Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists |
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Report No. r324 |
Johannes Gerson |
1363–1429 |
Alternative Names |
Gerson; Jean (LC); Jean Gerson; Johannes Carlerius; Johannes Carlerus; Joannes Carlerus; Joannes Carlerius; Joannes Gerson; Jean de Charlier; Jean Charlier; Ioannes Gersonius; Joannes Gersonius; Johannes de Gersonno; Giovanni Gerson |
Biography/Description |
One of the most prominent theologians of his age, Johannes succeeded Petrus de Alliaco as professor of theology and chancellor of the University of Paris. Jean proposed solutions to the enduring schism in the Roman Church in numerous treatises and took part in the Council of Constance ending the conflict. His involvement in the conciliar movement made it dangerous for him to return to Paris in 1419, so he spent the final years of his life at Lyons. He was also the author of several highly successful confessional works which he combined in an Opus tripartitum, as well as other pamphlets on canonical matters. |
Entry by: KP rev BP 2015 |
Text(s) |
No. 1 | Opus tripartitum. Contains the De praeceptis decalogi, De confessione, and De arte moriendi. |
No. 2 | Tractatus. |
No. 2a | De arte audienti confessiones. |
No. 2b | De confessione et absolutione. |
No. 2c | De eruditione confessorum. |
No. 2d | De simonia. |
No. 2e | De contractibus. |
No. 2f | De unitate ecclesiastica. |
No. 2g | De potestate ecclesiastica et origine iuris. |
No. 2h | Trilogus in materia schismatis. |
No. 2i | Resolutio circa materiam excommunicationum et irregularitatum. |
No. 2j | De auferibilitate papae ab ecclesia. |
No. 2k | Quomodo et an liceat in causis fidei a summo pontifice appellare seu eius iudicium declinare. |
Text(s) – Early Printed Editions |
No. 1 |
Opus tripartitum. |
Early Printed Editions |
Köln, c. 1467 (GW 10774). |
Köln, c. 1470 (GW 10775) (online). |
Marienthal, c. 1475 (GW 10776). |
Marienthal, c. 1475 (GW 10777). |
Deventer, c. 1478 (GW 10778). |
Urach, c. 1481 (GW 10779) (online). |
Paris, c. 1483 (GW 10780) (online). |
Leuven, c. 1484 (GW 10781) (online). |
Köln, 1486 (GW 10782) (online). |
s.l. [Antwerp], c. 1487 (GW 10783). |
Paris, c. 1491 (GW 10784). |
Literature |
E. Brown, ‘Jean Gerson, Marguerite Porete and Romana Guarnieri: The Evidence Reconsidered’, RHE, 108 (2013) 693–734. |
Y. Mazour–Matusevich, ‘Jean Gerson (1363–1429) and the formation of German Protestant identity after the 17th century Thirty Years War’, RHE, 105 (2010) 632–651. |
M. Decaluwé, ‘Three ways to read the Constance decree Haec sancta 1415): Francis Zabarella, Jean Gerson and the traditional papal view of general councils’, The Church, the Councils, and Reform: The Legacy of the Fifteenth Century, G. Christianson and T. Izbicki, ed. (Washington DC 2008) 122–139. |
D. Flanagin, ‘God’s divine law: the scriptural founts of conciliar theory in Jean Gerson’, The Church, the Councils, and Reform: The Legacy of the Fifteenth Century, G. Christianson and T. Izbicki, ed. (2008). |
M. Kintzinger, ‘Sakrale Repräsentation bei der Thronsukzession der Könige von Frankreich im Spätmittelalter’, Wahl und Krönung in Zeiten des Umbruchs, L. Pelizaeus, ed. (Mainzer Studien zur Neueren Geschichte, 23; Bern 2008) 23–39. |
K. Schepers, ‘Het Opus tripartitum van Jean Gerson in het Middelnederlands’, Ons geestelijk erf. Driemaandelijks tijdschrift voor de geschiedenis van de vroomheid in de Nederlanden, 79 (2008) 146–88. |
