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Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists

Ames Projects

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Report No. c019


d. 1190/93


Alternative Names



Civilian jurist, born in Florence, who studied and taught in Bologna. Probably, along with Placentinus and Pillius, more a follower of Martinus and less in line with the dominant figures and currents of Azo and, later, Accursius. Students included Carolus de Tocco and Roffredus. Did not write many separate works but was important for his glosses, which were influential on Azo and Accursius. Also was responsible for the Authenticae on the Tres libri Codicis. His siglum is most often ‘Cy’, but sometimes ‘Cip’, Cyp’, or ‘Cipri’.


Entry by: AL viii.2016



No. 1

Glossae ad Corpus iuris ciuilis. On the Institutes, Authenticum, and on the rarely treated Tres libri Codicis. The glosses on the Tres libri attain the level of an apparatus. C.’s glosses do not appear frequently by name in the Glossa ordinaria, but Azo and Accursius did draw on them, the latter for his work on the Inst. as well as on the Volumen (Tres libri and Authenticum).

No. 2


No. 3



Text(s) – Modern Editions

No. 1

Glossae ad Corpus iuris ciuilis.

Modern Editions

Ed. F. von Savigny in Geschichte 4.561–63 (12 select glosses).

No. 2


Modern Editions

Ed. G. Pescatore in ‘Verzeichnis legistischer Distinktionen mit Angabe des Verfassers’, ZRG Rom. Abt., 33 (1912) 493–95, 509 (some, not all).

No. 3


Modern Editions

Dissensiones dominorum sive controversiae veterum iuris romani interpretum, ed. G. Haenel (Leipzig 1834). (C. is named 5 times in the Collectio codicis Chisiani and 10 times in the Hugolinus collection..)



M. Napoli, ‘Cipriano’, in DGI (2013) 1.550–51.

E. Cortese, Le grandi linee della storia giuridica medievale (Roma 2000) 287.

H. Lange, Glossatoren (1997) 236–38.

E. Conte, Tres Libri Codicis: La ricomparsa del testo e l’esegesi scolastica prima di Accursio (Ius commune Sonderheft 46; Franfurt a.M. 1990) 94–99.

G. Dolezalek, Repertorium manuscriptorum veterum Codicis Iustiniani (Ius Commune, Sonderheft 23; Frankfurt a.M. 1985) passim.

M. Napoli, ‘Cipriano’, in DBI (1981) 25.767–69.

E. Cortese, La norma giuridica: Spunti teorici nel diritto comune classico (Milano 1962/64) 1.70–71.

P. Torelli, ‘Per una edizione integrale delle opere di Pillio’, in Scritti di storia del diritto italiano (Seminario giuridico della Università di Bologna 21; Bologna 1959) 58–60.

H. Kantorowicz, Studies in the Glossators of the Roman Law: Newly Discovered Writings of the Twelfth Century (Cambridge 1938; repr. Aalen 1969) 88n19.

E. Seckel and E. Genzmer, ‘Die Casus Bambergenses’, ZRG Rom. Abt., 55 (1935) 336–38.

F. von Savigny, Geschichte 4.354–63.