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Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists

Ames Projects

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Report No. t249

Joannes Baptista Bovius

fl. 1565


Alternative Names

Giovanni Battista Bovio



There is no reason to doubt the identification in Italian edit16: J. was born in Reggio Calabria; he was an advocate in Roma, and he was alive in 1565. The first edition of De statutaria urbis praescriptione (TUI 1584 t. 17) was published in Venezia in that year. It was reprinted in Venezia 1569, and reprinted again in TUI 1584, and not, so far as we can tell, again. The dedicatory epistle of the 1569 edition identifies J. as coming from Reggio and is to the cardinal camerarius of the Roman church. Not enough of it is available online to confirm that he was practicing in Roma, but it is clear that he was a practicing lawyer at the time.

Source: CERL Thesaurus.

Entry by: CD 22.v.2019

TUI database