M. Walkley, ‘Jean Gerson, L’Exemplaire des petis enfans’, Romania: Revue trimestrielle consacrée à l’étude des langues et des littératures romanes (2007) 400–33. |
Y. Mazour–Matusevich, ‘Jean Gerson (1363–1429) and the formation of German national identity’, RHE, 101 (2006) 963–987. |
Y. Mazour–Matusevich, ‘La position de Jean Gerson (1363–1429) envers les femmes’, Le Moyen Age: Revue d’histoire et de philologie, 112 (2006) 337–353. |
B. McGuire, A Companion to Jean Gerson (Brill’s Companions to the christian tradition, 3; Leiden 2006). |
B. Tierney, ‘Dominion of self and natural rights before Locke and after’, Transformations in Medieval and Early Modern Rights Discourse, V. Mäkinen and P. Korkman, ed. (The New Synthese Historical Library, 59; Dordrecht 2006) 173–203. |
J. Varkemaa, ‘Summenhart’s theory of rights: a culmination of the late medieval discourse on individual rights’, Transformations in Medieval and Early Modern Rights Discourse, V. Mäkinen and P. Korkman, ed. (The New Synthese Historical Library, 59; Dordrecht 2006) 119–47. |
L. Dulac, ‘Un bestiaire politique dans l’oeuvre de Jean Gerson?’, Furent les merveilles pruvees et les aventures truvees. Hommage à Francis Dubost, F. Gingras, ed. (Paris 2005) 209–224. |
D. Hobbins, ‘Jean Gerson’s authentic tract on Joan of Arc: Super facto puellae et credulitate sibi praestanda (14 May 1429)’, Mediaeval Studies, 67 (2005) 99–155. |
B. McGuire, Jean Gerson and the Last Medieval Reformation (University Park, Penn. 2005). |
A. Robiglio and Z. Kaluza, ‘Appunti sulla “strada battuta”’, Bulletin Du Cange: Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi, 63 (2005) 251–67. |
M. Donnini, ‘Il racconto delle Fuga in Egitto nella Iosephina di Jean Gerson’, Studi medievali (2004) 771–794. |
M. Fois, ‘L’ecclesiologia del conciliarismo’, AHP, 42 (2004) 9–26. |
S. Grosse, ‘Johannes Gerson und Bonaventura: Kontinuität und Diskontinuität zwischen Hoch– und Spätmittelalter’, Herbst des Mittelalters? Fragen zur Bewertung des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts, J. Aersten and M. Pickavé, ed. (Miscellanea Mediaevalia, 31; Berlin 2004) 340–348. |
D. Herlihy, ‘The making of the medieval family: symmetry, structure, and sentiment’, Medieval Families: Perspectives on Marriage, Household, and Children, C. Neel, ed. (Medieval Academy Reprints for Teaching, 40; Toronto 2004) 192–213. |
D. Hobbins, ‘Editing and circulating letters in the fifteenth century: Jean Gerson, Uberius quam necesse, 10 November 1422’, Bulletin de philosophie médiévale, 46 (2004) 169–190. |
Y. Mazour–Matusevich, ‘Late medieval “counseling”: Jean Gerson (1363–1419) as a family pastor’, Journal of Family History: Studies in Family, Kinship and Demography, 29 (2004) 153–167. |
G. Ouy, ‘Gerson et la guerre civile à Paris. La Deploratio super civitatem’, Archives d’histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen Age, 71 (2004) 255–86. |
M. Picascia, ‘La pace e la guerra negli Specula principum del primo Quattrocento francese’, Pace e guerra nel basso medioevo. Atti del XL Convegno storico internazionale, E. Menestò, ed. (Centro italiano di studi sul basso medioevo – Accademia Tudertina e del Centro di studi sulla spiritualità medievale, n.s. 17; Spoleto 2004) 131–52. |
