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Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists

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Report No. a571

Bertramnus Mettensis



Alternative Names

Bertram of Metz; Berthold of St. Gereon; Bertram von Metz; Berthold von St. Gereon; Bertram de Metz; Bertrandus Metensis; Berthold von Köln



A canon in Cologne, originally named Berthold, who had studied theology in France and canon law in Bologna. He was elected Archbishop of Bremen in 1179, although the pope never confirmed the election since Berthold at the time held only minor orders. He managed to become bishop of Metz in 1180 (from which time he is known as Bertram) with the support of Frederick Barbarossa. He has been identified by Landau as the author of the Summa ‘Elegantius in iure diuino’. He also wrote a treatise on the title in the Digest ‘De regulis iuris’ and could also be the author of the treatise Sepenumero in iudiciis, which dealt with the law concerning evidence. He was thus an important member of and instrumental in the rise of the Cologne school of law in the later twelfth century.


Entry by: KP rev AL 2015



No. 1

Saepenumero (uero) in iudiciis examinandis, ?c. 1165. Brasington, the most recent editor, is agnostic about the authorship but confirms the likely German provenance.


Text(s) – Manuscripts

No. 1

Saepenumero (uero) in iudiciis examinandis, ?c. 1165.


a571Txt1Arras, BM 271, fol. 188ra–188rb (fragmentary, not yet collated)


a571Txt1Bamberg, Staatsbibl. Can. 17, fol. 183rb–183vb (collated in Brasington’s edition)


a571Txt1Berlin, Staatsbibl. lat. Qu. 193, fol. 117ra–117va (collated in Brasington’s edition)


a571Txt1Erlangen, Universitätsbibl. 375, fol. 115rv (sole source of Wunderlich’s transcription, basis of Brasington’s edition)


a571Txt1München, BSB Clm 16084, fol. 72va–73ra (collated in Brasington’s edition)


Text(s) – Modern Editions

No. 1

Saepenumero (uero) in iudiciis examinandis.

Modern Editions

Ed. A. Wunderlich in ‘Beiträge zur Literaturgeschichte des Prozesses im zwölften und dreizehnten Jahrhundert’, Zeitschrift für geschichtliche Rechtswissenschaft , 11 (1842) 72-98 at 92-98.


Ed. B. Brasington in ‘A Twelfth-Century Treatise on Proof: Saepenumero (uero) in iudiciis examinandis’, BMCL, 32 (2015) 57–77 at 67–77.



B. Brasington, ‘A Twelfth-Century Treatise on Proof: Saepenumero (uero) in iudiciis examinandis’, BMCL, 32 (2015) 57–77.

P. Landau, Die Kölner Kanonistik des 12. Jahrhunderts: Ein Höhepunkt der europäischen Rechtswissenschaft (Kölner rechtsgeschichtliche Vorträge 1; Badenweiler 2008) 15–18, 27–29.