinary lectures. In January of 1465, the studium was solemnly refounded with a papal bull, and J. was charged to reform it. From that time forward he ‘shone as the star of the school and of canon law in Napoli’ (Cortese in DGI). At the time of the repression of the conspiracy of the barons in 1486, J. was among the judges who condemned Francesco Coppola and Antonello Petrucci and their two sons to death. J. married Caterina d’Acaia. They had eight children, one of whom, Orsina, married the famous Neapolitan jurist Matthaeus de Afflictis, who used to cite his father-in-law, distinguishing him from the antiqui doctores. Most of J’s writing remains in manuscript. The only printed work that we know of is his treatise De simonia first published as an incunabulum and later reprinted. Cortese in DGI calls particular attention to J’s repetitio on the regula ‘Peccatum’ (VI 5.[13.4]), probably given in 1479–80. Cortese also tells us that J. is known to have written other treatises, De ambitu, De iubilaeo, De restitutionibus, and a commentary on Justinian’s Codex. Many of J’s consilia and repetitiones have recently been discovered in manuscripts at the BAV and at the Collegio di Spagna in Bologna. J’s role in turbulent times in Napoli is well known; his work as a jurist remains to be explored. |
Source: E. Cortese, in DGI 1.439-40 |
Entry by: KP rev BP, rev MBC/RO/CD viii.2023 |
Text(s) |
No. 0 | Note. We list here only those items for which a copy is known to exist. The treatises De ambitu and De iubilaeo, and the commentary or lectura on Justinian’s Codex, mentioned in the Biography, have not yet been found. |
No. 1 | Repetitiones in Decretales. |
No. 1a | Repetitio in cap. Veniens. (X 5.1.15). |
No. 2 | Repetitiones in Sextum. |
No. 2a | Repetitio in regula Peccatum, tit. De regulis iuris. Elsewhere, even in CALMA, this item is identified as a repetitio on VI 5.12.4, tit. De verborum significatione, cap. Privilegium. As noted in the Biography and as is obvious from the incipit of the main manuscript, it is, in fact, a repetitio on the regula Peccatum (VI 5.[13.4]). It is an extensive work, 52 folios in the main manuscript, and is pretty clearly to be identified with what is sometimes called J’s Tractatus de restitutionibus. |
No. 3 | Repetitiones in Clementinas. |
No. 3a | Repetitio in cap. Si quis suadente, tit. De poenis. (Clem. 5.8.1). |
No. 4 | De simonia. The only work of J’s known to have been printed. |
No. 5 | Consilia. A collection of 16 consilia of J’s have recently been found in a manuscript of the Collegio di Spagna in Bologna. We list them below under Manuscripts. |
No. 6 | Oratio. The same manuscript in the Collegio di Spagna contains an oratio attributed to J. |
Text(s) – Manuscripts |
No. 1a |
Repetitio in cap. Veniens. |
Manuscript | Online. Catalogued as Tractatus anonymi de accusationibus et de procuratoribus ex Repetitione super c. 15 Veniens ad sedem, X De accusationibus V, 1.) Città del Vaticano, BAV Vat. lat. 5922, fol. 53ra–78ra ( |
No. 2a |
Repetitio in regula Peccatum, tit. De regulis iuris. |
Manuscript | Online. Catalogued as Sangiorgio, Giovanni Antonio, card., 1439–1509, Tractatus de restitutione in integrum ex repetitione super Decretales Bonifacii VIII.) Città del Vaticano, BAV Vat. lat. 5922, fol. 1ra–52va ( |
Catalogued as Sangiorgio, Giovanni Antonio, card., 1439–1509, Tractatus de restitutione in integrum ex repetitione super Decretales Bonifacii VIII.) Città del Vaticano, BAV Barb. lat. 1493, fol. 84ra–96ra (Not yet [viii.2023] online. Incomplete. |
No. 3a |
Repetitio in cap. Si quis suadente, tit. De poenis. |
Manuscript | Online. Catalogued as Carafa, Giovanni Antonio, m. 1486, Tractatus de privilegio canonis Decreti Gratiani ex Repetitione in c. 29. Si quis suadente diabulo, C. 17 q. 4. The incipit, however, makes a pretty clear reference to the Clementines.) Città del Vaticano, BAV Vat. lat. 5922, fol. 129ra–146va ( |
No. 4 |
De simonia. |
Manuscript | Città del Vaticano, BAV Vat. lat. 5922, fol. 111ra–128va ( |