C. Roth, ‘Richter, Ratgeber und Reformer. Jean Gerson als Lehrer geistlicher Unterscheidung’, Herbst des Mittelalters? Fragen zur Bewertung des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts, J. Aersten and M. Pickavé, ed. (Miscellanea Mediaevalia, 31; Berlin 2004) 321–39. |
D. Hobbins, ‘The schoolman as public intellectual: Jean Gerson and the late medieval tract’, American Historical Review, 108 (2003) 1308–1337. |
Y. Mazour–Matusevich, ‘Late medieval control of masculinity: Jean Gerson’, RHE, 98 (2003) 418–437. |
F. Rädle, ‘Ars moriendi. Sterben und Sterbebeistand im späten Mittelalter und im Humanismus’, Jahrbuch der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen (2003) 177–88. |
F. Rädle, ‘Johannes Gerson, De arte moriendi lateinisch ediert, kommentiert und deutsch übersetzt’, Literatur – Geschichte – Literaturgeschichte: Beiträge zur mediävistischen Literaturwissenschaft. Festschrift für Volker Honemann zum 60. Geburtstag, N. Miedema and R. Suntrup, ed. (Frankfurt am Main 2003) 721–38. |
J. South, ‘John Gerson’, A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages, J. Gracia and T. Noone, ed. (Blackwell Companions to Philosophy, 24; Oxford 2003) 370–71. |
D. Elliott, ‘Seeing double: John Gerson, the discernment of spirits, and Joan of Arc’, American Historical Review, 107 (2002) 26–54. |
P. Gilli, ‘L’humanisme français au temps du concile de Constance’, Humanisme et culture géographique à l’époque du Concile de Constance autour de Guillaume Fillastre: Actes du Colloque de l’Université de Reims, 18-19 novembre 1999, D. Marcotte, ed. (Terrarum Orbis, Histoire des représentations de l’espace: textes, images; Turnhout 2002) 41–62. |
Y. Matusevich, ‘Jean Gerson (1363–1429), Nicholas of Cusa (1401–1464), Jacques Lefèvre d’Etaples (1450–1537): The continuity of ideas’, Nicholas of Cusa and His Age: Intellect and Spirituality. Essays Dedicated to the Memory of F. Edward Cranz, Thomas P. McTighe and Charles Trinkaus, T. Izbicki and C. Bellitto, ed. (Studies in the History of Christian Thought, 105; Leiden 2002) 237–263. |
R. Schönberger, ‘Von der meditatio mortis zur ars moriendi. Das Problem des Todes im Denken von Jean Gerson’, Ende und Vollendung: Eschatologische Perspektiven im Mittelalter, J. Aersten and M. Pickavé, ed. (Miscellanea Mediaevalia, 29; Berlin 2002) 721–34. |
P. Sheingorn, ‘“Illustris patriarcha Joseph”: Jean Gerson, representations of Saint Joseph, and imagining community among churchmen in the fifteenth century’, Visions of Community in the Pre–Modern World, N. Howe, ed. (Notre Dame 2002) 75–108. |
C. Gauvard and G. Ouy, ‘Gerson et l’infanticide: défense des femmes et critique de la pénitence publique (MS. London, BL Add.29279, f. 19v-20v)’, Riens ne m’est seur que la chose incertaine: Etudes sur l’art d’écrire au Moyen Age offertes à Eric Hicks par ses élèves, collègues, amies et amis, J. Mühlethaler and D. Billotte, ed. (Genève 2001) 45–66. |
Y. Mazour–Matusevich, ‘Gerson et Pétrarque: humanisme et l’idée nationale’, Renaissance and Reformation (2001) 45–80. |
B. Carroll, ‘On the causes of war and the quest for peace: Christine de Pizan and early peace theory’, Au champ des escriptures. IIIe Colloque international sur Christine de Pizan (Lausanne, 18-22 juillet 1998), E. Hicks, D. Gonzalez, and P. Simon, ed. (Etudes christiniennes, 6; Paris 2000) 337–358. |
