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Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists

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Report No. a276

Innocent IV

born before 1200; pope 1243–54


Alternative Names

Innocent IV, Pope (LC); Catholic Church. Pope [1243-1254: Innocent IV] (also LC); Sinibaldus Fliscus; Sinibaldo de’Fieschi; Sinibaldo Fieschi



Born in Genoa before 1200. Innocent studied law Parma and perhaps at Bologna Some accounts say that, early in his career, Innocent taught law in Bologna, but there is no evidence of this. He worked as a jurist at the papal curia from 1226 and was for some time the auditor of the court of audientia litterarum contradictarum. I. was made a cardinal by Pope Gregory IX in 1227. He was elected Pope in 1243 after a long, rancorous vacancy following the brief pontificate of Celestine IV (1241). Innocent IV died on December 7, 1254 in Naples.

Innocent IV’s pontificate was notable for three things: a decisive struggle with the Emperor Frederick II, the Pope’s extended absence from Rome, and for his contributions to the canon law. Innocent presided over the first general council of Lyon, in which the pope deposed Frederick II in absentia, and in which a number of important canons reforming aspects of ecclesiastical law and administration were enacted.

As a jurist, Innocent IV wrote a lengthy and extremely influential Apparatus on the Decretals of Gregory IX, which he worked on over a long period of time and was finished c.1245. He prepared three collections of his own decretals, which included the constitutions of Lyon I (Novelle Innocentii quarti). Innocent also wrote commentaries on his novelle, including an authoritative commentary on the Lyon deposition decree of Frederick II (Ad apostolicae dignitatis apicem, VI 2.14.2). An Ordo iudiciarius exists which, at least in an early form, has been attributed to Innocent IV, but it seems very doubtful that he wrote such a work (cf. entry Exceptiones contra litteras et priuilegia). There is still no certainty that Innocent wrote the polemical tract ‘Eger cui lenia(levia)’. William of Ockham thought that he did, but Ockham is a late witness.


Entry by: KP rev AL 2015



No. 1

Apparatus in quinque libros decretalium.

No. 2

Constitutiones of First Council of Lyon = Novelle Innocentii quarti. A=first collection [1245], B=second collection [1246], C=Third Collection [1253].

No. 3

Prologus Novellarum Decretalium.

No. 4

De exceptionibus.


Text(s) – Manuscripts

No. 1

Apparatus in quinque libros decretalium.


Arras, BM 2


Bamberg, Staatsbibl. Can. 00 [P.I.24]


Bamberg, Staatsbibl. Can. 00 [P.III.23]


Berlin, Staatsbibl. lat. fol. 210


Wrocław, Bibl. Univ. II.F.46


Bologna, Arch. Stato 220, fol. 3ra–283vb


Halle, Universitäts- u. Landesbibl. Ye. fol. 56


Hildesheim, Dombibl. Nr. 1.5


Klosterneuberg, Stiftsbibl. 100


Laon, BM 4


Leipzig, Universitätsbibl. 997–999


München, BSB Clm 3892


München, BSB Clm 6350


München, BSB Clm 15704


Paris, BN lat. 8925


Paris, BN lat. 8926


Praha, Univ. Knihovna VII.B.8


Troyes, BM 1


Città del Vaticano, BAV Urb. lat. 157


Città del Vaticano, BAV Vat. lat. 1443


Wien, ÖNB 2072


Wien, ÖNB 2086


Wien, ÖNB 2097


Wien, ÖNB 2100


Wien, ÖNB 2242

No. 2

Constitutiones of First Council of Lyon = Novelle Innocentii quarti.


Cambridge, MA, Harvard Law 71, fol. 1–11


a276Txt2s-Gravenhage, Koninklijke Bibl. 73.E.14, fol. 230r–235r (A and B combined)


a276Txt2Oxford, Bodleian Libr. lat. th. d. 32 (incomplete)


Wien, ÖNB 2056


a276Txt2Wien, ÖNB 2065 (with glosses)


Wien, ÖNB 2073


a276Txt2Wien, ÖNB 2181 (with glosses)


a276Txt2Wien, ÖNB 2189 (fragment)

No. 3

Prologus Novellarum Decretalium.


Wien, ÖNB 2083


Text(s) – Early Printed Editions

No. 1

Apparatus in quinque libros decretalium.

Early Printed Editions

Strasbourg, 1478 (Hain 9191) (online).


Venezia, 1478 (online).


Venezia, 1481 (Hain 9192). Incomplete.


Venezia, 1491 (Hain 9193) (online).


Venezia, 1495 (Hain 9194) (online).


Paris, 1514 (online).


Lyon, 1525.


Venezia, 1570.


Frankfurt, 1570 (online). Reprint Frankfurt am Main 1968.

No. 2

Constitutiones of First Council of Lyon = Novelle Innocentii quarti.

Early Printed Editions

De sponsalibus. (Hain 1073–74).

No. 4

De exceptionibus.

