Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists |
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Report No. a275 |
Innocent III |
born c.1161; pope 1198–1216 |
Alternative Names |
Innocent III, Pope (LC); Lothario di Segni; Innocenz III.; Innocentius III |
Biography/Description |
Pope who exerted a great influence on the development of the medieval papacy and the canon law. Once reputed to have been a lawyer taught by the great canonist Huguccio, the work of Pennington and others strongly suggests that, whatever his legal talents, Innocent III was not a university-trained jurist by the standards of the time. Innocent studied theology in Paris and probably studied law for a short time at Bologna. Innocent had a celestial image of the papacy as the intermediary between God and man. This image is best understood as theological rather than juristic, nevertheless, in the language of Innocent’s sermons and decretal letters, he established the language and arguments with which jurists discussed the power and role of the papacy for more than a century. Innocent III also effected important changes in the administration of the Church. The curia was greatly expanded during his pontificate, and the papacy began to gain control over the translation, deposition and renunciation of bishops and the collation of ecclesiastical benefices. Even though Innocent asserted, in the decretal Quanto personam, that the translation of a bishop was such a serious and extraordinary matter that it required divine authority, he translated many more bishops than any previous pope. Innocent asserted more control over prebends and, in the Fourth Lateran Council constitution De multa, the power of bishops to dispense from the prohibitions against pluralism was curtailed. Innocent also asserted and defined (broadly) papal power to interfere in secular affairs in a series of decretals, Licet, Novit, Solet, Venerabilem, and Per Venerabilem. Innocent’s decretals, which effected tremendous changes in many areas of canon law, were collected by several canonists; Petrus Beneventanus’ Compilatio tertia which Innocent himself authenticated for the law school at Bologna, and Johannes Teutonicus’ Compilatio quarta were the most important. |
Entry by: KP rev AL 2015 |
Text(s) |
No. 1 | Decretales. See under Alanus (Compilatio Alani), Bernardus Compostellanus antiquus (Compilatio Romana), Gilbertus (Compilatio Gilberti), Rainier of Pomposa (Collectio Ranierii), Compilatio tertia, Compilatio quarta, and the papal registers listed under editions immediately below. |
No. 2 | Opera omnia. |
Text(s) – Modern Editions |
No. 1 |
Decretales. |
Modern Editions |
Edited (with others) by O. Hageneder in Die Register Innocenz’ III, 1 –_ Pontifikatsjahr 1198/99–_ (Publikationen der Abteilung für Historische Studien des Österreichischen Kulturinstituts in Rom, II. Abteilung, I. Reihe, Band 1–_; Graz/Wien 1964–_). (This project has been under the direction of Hageneder since its beginning in 1964. In recent years, Andrea Sommerlechner has taken over as the lead editor. It reached its fourteenth volume (the pontifical year 1211/1212) in 2018. A few Bänder have separate physical volumes for the indices. The name of the series has changed slightly over the course of time with the change in the name of the Institute and the increasing separation of the Institute in Wien from that in Roma. All volumes except for the first are published by the Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. The full bibliographical description of each volume that used to be found on the website of the Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung has, unfortunately, been taken down. But similar information for volumes 2–14 can be found on the website of the Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. The Akademie has made available online and gratis PDF’s of vols. 9–14..) |