B. Cornford, ‘Christine de Pizan’s Ditié de Jehanne d’Arc: poetry and propaganda at the court of Charles VII’, Parergon: Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, n.s. 17 (2000) 75–106. (The previous subtitle of this periodical was ‘Bulletin of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Renaissance Studies’.) |
M. Edsall, ‘Like wise master builders: Jean Gerson’s ecclesiology, Lectio Divina, and Christine de Pizan’s Livre de la Cité des Dames’, Medievalia et humanistica, n.s. 27 (2000) 33–56. |
V. Mäkinen, ‘Eurooppalaisen individualismin juurilla’, Teologinen aikakauskirja, 105 (2000) 190–198. |
P. McGuire, ‘Friendship and scholarship in medieval Germany’, Medieval Germany: Associations and Delineations, N. van Deusen, ed. (Claremont Cultural Studies; Ottawa 2000) 29–48. |
N. Nabert, ‘Christine de Pizan, Jean Gerson et le gouvernement des âmes’, Au champ des escriptures. IIIe Colloque international sur Christine de Pizan (Lausanne, 18-22 juillet 1998), E. Hicks, D. Gonzalez, and P. Simon, ed. (Etudes christiniennes, 6; Paris 2000) 251–268. |
G. Ouy, ‘Gerson and the Celestines: how Jean Gerson and his friend Pierre Poquet replied to various questions of discipline and points of conscience (ca. 1400)’, Reform and Renewal in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: Studies in Honor of Louis Pascoe, S.J, T. Izbicki, ed. (Studies in the History of Christian Thought, 96; Leiden 2000) 113–40. |
E. Richards, ‘Christine de Pizan and Jean Gerson: an intellectual friendship’, Christine de Pizan 2000. Studies on Christine de Pizan in Honour of Angus J. Kennedy, J. Campbell and N. Margolis, ed. (Etudes de langue et littérature françaises, 196; Amsterdam 2000) 197–208, 328–30. |
N. Gorochov, ‘Entre théologie, humanisme et politique. Les sermons universitaires de la fête de Saint Louis sous le règne de Charles VI (1380–1422)’, Saint–Denis et la royauté: Etudes offertes à Bernard Guenée, F. Autrand, C. Gauvard, and J.–M. Moeglin, ed. (Histoire ancienne et médiévale, 59; Paris 1999) 51–64. |
G. Hasenohr, ‘La société ecclésiale selon le chancelier Gerson: Typologies et vocabulaire’, Pfaffen und Laien – ein mittelalterlicher Antagonismus? Freiburger Colloquium 1996, E. Lutz and E. Tremp, ed. (Scrinium Friburgense, 10; Freiburg 1999) 209–233. |
B. McGuire, ‘Jean Gerson and the end of spiritual friendship: Dilemmas of conscience’, Friendship in Medieval Europe, J. Haseldine, ed. (Stroud 1999) 229–250. |
B. McGuire, ‘Jean Gerson and traumas of masculine affectivity and sexuality’, Conflicted Identities and Multiple Masculinities: Men in the Medieval West, J. Murray, ed. (Garland Medieval Casebooks, 25; New York 1999) 45–72. |
G.H.M. Posthumus Meyjes, Jean Gerson, Apostle of Unity : His Church Politics and Ecclesiology (Leiden 1999). |
I. Bejczy, ‘Erasme explore le Moyen Age: sa lecture de Bernard de Clairvaux et de Jean Gerson’, Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique (1998) 460–476. |
D. Elliott, ‘Pollution, illusion, and masculine disarray: nocturnal emissions and the sexuality of the clergy’, Constructing Medieval Sexuality, K. Lochrie, P. McCracken, and J. Schultz, ed. (Medieval Cultures, 11; Minneapolis 1998) 1–23. |
C. Gauvard and G. Ouy, Gerson bilingue : les deux rédactions, latine et française, de quelques oeuvres du chancelier parisien (Paris 1998). |
Z. Kaluza, ‘Gerson critique d’Albert le Grand’, Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie, 45 (1998) 169–205. |