Early Printed Editions

Tractatus universi iuris. Venezia: F. Ziletti, 1584, 3.2.104ra.



A. Thier, ‘Semantiken des Alten, des Neuen und des Modernen im gelehrten kanonischen Recht: Beobachtungen zur Deutung von “antiqua,” “nova,” “hodie” und “moderna” in der Kanonistik des 12.–15. Jahrhunderts’, ZRG Kan. Abt., 106 (2020) 13.

M. Bertram, ‘Von der decretalis epistola zur constitutio: Innozenz IV. und Alexander IV’, in Kuriale Briefkultur im späteren Mittelalter: Gestaltung – Überlieferung – Rezeption, T. Broser, A. Fischer, and J. Tandecki, ed. (Forschungen zur Kaiser- und Papstgeschichte des Mittelalters 37; Köln 2015) 263–272.

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A. de la Hera, ‘Sinibaldo Fieschi (Inocencio IV)’, in Juristas universales (2004) 1.430–34.

K. Pennington, ‘Innocent IV, pope’, in NCE (2002) 7.473–76 (online).

M. Bertram, ‘Zwei vorläufige Textstufen des Dekretalenapparats Papst Innozenz IV.’, in Juristische Buchproduktion im Mittelalter, V. Colli, ed. (Frankfurt am Main 2001).

M. Bertram, ‘Gregorio IX, Innocenzo IV e Federico II: Tre legislatori a confronto’, in ‘Colendo iustitiam et iura condendo’: Federico III legislatore del Regno di Sicilia nell’Europa del Duecento: Per una storia comparata delle codificazione europee, A. Romano, ed. (Atti di convegni 1; Roma 1997) 11–28.

J. Müller, ‘Sinibaldus Fliscus’, in Juristen: Ein biographisches Lexikon von der Antike bis zum 20. Jahrhundert, M. Stolleis, ed. (München 1995) 313–14.

K. Pennington, The Prince and the Law, 1200–1600: Sovereignty and Rights in the Western Legal Tradition (Berkeley 1993) 149–50.

B. Roberg, ‘Innozenz IV.’, in LMA (1991) 5.437–38.

A. Melloni, Innocenzo IV: La concezione e l’esperienza della christianità come ‘regimen unius persone’ (Genova 1990).

A. Bernal Palacios, ‘Reportios del comentario de Innocencio IV a las decretales de Gregorio IX’, Escritos del Vedat, 17 (1987) 143–72.

A. Melloni, ‘William of Ockham’s Critique of Innocent IV’, Franciscan Studies, 46 (1986) 161–203.

J. Brundage, ‘The Limits of the War–Making Power: The Contribution of Medieval Canonists’, in Peace in a Nuclear Age: The Bishops’ Pastoral Letter in Perspective, C. Reid, ed. (Washington DC 1986) 82, 84. Reprinted in: idem, The Crusades, Holy War and Canon Law (Collected Studies CS 338; Aldershot 1991) no. XI.

B. Kedar, Crusade and Mission: European Approaches toward the Muslims (Princeton 1984).

K. Pennington, Pope and Bishops: The Papal Monarchy in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries (The Middle Ages; Philadelphia 1984) 128, 148, 184–86.

M. Zurowski, ‘Verbrechen der Vorgesetzen und die Verantwortung der organisierten Gemeinschaft nach der Lehre des Innocentius IV.’, Prawo kanoniczne, 24.1–2 (1981) 255–63. (In Polish with German summary.)

B. Kedar, ‘Canon Law and the Burning of the Talmud’, BMCL, 9 (1979) 79–82.

J. Muldoon, Popes, Lawyers and Infidels: The Church and the Non-Christian World 1250–1550 (Philadelphia 1979).

M. Bertram, ‘Angebliche Originale des Dekretalenapparats Innozenz IV.’, in Proceedings Berkeley (MIC C–7; Città del Vaticano 1976) 41–47.

M. Bertram, ‘Aus kanonistischen Handschriften der Periode 1234 bis 1298’, in Proceedings Toronto, S. Kuttner, ed. (MIC C–5; Città del Vaticano 1976) 35–36.

J. Brundage, ‘Holy War and the Medieval Lawyers’, in The Holy War, T. Murphy, ed. (Columbus 1976) 114, 120–22. Reprinted in: idem, The Crusades, Holy War and Canon Law (Collected Studies CS 338; Aldershot 1991) no. X.

C. Dolcini, ‘“Eger cui lenia” (1245/46): Innocenzo IV, Tolomeo da Lucca e Guglielmo d’Ockham’, RHCI, 39 (1975) 127–48.

J. Muldoon, ‘Missionaries and the Marriage of Infidels: The Case of the Mongol Mission’, The Jurist, 35 (1975) 125–41.

J. Muldoon, ‘The Contribution of the Medieval Canon Lawyers to the Formation of International Law’, Traditio, 28 (1972) 483–97.

