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Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists

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Report No. a183

Decretales Gregorii IX



Alternative Names

Liber Extra; Decretals of Gregory IX, Dekretalen Gregors IX.



A compilation of the Decretals from the Compilationes antique edited and reorganized by Raymundus de Peñafort at the command of Pope Gregory IX. According to the promulgation bull of 1234, ‘Rex pacificus’, Raymundus eliminated all that was contradictory or repetitious. Pope Gregory also contributed decretals, some of them not written on specific cases but stating more abstract points of law. Although the Pope declared that decretals which had been omitted were no longer to be cited, some canonists did so because they valued the ‘ratio’ which a particular decretal contained. Although ‘Rex pacificus’ marked an important step on the road to a positive theory of law, nevertheless the older paradigm of law as a sort of written reason was by no means overthrown.

The organization of the Decretales followed the pattern established in the Compilationes antique. There were five books whose contents were suggested by the mnemonic, ‘iudex, iudicium, clerum, connubia, crimen’. Each book is divided into titles such as ‘de consuetudine’, ‘de prebendis’ and ‘de uerborum significatione’ which contained a series of decretal letters arranged generally in chronological order.

Major commentaries on the Decretales Gregorii IX were written by the following canonists in the thirteenth century: Aegidius de Fuscarariis, Balduinus Brandenburgensis, Bernardus de Montemirato Bernardus Parmensis (this was the Glossa Ordinaria), Boatinus of Mantua, Bonaguida Aretinus, Egidius de Fuscarariis, Franciscus de Albano, Goffredus de Trano (Tranensis), Guillelmus Naso, Henry of Merseyburg, Henry of Susa, Innocent IV, Pope, Johannes (Guidonis) de Ancona, Johannes Hispanus de Compostela, Johannes de Phintona, Petrus Sampson and Vincentius Hispanus. Later commentaries were written by Alexander de Nevo, Alexander Tartagnus, Andreas Barbatius, Angelo da Castro, Antonius de Butrio, Antonius de Rosellis, Arnold Westphal, Augustin Bero, Baldus de Ubaldis, Benedictus Capra, Cosma Contarini, Dominicus de Sancto Geminiano, Egidius de Bellamera, Felinus Sandeus, Franciscus de Accoltis, Franciscus Zabarella, Giacomo Zocchi, Giovanni Giacomo Can, Henricus Bohic, Henricus minor, Jacobus Cionis Illerdensis, Johannes Andreae, Johannes Franciscus Poggius, Johannes de Lignano, Marianus Socinus, Martinus Martini, Nicolaus de Tudeschis, Paulus de Aretio, Petrus de Ancharano, Petrus Joannis, Philipus Decius, Prosdocimo Conti and Stefano Buonaccorsi.


Entry by: KP rev AL 2015



No. 1

Decretales Gregorii IX.


Text(s) – Manuscripts

No. 1

Decretales Gregorii IX.


(See the lists compiled by Martin Bertram.)


Text(s) – Modern Editions

No. 1

Decretales Gregorii IX.

Modern Editions

Corpus iuris canonici, ed. E. Friedberg, vol. II (Leipzig 1879) 1–928.



E. Reno, ‘The Two Anonymous Liber extra Commentaries in Paris’, BMCL, 34 (2017) 143–194.

M. Bertram, ‘Überlegungen zu einem qualifizierten Überlieferungsbild der Dekretalen Gregors IX. (Liber Extra)’, in Rechtshandschriften des deutschen Mittelalters: Produktionsorte und Importwege, A. Borràs Feliu and G. Drossbach, ed. (Wiesbaden 2015) 285–301.

V. Bivolarov, ‘Die Capitula contra Patarenos Gregors IX’, ZRG KA, 99 (2013) 203–261.

F. Cahu, Un témoin de la production du livre universitaire dans la France du XIIIe siecle: la collection des ʹDecretalesʹ de Grégoire IX (Bibliografia: Elementa ad librorum studia pertinentia 35; Turnhout 2013).

R. Gibbs, ‘The Imagery to Book III: Part II of illuminated copies of the Decretales Gregorii IX’, in Decretales Pictae. Le miniature nei manoscritti delle Decretali di Gregorio IX (Liber Extra): atti del colloquio internazionale tenuto all’Istituto Storico Germanico, Roma 3-4 marzo 2010, M. Bertram and S. Di Paolo, ed. (Roma 2012) 79–131. (Published online only.)

E. Reno, ‘The Authoritative Text: Raymond of Penyafort’s Editing of the “Decretals of Gregory IX” (1234)’, (Ph.D. diss.; Columbia University 2011).

L. Kéry, Gottesfurcht und irdische Strafe: Der Beitrag des mittelalterlichen Kirchenrechts zur Entstehung des öffentlichen Strafrechts (Konflikt, Verbrechen und Sanktion in der Gesellschaft Alteuropas, Symposien und Synthesen 10; Köln 2006) 522–664.

M. Bertram, ‘Die Dekretalen Gregors IX. (1234): Kompilation oder Kodifikation?’, in Magister Raimundus: Atti del Convegno per il IV centenario della Canonizzazione di San Raimondo de Penyafort (1601–2001), C. Longo, ed. (Institutum Historicum Fratrum Praedicatorum, Dissertationes Historicae 28; Roma 2002) 61–86.

J. Mas i Solench, ‘Las Decretales en el derecho Catalan’, in Magister Raimundus: Atti del Convegno per il IV centenario della canonizzazione di san Raimondo de Penyafort (1601–2001), C. Longo, ed. (Institutum Historicum Fratrum Praedicatorum, Dissertationes Historicae 28; Roma 2002) 193–204.

S. Kuttner, ‘Raymond of Penyafort as Editor: The “decretales” and “constitutiones” of Gregory IX’, BMCL, 12 (1982) 65–80.

S. Horwitz, ‘Magistri and magisterium: Saint Raymond of Peñafort and the Gregoriana’, Escritos del vedat, 7 (1977) 209–38.

S. Kuttner, ‘Reshaping a Decretal Chapter: Tua nobis and the Canonists’, in Law, Church, and Society: Essays in honor of Stephan Kuttner, K. Pennington, ed. (Philadelphia 1977) 207–21.

J. Brundage, ‘A Transformed Angel (X 3.31.18): The Problem of the Crusading Monk’, in Studies in Medieval Cistercian History Presented to Jeremiah F. O’Sullivan (Cistercian Studies Series 13; Spencer MA 1971) 55–62. Reprinted in: idem, The Crusades, Holy War and Canon Law (Collected Studies CS 338; Aldershot 1991) no. XIII.

J. Brundage, ‘The Votive Obligations of Crusaders: The Development of a Canonistic Doctrine’, Traditio, 24 (1968) 94. Reprinted in: idem, The Crusades, Holy War and Canon Law (Collected Studies CS 338; Aldershot 1991) no. VI.

J. Brundage, ‘The Crusader’s Wife: A Canonistic Quandary’, SG, 12 (1967) 434–35. Reprinted in: idem, The Crusades, Holy War and Canon Law (Collected Studies CS 338; Aldershot 1991) no. XV.

J. von Schulte, QL 2.3–25.