Z. Kaluza, ‘Late medieval philosophy, 1350–1500’, Medieval Philosophy, J. Marenbon, ed. (Routledge History of Philosophy, 3; London 1998) 426–451. |
A. Placanica, ‘“Verbis texta sacris”: fonti bibliche ed esegesi nella Iosephina di Giovanni Gerson’, Gli Umanesimi medievali. Atti del II Congresso dell’“Internationales Mittellateinerkomitee”, Firenze, Certosa del Galluzzo, 11–15 settembre 1993, C. Leonardi, ed. (Millennio Medievale, 4; Atti di Convegni, 1; Firenze 1998) 515–38. |
B. McGuire, ‘Late medieval care and control of women: Jean Gerson and his sisters’, RHE, 92 (1997) 5–37. |
B. McGuire, ‘Sexual control and spiritual growth in the late Middle Ages: The case of Jean Gerson’, Tradition and Ecstasy: The Agony of the Fourteenth Century, N. van Deusen, ed. (Claremont Cultural Studies; Ottawa 1997) 123–152. |
N. Nabert, ‘La référence à Clovis chez Jean Gerson et chez Christine de Pisan’, Clovis – histoire & mémoire. Le baptême de Clovis, son écho à travers l’histoire: Actes du Colloque international d’histoire de Reims (Paris 1997) 231–248. |
Y. Malinin, ‘Ideya prava vo frantsuzsko? obshchestvenno? m?sli pozdnego srednevekov’ya (XIV-XV veka)’, Pravo v srednevekonom mire, O. Var’yash, ed. (Gorod v srednevekovo? tsivilizatsii Zapadno? Evrop?; Moskva 1996) 153–175. |
B. McGuire, ‘Education, confession and pious fraud, Jean Gerson and a late medieval change’, American Benedictine Review, 47 (1996) 310–338. |
G. Merkle, ‘Martin Le Franc’s commentary on Jean Gerson’s treatise on Joan of Arc’, Fresh Verdicts on Joan of Arc, B. Wheeler and C. Wood, ed. (The New Middle Ages, 2; Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, 1976; New York 1996) 177–188. |
G. Ouy, ‘Humanism and nationalism in France at the turn of the fifteenth century’, The Birth of Identities. Denmark and Europe in the Middle Ages, B. McGuire, ed. (København 1996) 107–25. |
M. Walkley, ‘Jean Gerson’s Exemplaire des petis enfans, a “scripted object” preserved in Spencer MS 17 of the New York Public Library’, Parergon: Bulletin of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, n.s. 13 (1996) 152–63. (The subsequent subtitle of this periodical was ‘Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies’.) |
E. Mornet, ‘Gerson en Scandinavie’, Pratiques de la culture écrite en France au XVe siècle: Actes du Colloque international du CNRS Paris, 16-18 mai 1992 organisé en l’honneur de Gilbert Ouy par l’unité de recherche “Culture écrite du Moyen Age tardif”, M. Ornato and N. Pons, ed. (Fédération International des Instituts d’Etudes Médiévales. Textes et études du Moyen Age, 2; Louvain–la–Neuve 1995) 93–108. |
F. Oakley, ‘Nederman, Gerson, conciliar theory and constitutionalism: Sed contra’, History of Political Thought, 16 (1995) 1–19. |
P. Uvarov, ‘Luchshie lyudi Khristianstva, luchshie lyudi korolevstva: intellektualy Srednevekov’ya’, Elita i etnos Srednevekov’ya, A. Svanidze, ed. (Moskva 1995) 206–17. |
S. Grosse, ‘Zum Verhältnis von Mentalitäts– und Theologiegeschichtsschreibung. Methodologische Überlegungen am Beispiel der Frömmigkeitstheologie’, ZKG, 105 (1994) 178–190. |
H. Martin, ‘Former des fidèles ou former des sujets: sur quelques ambiguités du discours religieux sous la règne de Charles VI’, Education, apprentissages, initiation au Moyen Age: Actes du premier colloque international de Montpellier, Université Paul Valéry, novembre 1991 (Les Cahiers du C.R.I.S.I.M.A., 1; Montpellier 1993) 1.263–273. |
