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Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists

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Report No. c020

Otto Papiensis

2nd half of 12th c.


Alternative Names

Ottone da Pavia



Civilian jurist from Pavia; student of Placentinus and teacher of Carolus de Tocco. Probably always remained in a ‘minor school’ (i.e. non-Bolognese) given the extra-Bolognese character and circulation of his works. Author of several glosses, a collection of Brocardica later continued by Azo, and some distinctions. His brocard work was original for the time and highly significant for the development of the genre. Is also almost certainly the author of the Ordo iudiciorum ‘Olim quidam edebatur’. His glosses bear the siglum ‘ot.’, ‘ot. p.’, or ‘ot. pp.’


Entry by: AL viii.2016



No. 01

Glossae ad Corpus iuris ciuilis. Not a significant number. On Digestum vetus, Infortiatum, Digestum novum, and Codex.

No. 02


No. 03

Brocardica. O. Papiensis was responsible for the core of this work but probably did not write the opening brocard beginning ‘Dolum per subsequentia purgari’. This was the only of O.’s work to have significant impact in Bologna, which it achieved through Azo’s re-working of it.

No. 04

Ordo iudiciarius ‘Olim quidam edebatur’, post 1177. Divided into 28 titles, ordered chronologically through the legal process. Attribution to O. Pap. has been doubted, but Lange affirms it.


Text(s) – Modern Editions

No. 01

Glossae ad Corpus iuris ciuilis.

Modern Editions

Ed. F. von Savigny in Geschichte 4.564–65 (select glosses only).

No. 02


Modern Editions

Ed. E. Seckel in ‘Distinctiones glossatorum: Studien zur Distinktionen–Literatur der romanistischen Glossatorenschule, verbunden mit Mitteilungen unedierter Texte’, FS Ferdinand von Martitz (Berlin 1911; repr. Graz 1956) 379–81; (as own volume ).


Beiträge zur mittelalterlichen Rechtsgeschichte II: Miscellen, ed. G. Pescatore (Berlin 1889) 50, 97 no.6, 105, 117, 122.


Glossen des Irnerius, ed. G. Pescatore (Greifswald 1888; repr. Frankfurt a.M. 1968) 67–68;.

No. 03


Modern Editions

Corpus glossatorum iuris civilis, 4.3 (Torino 1967) (reprint of ed. Napoli 1568; presents the expanded and revised version, not simply Otto Papiensis’s work).

No. 04

Ordo iudiciarius ‘Olim quidam edebatur’.

Modern Editions

Corpus glossatorum iuris civilis, 4.2 (Torino 1967) (reprint of ed. Mainz 1536).


Ed. N. Tamassia and G. Palmieri in Ordo ‘Olim quidam edebatur’Bibliotheca iuridica medii aevi, II (Bologna 1892) 229–48 (wrongly attributed to Johannes Bassianus).



L. Loschiavo, ‘Ottone da Pavia’, in DGI (2013) 2.1475.

P. Landau, ‘“Cum essem Mantuae”: Notizen zur Rechtsschule von Mantua im 12. Jahrhundert’, in Iuris historia: Liber amicorum Gero Dolezalek, V. Colli and E. Conte, ed. (Berkeley 2008) 128.

A. Gouron, ‘Qui a écrit l’ordo “Olim edebatur”?’, Initium, 8 (2003) 65–84.

H. Lange, Glossatoren (1997) 238–40.

P. Weimar, ‘Otto Papiensis’, in LMA (1993) 6.1585.

E. Cortese, ‘Alle origini della scuola di Bologna’, RIDC, 4 (1993) 43, 45–46. Reprinted in: idem, Scritti, ed. I. Birocchi and U. Petronio (Spoleto 1999) 2.1095–1137.

M. Schwaibold, ‘Wer sucht, der findet’, Rechtshistorisches Journal, 4 (1985) 202–14.

L. Fowler-Magerl, Ordo iudiciorum vel ordo iudiciarius: Begriff und Literaturgattung (Ius commune: Sonderhefte 19; Frankfurt a.M. 1984) 76–80.

E. Cortese, ‘Scienza di giudici e scienza di professori tra XII e XIII secolo’, in Legge, giudici, giuristi: Atti del convegno (Cagliari, 18–21 maggio 1981), M. Bellomo, ed. (Milano 1982) 101. Reprinted in: idem, Scritti, ed. I. Birocchi and U. Petronio (Spoleto 1999) 1.691–746.

S. Kuttner and E. Rathbone, ‘Anglo-Norman Canonists of the Twelfth Century’, Traditio, 7 (1949/51) 279–81, 290–91.

F. von Savigny, Geschichte 4.377–84.