No. 5 |
Consilia. |
Manuscript | (Recently, D. Maffei and others have discovered a collection of 16 of J’s consilia in Bologna, Coll. Spagna, Biblioteca antica H, fol. 51r–78v. They date the manuscript to 1476, or possibly, 1491. We list them below alphabetically by title, as they appear in CALMA, where the information is derived from Maffei’s catalogue.) |
Bologna, Coll. Spagna Biblioteca antica H, fol. 68r–69r (1. Consilium de alienatione rerum ecclesiae. Incipit: ‘In conventu sancte Clare civitatis Neapolis’; explicit: ‘et ita sacrum Consilium approbavit meum consilium et habuit sententiam et possessionem . . . santam Claram’. See Maffei and others, I codici del Collegio di Spagna 768.) |
Bologna, Coll. Spagna Biblioteca antica H, fol. 67v–68r (2. Consilium de appellatione. Incipit: ‘Premittendum quod ut civitas bene et beate vivere aut abitari possit’; explicit: ‘in rubrica et in l. 2. in repetitione que sit longa consuetudo et in l. De quibus de legi . . . adversarii consulentis’. See Maffei and others, I codici del Collegio di Spagna 768.) |
Bologna, Coll. Spagna Biblioteca antica H, fol. 74v–76v (3. Consilium de canone non soluto. Incipit: ‘In causa vertente inter mangnificum et reverendum dominum Iohannem Battistam Carrafam priorem santi Iohannis Iherosolimitani’; explicit: ‘et sic sit responsum ad omnia dubia et sic venit Sandalus condemnandus’. See Maffei and others, I codici del Collegio di Spagna 769.) |
Bologna, Coll. Spagna Biblioteca antica H, fol. 63r–66r (4. Consilium de causa feudali. Incipit: ‘In nomine Christi reverendissime et illustrissime princeps domine Iohannes de Aragonia’; explicit: ‘defalcando id quod est solutum per prius salvo semper consilio saniori l. Claudius ff. qui pociores’. See Maffei and others, I codici del Collegio di Spagna 768.) |
Bologna, Coll. Spagna Biblioteca antica H, fol. 58v–60r (5. Consilium de decimis. Incipit: ‘Ego quidem provocatus a sex gubernatoribus huius civitatis ut causam decimarum’; explicit: ‘et sic concluditur de primo ad ultimum quod nullo respectu decime non debentur’. See Maffei and others, I codici del Collegio di Spagna 767.) |
Bologna, Coll. Spagna Biblioteca antica H, fol. 57r–58r (6. Consilium de dispensatione papali. Incipit: ‘Dominus noster papa Sistus quartus concessit regi Portugallie’; explicit: ‘prout supra allegatum est in prima parte consilii’. See Maffei and others, I codici del Collegio di Spagna 767. ) |
Bologna, Coll. Spagna Biblioteca antica H, fol. 60r–62r (7. Consilium de executione sententiae. Incipit: ‘Reverendissime domine archiepiscope Neapolitane, quia in causa Gradaloni actoris ex una parte et heredum’; explicit: ‘ut dicit iohan. and. in c. primo de iudi. et Bal. in c. prima C. si rector provincie’. See Maffei and others, I codici del Collegio di Spagna 767.) |
Bologna, Coll. Spagna Biblioteca antica H, fol. 69v–70v (8. Consilium de fide instrumentorum. Incipit: ‘Quia ut ait beatus Iheronimus super Yheremiam et in decretis’; explicit: ‘et sic liberavi ipsum a pena mortis et membri mutilacione et publice notaverunt . . . cardinali de Aragonia’. See Maffei and others, I codici del Collegio di Spagna 768.) |
Bologna, Coll. Spagna Biblioteca antica H, fol. 71v–73v (9. Consilium de fideicommissaria substitutione. Incipit: ‘Christi nomine repetito. Visa quadam disposicione cuiusdam ultime voluntatis magnifici Emerici de Santiglis’; explicit: ‘dictam baroniam spectare ad dictum dominum Guilielmum Raymundum et habui . . . prout ego dissi’. See Maffei and others, I codici del Collegio di Spagna 767.) |
Bologna, Coll. Spagna Biblioteca antica H, fol. 62r–63r (10. Consilium de fideicommissaria substitutione. Incipit: ‘Quidam pater familias fecit testamentum habens quinque filios maiores’; explicit: ‘exclusa ecclesia sancti Iacobi substituta; et ita obtinui in civitate Baroli’. See Maffei and others, I codici del Collegio di Spagna 767. ) |
