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Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists

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Report No. c024




Alternative Names

Hugolinus de Presbytero; Hugolinus Presbyteri; Ugolino Presbiteri



Jurist born in Bologna who then studied under Johannes Bassianus and remained in Bologna for his entire career. He was active as a teacher and in legal service in various capacities for the city (documented between 1197 and 1233). Students included Jacobus de Ardizone, Roffredus, and Odofredus. Served in both secular and ecclesiastical courts. Frequently appears as a witness in private documents. In 1221 donated 100 Bolognese lire to Dominic for the purchase of land on which to build a house for the recently established Dominicans. Date of death is uncertain, though certainly after 1233 and after Azo had died.

Hugolinus enjoyed a high reputation among the glossators and ranks third (behind Azo and Johannes Bassianus) among the jurists cited in Accursius’ Glossa ordinaria. His glosses presented something new in that they focused equally on the practical meaning of the text for legal practice and not merely on expositing a text for teaching purposes. His glossing work was more extensive than most earlier professors but not as extensive as Azo’s. His Quaestiones are more famous, and his work on the Authenticum more important. For the latter, he added the Libri feudorum and several relevant constitutions by Frederick I, Frederick II, and Conrad II in a decima collatio, all of which he also integrated into the Libri legales. Many works are falsely attributed to H., or the extent of his involvement in them remains uncertain. Certainly not his is a Summa ‘Quia de feudis tractatum sumus, ideo videndum’ now attributed to Jacobus Columbi or Accursius. Many (including still Lange based on Kuttner) had attributed three procedural tracts to H., but Fowler-Magerl argued (and many have followed her) that these tracts instead were written by Hugolinus de Sesso. H. was highly influential and represents in many respects an alternative to the Azzonian and Accursian line; his works continued to be copied and annotated in several schools into the fourteenth century. Hugolinus’ siglum is ‘H’.


Entry by: AL viii.2016



No. 01

Glossae. On the Digestum uetus, the Infortiatum, and lastly on the Digestum nouum.

No. 02

Apparatus ad Codicem. One of two apparatus on the Cod.; preserved in more manuscripts. According to Dolezalek, this one was earlier.

No. 03

Apparatus ad Codicem secundus. Later apparatus on the Codex most likely originating in lectures by H. late in his career.

No. 04

Apparatus ad Tres Libros Codicis. Special contribution by Hugolinus, since these books (10–12) were often neglected by others; in early modern printings, H.’s apparatus on these books appears with Azo’s Lectura Codicis and under his name. Created in dependence on work of Placentinus and Pillius; completed late in H.’s career.

No. 05

Apparatus ad Institutiones. Lost.

No. 06

Summa ad Digestum. H. is responsible for some, but not all, of this summa, which is printed in conjunction with Azo’s Summa Codicis. Various theories have been advanced about authorship (see Lange); all posit joint authorship in one form or another by Bulgarus, Johannes Bassianus, Azo, and/or Hugolinus.

No. 07

Quaestiones insolubiles, 1210–1234. Also called Insolubilia; purely theoretical work on a total of 52 legal questions for which, logically, there is, or appears to be, no right answer. Written toward the end of H.’s career.

No. 08

Distinctiones. 153 total; organized according to the order of leges of the Cod., sometimes connected to corresponding places in the Dig.

No. 09

Dissensiones dominorum, 1216–34. Attributed to H., but authorship uncertain. Records various opinions (total of 470) of earlier glossators divided into three parts (Cod., Dig., Inst.).

No. 10

Consilium, 1200. On repealing an interlocutory sentence; known to have been written in 1200. Not known in manuscripts.

No. 11

Sententia, 1213. A judicial sentence on an appeal case; existence known from other sources but not found in manuscripts.

No. 12

Apparatus ad Infortiatum. According to Odofredus, the greatest of H.’s works; preserved in 5 manuscripts.

No. 13

Apparatus ad Authenticum. Lost.


Text(s) – Manuscripts

No. 03

Apparatus ad Codicem secundus.


Praha, Národní Muz. XVII.A.10


Text(s) – Modern Editions

No. 02

Apparatus ad Codicem.

Modern Editions

Ed. S. Caprioli in ‘Quem Cuiacius Johanni tribuerat’, ASD, 7 (1963) 125–29. (On Cod. 5.27.6–5.27.9.)


La norma giuridica: Spunti teorici nel diritto comune classico, ed. E. Cortese (Milano 1962/64) 2.417–21 (apparatus to Cod. 1.14.5 (De legibus et constitutionibus, ‘Non dubium’)).


Repertorium manuscriptorum veterum Codicis Iustiniani, ed. G. Dolezalek (Ius Commune, Sonderheft 23; Frankfurt a.M. 1985) 770–92 (on Cod. 2.1; Dolezalek printed both versions of the apparatus).

No. 03

Apparatus ad Codicem secundus.

Modern Editions

Repertorium manuscriptorum veterum Codicis Iustiniani, ed. G. Dolezalek (Ius Commune, Sonderheft 23; Frankfurt a.M. 1985) 770–92. (On Cod. 2.1; Dolezalek printed both versions of the apparatus.)

No. 04

Apparatus ad Tres Libros Codicis.

Modern Editions

Hugolini Apparatus in tres libros (Corpus glossatorum iuris civilis 3; Torino 1966) 718–812 (repr. of ed. Paris 1577).