D. Luscombe, ‘John Gerson and hierarchy’, Church and Chronicle in the Middle Ages. Essays Presented to John Taylor, I. Wood and G. Loud, ed. (London 1991) 193–200. |
M. Burrows, ‘Jean Gerson after Constance: Via Media et Regia as a revision of Ockhamist covenant’, Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture, 59 (1990) 467–481. |
B.J. Caiger, ‘Doctrine and discipline in the church of Jean Gerson’, Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 41 (1990) 389–407. |
D. Calvot and G. Ouy, L’oeuvre de Gerson à Saint–Victor de Paris (L’) : catalogue des manuscrits (Paris 1990). |
C. Nederman, ‘Conciliarism and constitutionalism: Jean Gerson and medieval political thought’, History of European Ideas, 12 (1990) 189–209. |
T. Izbicki, ‘Ecclesiological texts of Jean Gerson and Pierre d’Ailly in Vatican manuscript collections other than the codices Vaticani latini’, Manuscripta, 33 (1989) 205–209. |
R. O’Gorman, ‘A hitherto unrecorded confessional manual with texts by Jean Gerson and Andreas de Escobar’, Manuscripta, 33 (1989) 36–39. |
L. Pascoe, ‘Religious orders, evangelical liberty, and reform in the thought of Jean Gerson’, Reformbemühungen und Observanzbestrebungen im spätmittelalterlichen Ordenswesen, K. Elm, ed. (Berliner Historische Studien, 14; Ordensstudien, 6; Berlin 1989) 503–12. |
G. Peyronnet, ‘Gerson, Charles VII et Jeanne d’Arc’, RHE, 84 (1989) 334–70. |
T. Izbicki, ‘Ecclesiological texts of Jean Gerson and Pierre d’Ailly among the codices Vaticani latini’, Manuscripta, 32 (1988) 197–201. |
B. Tierney, ‘Conciliarism, corporatism, and individualism: the doctrine of individual rights in Gerson’, Cristianesimo nella Storia, 9 (1988) 81–111. |
M. Picascia, ‘Messaggi al precettore del Delfino: Tractatus e Instructiones di Jean Gerson’, MEFR, 99 (1987) 235–60. |
G. Ouy, ‘Bilinguisme ou trilinguisme? Latin commun, latin savant et français aux XIVe et XVe siècles’, Etat et Eglise dans la genèse de l’état moderne. Actes du Colloque organisé par le Centre national de la recherche scientifique et la Casa de Velázquez, Madrid, 30 novembre et 1er décembre 1984, N. Höhl and B. Vincent, ed. (Bibliothèque de la Casa Velázquez, 1; Madrid 1986) 85–101. |
L. Pascoe, ‘Law and evangelical liberty in the thought of Jean Gerson’, Proceedings Berkley (MIC Ser. C. 7; Città del Vaticano 1985) 351–61. |
M. Pomeldi and F. Gannon, ‘Jean Gerson’s two rules for recluses’, Vox benedictina, 2 (1985) 328–36. |
G. Roccati, ‘Geiler von Kayserberg et la tradition imprimée des œuvres de Gerson’, Revue française d’histoire du livre (1985) 271–93. |
J.L. van der Gouw, ‘Quedam regule de modo titulandi seu apificandi’, Ad fontes. Opstellen, aangeboden aan Prof. Dr. C. van de Kieft ter gelegenheid van zijn afscheid als hoogleraar in de middeleeuwse geschiedenis aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam (Amsterdam 1984) 417–427. |
Z. Kaluza, ‘Le chancelier Gerson et Jérôme de Prague’, Archives d’histoire doctrinale et littéraire du moyen âge, 51 (1984) 81–126. |
F. Ledwidge, ‘Relations de famille dans la correspondance de Gerson’, Revue historique (1984) 3–23. |
G.H.M. Posthumus Meyjes, ‘Het gezag van de theologische doctor in de kerk der Middeleeuwen: Gratianus, Augustinus Triumphus, Ockham en Gerson’, Nederlands Archief voor Kerkgeschiedenis, 63 (1983) 105–28. |