Bologna, Coll. Spagna Biblioteca antica H, fol. 66r–67v (11. Consilium de filio legitimo. Incipit: ‘Cristi nomine. Quidam de iurisdictione mere temporali fecit legitimare filium suum adulterum in temporalibus’; explicit: ‘concludo dictam hereditatem et feudalium et allodialium venire ad hunc fratrem et ita obtinui in civitate Panormi’. See Maffei and others, I codici del Collegio di Spagna 768.) |
Bologna, Coll. Spagna Biblioteca antica H, fol. 55r–57r (12. Consilium de matrimonio et dispensatione. Incipit: ‘Postulat vestra maiestas dubium decidendum utrum papa possit matrimonium’; explicit: ‘et ipse dominus comes nupsit domine Violant. Caracciol. et hec sunt que sensio domine rex’. See Maffei and others, I codici del Collegio di Spagna 767.) |
Bologna, Coll. Spagna Biblioteca antica H, fol. 77r–78v (13. Consilium de rebellis. Incipit: ‘Breves informaciones facte in causa mangnifici Caroli de Sangro contra mangnificum Nicolaum Antonium Accrocciamula’; explicit: ‘et bar. in l. Edita C. de eden. ubi loquitur’ [?]. See Maffei and others, I codici del Collegio di Spagna 769.) |
Bologna, Coll. Spagna Biblioteca antica H, fol. 74r–v (14. Consilium de servitutibus. Incipit: ‘Monasteria sancte Maria (!) dominarum et sancti Francisci de Amalfia ordinis minorum sunt vicina’; explicit: ‘ita videtur michi de iure dicendum et maxime per theoricam bar. in l . . . in civitate Amalfie’. See Maffei and others, I codici del Collegio di Spagna 769.) |
Bologna, Coll. Spagna Biblioteca antica H, fol. 71r–71v (15. Consilium de simonia. Incipit: ‘In presenti causa duo inspicienda sunt que in libello actoris narrantur’; explicit: ‘et ideo bene per Nicolaum Puteolanum fuit iudicatum bene esse iudicatum et male appellatum’. See Maffei and others, I codici del Collegio di Spagna 768.) |
Bologna, Coll. Spagna Biblioteca antica H, fol. 52r–55r (16. Consilium de successione feudali. Incipit: ‘Ad propositam questionem mihi per regem Ferdinandi utrum soror maritata’; explicit: ‘salva correccione et decisione vestre maiestatis cuius pedibus me recommendo’. See Maffei and others, I codici del Collegio di Spagna 767.) |
No. 6 |
Oratio. |
Manuscript | Bologna, Coll. Spagna Biblioteca antica H, fol. 282 (Oratio. Incipit: ‘Maiores nostri principes excelsi’; explicit: ‘casum videri nominatim’. See Maffei and others, I codici del Collegio di Spagna 502.) |
Text(s) – Early Printed Editions |
No. 4 |
De simonia. |
Early Printed Editions |
Johannes Antonius Carafa: De simonia. [Napoli]: [Jodokus Hohenstein], [not before 1478] (Hain 4499) (GW 6117). For the mistaken attribution of this item to Roma, see E. Cortese, ‘Scienza giuridica’ (1985) 183 n.140. |
Tractatus de simonia. Authore Ioanne Carafa ex veteri & illustrissima Carafiorum familia iurisconsulto clarissimo, atque olim vicecancellario dignissimo. Roma: Vincentius Luchinus excudebat, apud Valerium, & Aloisium Doricos, 1556. At the time of this publication, the former Giovanni Pietro Carafa was Pope Paul IV and Carlo Carafa the ‘cardinal nephew’. |
Tractatus universi iuris: Tractatus de simonia. Venezia: F. Ziletti, 1584, 15.2.116vb (online). |
Literature |
‘Iohannes Antonius Carrafa n. saec. XV in., m. 25-12-1486’, in CALMA. (Does not seem to have been printed as of viii.2023. We have taken the data from the aggregative website known Mirabile, where the author’s name is not given.) |
E. Cortese, ‘Carafa, Giovanni Antonio’, in DGI 1.439–440. |
D. Maffei and others, I codici del Collegio di Spagna di Bologna: studiati e descritti (Orbis academicus: Saggi e documenti di storia delle università 5; Milano 1992). (The lead authors included E. Cortese, A. García y García, C. Piana, and G. Rossi. They had the assistance of M. Ascheri, F. Liotta, P. Maffei, G. Minnucci, P. Nardi, A. Domingues de Sousa Costa, and G. Nicolaj.) |
E. Cortese, ‘Sulla scienza giuridica a Napoli tra Quattro e Cinquecento’, Scuole diritto e società nel mezzogiorno medievale d’Italia, M. Bellomo, ed. (Catania 1985) 1.51–54, 81–87. |
F. Petrucci, ‘Carafa, Giovanni Antonio’, in DBI (1976) 19.564 (online). |