V. Piergiovanni, ‘Sinibaldo dei Fieschi decretalista: Richerche sulla vita’, SG, 14 (1970) 125–54.

J. Brundage, Medieval Canon Law and the Crusader (Madison WI 1969) 98–99, 135–36, 149 n.35.

J. Muldoon, ‘A Canonistic Contribution to the Formation of International Law’, The Jurist, 28:03:00 (1968) 272–78. Reprinted in: idem, Canon Law, the Expansion of Europe, and World Order (Variorum Collected Studies Series 612; Aldershot 1998) no. II.

J. Brundage, ‘The Votive Obligations of Crusaders: The Development of a Canonistic Doctrine’, Traditio, 24 (1968) 109–111. Reprinted in: idem, The Crusades, Holy War and Canon Law (Collected Studies CS 338; Aldershot 1991) no. VI.

R. Brentano, ‘Innocent IV and the Chapter of Rieti’, in Collectanea Stephan Kuttner (SG 13; Città del Vaticano 1967) 3.383–410.

P.–J. Kessler, ‘Wiener Novellen: Suplementum novellisticum I’, in Collectanea Stephan Kuttner (SG 12; Città del Vaticano 1967) 2.91–99.

G. Le Bras, ‘Innocent IV Romaniste: Examen de l’Apparatus’, in Collectanea Stephan Kuttner (SG 11; Città del Vaticano 1967) 1.307–26.

V. Piergiovanni, ‘Sinibaldo dei Fieschi decretalista: Richerche sulla vita’, Annali Genova, 6.2 (1967) 415–42.

J. Muldoon, ‘Extra ecclesiam non est imperium: The Canonists and the Legitimacy of Secular Power’, SG, 9 (1966) 572–80. Reprinted in: idem, Canon Law, the Expansion of Europe, and World Order (Variorum Collected Studies Series 612; Aldershot 1998) no. I.

J. Cantini, ‘Sinibalde dei Fieschi’, in DDC (1965) 7.1029–62.

J. Kemp, ‘A New Concept of the Christian Commonwealth in Innocent IV’, in Proceedings Boston (MIC C–1; Città del Vaticano 1965) 155–60.

B. Tierney, ‘The Continuity of Papal Political Theory in the Thirteenth Century’, Mediaeval Studies, 27 (1965) 227–45.

J. Watt, ‘The Theory of the Papal Monarchy in the Thirteenth Century: The Contribution of the Canonists’, Traditio, 20 (1964) 179–318. Reprinted in: as a monograph (New York 1965).

M. Rodriguez, ‘Innocent IV and the Element of Fiction in Juristic Personalities’, The Jurist, 22 (1962) 287–318.

J. Cantini, ‘De autonomia judicis secularis et de Romani Pontificis plenitudine potestatis in temporalibus secundum Innocentium IV’, Salesianum, 23 (1961) 407–80.

M. Pacaut, ‘L’autorité pontificale selon Innocent IV’, Moyen âge, 66 (1960) 85–118.

F. Bock, ‘Studien zu den Registern Innozenz’ IV.’, Archivalische Zeitschrift, 52 (1956) 11–48.

A. Rota, ‘Natura giuridica e forme della istituzione nella dottrina di Sinibaldo dei Fieschi (Papa Innocenzo IV)’, Archivio giuridico, 150 (1956) 67–139.

G. Abate, ‘Lettere “secretae” d’Innocenzo IV e altri documenti una raccolta inedita del sec.xiii.’, Miscellanea Franciscana, 55 (1955) 317–73.

A. Piola, ‘Innocenzo IV Fieschi Pontifice e giurista somno’, Studium, 3 (1955) 154–64. Reprinted in: Scritti in memoria di VE Orlando (Padova 1957) 357–368 and again in his collection of articles Scritti di diritto ecclesiastico e canonico (1969).

P.–J. Kessler, ‘Untersuchungen über die Novellen-Gesetzgebung Papst Innocenz IV (III)’, ZRG Kan. Abt., 33 (1944) 56–128.

P.–J. Kessler, ‘Untersuchungen über die Novellen-Gesetzgebung Papst Innocenz IV (II)’, ZRG Kan. Abt., 32 (1943) 300–383.

P.–J. Kessler, ‘Untersuchungen über die Novellen-Gesetzgebung Papst Innocenz IV (I)’, ZRG Kan. Abt., 31 (1942) 142–320.

S. Kuttner, ‘Die Konstitutionen des ersten allgemeines Konzils von Lyon’, SDHI, 6 (1940) 70–131.

F. Ruffini, ‘La classificazione delle persone giuridiche in Sinibaldo dei Fieschi (Innocenzo IV) . . .’, in Scritti in onore di Francesco Schupfer, F. von Savigny, ed. (Torino 1898) 2.315–93.

J. von Schulte, ‘Die Dekretalen zwischen den Decretales Gregorii IX und Liber VI Boniface VIII: Ihre Sammlung und Verarbeitung ausserhalb des Liber VI und im Liber VI’, SB Wien, Philosophische-historische Classe, 55 (1867) 702–797.