No. 06

Summa ad Digestum.

Modern Editions

Azonis Summa super Codicem, Instituta, Extraordinaria (Corpus glossatorum iuris civilis 2; Torino 1966). (Reprint of ed. Pavia 1506. The Summa or Summulae ad Digestum is included in the section of Extraordinaria. As indicated above, how much of this work is Hugolinus’ and how much Azo’s is uncertain.)

No. 07

Quaestiones insolubiles.

Modern Editions

Le quaestiones di Ugolino glossatore, ed. V. Rivalta (Bologna 1891). (Edition from a manuscript that is now lost.)

No. 08


Modern Editions

Dissensiones dominorum sive controversiae veterum iuris romani interpretum qui glossatores vocantur, ed. G. Haenel (Leipzig 1834) 558–88 (35 of the 153 distinctions).


Ed. F. von Savigny in Geschichte 5.629–31 (an additional 5 distinctions beyond what Hänel edited).

No. 09

Dissensiones dominorum.

Modern Editions

Dissensiones dominorum sive controversiae veterum iuris romani interpretum qui glossatores vocantur, ed. G. Haenel (Leipzig 1834).



F. Betancourt, ‘Hugolino’, in Juristas universales 1.389–91.

G. Chiodi, ‘Ugolino Presbiteri’, in DGI (2013) 2.1994–97.

E. Cortese, ‘Review of J. Fried, Die Entstehung des Juristenstandes im 12. Jahrhundert’, in Scritti, I. Birocchi and U. Petronio, ed. (Spoleto 1999) 2.1437–44.

H. Lange, Glossatoren (1997) 271–78.

G. Chiodi, L’interpretazione del testamento nel pensiero dei glossatori (Milano 1997) 35, 41–42, 641–44.

E. Cortese, Il diritto nella storia medievale (Roma 1995) 2.166, 182–83.

M. Bellomo, ‘La scienza del diritto al tempo di Federico II’, RIDC, 3 (1992) 189–91.

P. Weimar, ‘Hugolinus’, in LMA (1991) 5.179–80.

E. Conte, Tres Libri Codicis: la ricomparsa del testo e l’esegesi scolastica prima di Accursio (Studien zur Europäischen Rechtsgeschichte 46; Frankfurt a.M. 1990) 289–335.

V. Colli, ‘Insolubilia Hugolini: Tradizione manoscritta e analisi di casus antinomici’, Ius commune, 13 (1985) 13–67. Reprinted in: idem, Giuristi medievali e produzione libraria (Stockstadt 2005) no.2, 53–107.

P. Weimar, ‘Zur Enstehung der azoschen Digestensummen’, in Satura Robert Feenstra sexagesimum quinum annum aetatis complenti ab alumnis collegis amicis oblata, J. Ankum, ed. (Fribourg 1985) 371–92.

M. Bellomo, ‘Intorno a Roffredo Beneventano: professore a Roma?’, in Scuole diritto e società nel mezzogiorno medievale d’Italia, M. Bellomo, ed. (Studi e ricerche dei ‘Quaderni catanesi’ 8; Catania 1985) 1.135–81. Reprinted in: idem, Medioevo edito e inedito (Roma 1997–2002) 3.5–54.

G. Dolezalek, Repertorium manuscriptorum veterum Codicis Iustiniani (Ius Commune, Sonderheft 23; Frankfurt a.M. 1985) 508–511.

H. Van de Wouw, ‘Zur Textgeschichte des Infortiatum und zue seiner Glossierung durch die frühen Bologneser Glossatoren’, Ius Commune, 11 (1984) 231–80.

L. Fowler-Magerl, Ordo iudiciorum vel ordo iudiciarius: Begriff und Literaturgattung (Ius commune: Sonderhefte 19; Frankfurt a.M. 1984) 200, 223–24, 243.

P. Weimar, ‘Zur Doktorwürde der Bologneser Legisten’, in Europäisches Rechtsdenken in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Festschrift für Helmut Coing zum 70. Geburtstag, P. Palazzini, ed. (München 1982) 432n48.

M. Bellomo, ‘Consulenze professionali e dottrine di professori: Un inedito “consilium domini Accursii:’, Quaderni catanesi di studi classici e medievali, 7 (1982) 199–219. Reprinted in: idem, Inediti della giurisprudenza medievale (Frankfurt a.M. 2011) 47–62.

J. Fried, Die Entstehung des Juristenstandes im 12. Jahrhundert (Köln 1974) 59, 64, 67, 98, 113, 118–19, 257.

H. Kantorowicz, ‘The Quaestiones Disputatae of the Glossators’, TRG, 16 (1939) 1–67. Reprinted in: idem, Rechtshistorische Schriften von Dr. Hermann Kantorowicz weiland Professor der Rechte in Freiburg/Br., Kiel und Cambridge (Karlsruhe 1970), 137–85, esp. 148–49.

E. Seckel, ‘Distinctiones glossatorum: Studien zur Distinktionen–Literatur der romanistischen Glossatorenschule, verbunden mit Mitteilungen unedierter Texte’, in Fs. Ferdinand von Martitz (Berlin 1911; repr. as Distinctiones glossatorum, Graz 1956) 420–28.

F. von Savigny, Geschichte 5.45–68.