G. Roccati, ‘Manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Vaticane contenant des oeuvres de Gerson: compléments à l’édition Glorieux’, Scriptorium (1982) 103–11. |
Z. Rueger, ‘Gerson’s concept of equity and Christopher St. German’, History of Political Thought, 3 (1982) 1–30. |
J. Irwin, ‘The mystical music of Jean Gerson’, Early Music History: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Music, 1 (1981) 187–201. |
J. Turek, ‘Kazanie “Tota pulchra” przypisywane Janowi Gersonowi oraz “Clipeus” Jana de Breitenbacha. Z dziejów dogmatu Niepokalanego Poczęcia NMP w XV wieku w świetle zbiorów warmińskich’, Studia Warmińskie (1981) 467–536. |
H. Klocker, ‘Ockhamism in Jean Gerson’, Michigan Academician: Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 12 (1980) 365–374. |
G.H.M. Posthumus Meyjes, Jean Gerson et l’assemblée de Vincennes : (1329) : Ses conceptions de la juridiction temporelle de l’Eglise : accompagné d’une édition critique du ‘De jurisdictione spirituali et temporali’ (Studies in Medieval and Reformation Thought, 26; Leiden 1978). |
H. Smolinsky, ‘Johannes Gerson (1365-–429), Kanzler der Universität Paris, und seine Vorschläge zur Reform der Theologischen Studien’, Historisches Jahrbuch, 96 (1978) 270–95. |
L. Pascoe, ‘Nobility and ecclesiastical office in fifteenth–century Lyons’, Mediaeval Studies, 38 (1976) 313–31. |
L. Pascoe, ‘Jean Gerson: the “Ecclesia primitiva” and reform’, Traditio, 30 (1974) 379–409. |
L. Pascoe, ‘Jean Gerson: mysticism, conciliarism and reform’, Annuarium historiae conciliorum, 6 (1974) 135–53. |
A. Combes, Jean de Montreuil et le chancelier Gerson : contribution à l’histoire des rapports de l’humanisme et de la théologie en France au début du XVè siècle (Paris 1973). |
A. Combes and E. Gilson, Jean Gerson commentateur dionysien : Les Notulae super quaedam verba Dionysii de Caelesti Hierarchia : pour l’histoire des courants doctrinaux à l’Université de Paris à la fin du XIVè siècle (Paris 1973). |
B. Bertagna, ‘Il problema della “Plenitudo ecclesiastice potestatis” nella dottrina ecclesiologica di Giovanni Gersone (1363–1429)’, Apollinaris, 43 (1970) 555–612. |
S. Ozment, ‘The university and the Church: patterns of reform in Jean Gerson’, Medievalia et humanistica, n.s. 1 (1970) 111–26. |
P. De Vooght, ‘Gerson et le conciliarisme’, Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique (1968) 857–867. |
G. Ouy, ‘Gerson, émule de Pétrarque. Le Pastorium Carmen, poème de jeunesse de Gerson, et la renaissance de l’égloque en France à la fin du XIVe siècle’, Romania: Revue trimestrielle consacrée à l’étude des langues et des littératures romanes (1967) 175–231. |
P. Michaud-Quantin, Sommes de casuistique et manuals de confession au moyen âge (XII–XVI siècles) (Leuven 1962) 80–83. |
P. Glorieux, ‘Introduction générale’, Jean Gerson. Oeuvres completes (Paris 1960) 1. |
J. von Schulte, |
G. Roccati, ‘La formation des humanistes dans le dernier quart du XIVe siècle’, Pratiques de la culture écrite en France au XVe siècle: Actes du Colloque international du CNRS Paris, 16-18 mai 1992 organisé en l’honneur de Gilbert Ouy par l’unité de recherche ‘Culture écrite du Moyen Age tardif’, M. Ornato and N. Pons, ed.. |
S. Taylor, ‘“L’age plus fort ennaye”: Scientia mortis, ars moriendi and Jean Gerson’s advice to an old man’, . |