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Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists

Ames Projects

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Report No. c035




Alternative Names

Guizzardino da Bologna; Guizzardino di Porta Stiera



Judge and figure of political prominence in Bologna. Attested to in sources only for the years 1215–1222. Probably studied under Azo, after which he combined a teaching with a judicial and political career.


Entry by: AL viii.2016



No. 01

Glossae ad Corpus iuris civilis. Glosses survive on the Cod, Dig, and Inst.

No. 02

Lectura ad Authenticum ‘Sacramenta puberum’.

No. 03

Libellus de preparatoriis litium. General procedural work on lawsuits; taken up and re-worked by Bagarottus in his Cavillationes. G.’s version appears under Pillius’s name in an edition by Palmieri.


Text(s) – Modern Editions

No. 03

Libellus de preparatoriis litium.

Modern Editions

Ed. G. Palmieri in Pillii libellus de preparatoriis litiumBibliotheca iuridica medii aevi, III (Bologna 1901) 15–68.



G. Mazzanti, ‘Guizzardino da Bologna (di Porta Stiera)’, in DGI (2013) 1.1095.

G. Mazzanti, ‘Guizzardino da Bologna (di Porta Stiera)’, in DBI (2003) 61.553–54.

N. Sarti, ‘Una inedita quaestio azzoniana sulla restitutio in integrum del minore soccombente in possessorio (Ms. München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, clm 28178)’, RSDI, 65 (1992) 117, 131–34, 142–44.

L. Sorrenti, ‘L’Autentica “Sacramenta puberum” nell’esegesi dei dottori bolognesi del Duecento: Guizzardino e Iacopo Baldovini’, RIDC, 2 (1991) 69–121.

E. Besta, Su due opere sconosciute di Guizzardino e di Arsendino Arsendi (Venezia 1896) 7–13.