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Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists

Ames Projects

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Report No. t189

Franciscus Solsona

mid-16th c.


Alternative Names

Francisco Solsona



F. seems to have escaped the attention even of library cataloguers making up authority files. His surname suggests Solsona (prov. Lleida). The toponym Angulariensis that accompanies his name in TUI 1584 and in book titles that go under his name is found on the web only in conjunction with his name. It might be a Latinization of Aguilar de Segarra (prov. Barcelona). His two publications are, however, quite easy to find (WorldCat), and the way he is described in them (with the usual cautions for publishers’ ‘hype’) seems to tell us something about him: Stilus capibreuiandi [a very unusual word]: cum mult[is] questionibus ac aliquibus Regiae Audiaentiae d[e]cisionibus: ad rem facien[dam] Cum formis creandi iudices: concessionum territorio[rum] stabilimentorum, nouarum laudationum recognitionum amorititzationum & aliquarum litera[rum] ordinario & adcaldis missarum. Cum indice materiarum. Nouiter in lucem editus ad iussus . . . Elnensis episcopi . . . [Praef. Onofrii Leonardi Ribelles] (Barcelona: Saluator Leget, 1547; reprint Barcelona, Iacobi Cortey, 1561). Lucerna laudemiorum [i.e., ‘laudimiorum’, the fee for renewal of an emphyteusis], omnia emphyteuseos jura complectens (Barcelona: Joannes Gordiola, 1556), reprint Barcelona, Jacobus Sendrat, & vidua Monpesat, 1576 (TUI 1584, t. 10.2). The latter printing describes S. as ‘Angulariensis, notarius publicus Barcinonae iuriumque professor’. The first two we have no reason to doubt; we might be cautious about the last. Both works continued to be published, mostly in Barcelona, after 1584. Other than the version of the second in TUI 1584, neither of these works seems to be available online. An examination of the physical volumes might reveal more. As it is, it would seem that S. was a notary of Barcelona and that he compiled a quite popular form book for notaries and a more ambitious treatise on an aspect of feudal law.

Source: Not in DBE. cnp00920741CERL Thesaurus.

Entry by: CD 23.iv.2019

TUI database