No. 2 |
Opera omnia. |
Modern Editions |
Ed. J.-P. Migne in Opera Omnia Innocentii TertiiPL, 214–217 |
Literature |
H. Kelly, ‘Oath Taking in Inquisitions’, BMCL, 35 (2018) 215–241. |
J. Jamin, ‘La decretale Maiores di Innocenzo III e la competenza del Romano Pontefice ratione fidei’, BMCL, 32 (2015) 79–96. (Concerns X 3.42.3.) |
Innocent III et le Midi, M. Fournié, D. Le Blévec, and J. Théry-Astruc, ed. (Cahiers de Fanjeaux 50; Toulouse 2015). |
M. Alberzoni, ‘Innocent III et les Pauvres Catholiques du Midi’, in Innocent III et le Midi (2015) 311–336. |
J. Chiffoleau, ‘Note sur la bulle Vergentis in senium, la lutte contre les hérétiques du Midi et la construction des majestés temporelles’, in Innocent III et le Midi (2015) 89–144. |
F. Durand-Dol, ‘Innocent III et les Guilhem de Montpellier’, in Innocent III et le Midi (2015) 63–88. |
C. Grasso, ‘La problématique de l’hérésie dans les sermons d’Innocent III’, in Innocent III et le Midi (2015) 231–254. |
A. Grelois, ‘Les cisterciens et la lutte contre les hérésies méridionales sous Innocent III: mobilisation d’un ordre ou activation de réseaux?’, in Innocent III et le Midi (2015) 377–390. |
O. Hanne, ‘L’élaboration d’un discours sur l’hérésie chez le cardinal Lothaire/ Innocent III’, in Innocent III et le Midi (2015) 207–230. |
F. Mazel, ‘Soumission et obéissance. Les serments de 1209 et l’ordre pontifical dans le Midi’, in Innocent III et le Midi (2015) 145–188. |
P. Montaubin, ‘Une tentative pontificale de reprise en main du Midi: la légation du cardinal Pietro Beneventano en 1214–1215’, in Innocent III et le Midi (2015) 391–418. |
G. Passerat, ‘La figure de l’Apostoli dans la Canso’, in Innocent III et le Midi (2015) 189–205. |
J. Paul, ‘La dépossession de la famille de Saint-Gilles’, in Innocent III et le Midi (2015) 39–62. |
T. Pécout, ‘Épiscopat et papauté en Provence: une refondation’, in Innocent III et le Midi (2015) 419–452. |
M. Pegg, ‘Innocent III, les “pestilentiels Provençaux” et le paradigme épuisé du catharisme’, in Innocent III et le Midi (2015) 279–310. |
A. Reltgen-Tallon, ‘Innocent III et saint Dominique’, in Innocent III et le Midi (2015) 337–354. |
R. Rist, ‘“Les petits renards qui détruisent la Vigne du Seigneur Sabaoth”. Innocent III et le Cantique des Cantiques’, in Innocent III et le Midi (2015) 255–278. |
D. Smith, ‘La Catalogne, le Midi et la libertas Ecclesiae à l’époque d’Innocent III.’, in Innocent III et le Midi (2015) 453–466. |
C. Soussen, ‘Innocent III et les juifs du Midi, entre tradition et rénovation’, in Innocent III et le Midi (2015) 355–375. |
C. Rousseau, ‘Neither Bewitched nor Beguiled: Philip Augustus’s Alleged Impotence and Innocent III’s Response’, Speculum, 89 (Chicago 2014) 410–436. |
K. Pennington, ‘The Decretists: The Italian School’, in The History of Medieval Canon Law in the Classical Period, 1140–1234: From Gratian to the Decretals of Pope Gregory IX, W. Hartmann and K. Pennington, ed. (History of Medieval Canon Law 6; Washington DC 2008) 127, 143–48, 173. |
K. Pennington, ‘Decretal Collections 1190–1234’, in The History of Medieval Canon Law in the Classical Period, 1140–1234: From Gratian to the Decretals of Pope Gregory IX, W. Hartmann and K. Pennington, ed. (History of Medieval Canon Law 6; Washington DC 2008) 304–16. |
A. Duggan, ‘Conciliar Law 1123–1215: The Legislation of the Four Lateran Councils’, in The History of Medieval Canon Law in the Classical Period, 1140–1234: From Gratian to the Decretals of Pope Gregory IX, W. Hartmann and K. Pennington, ed. (History of Medieval Canon Law 6; Washington DC 2008) 341–52. |
L. Kéry, Gottesfurcht und irdische Strafe: Der Beitrag des mittelalterlichen Kirchenrechts zur Entstehung des öffentlichen Strafrechts (Konflikt, Verbrechen und Sanktion in der Gesellschaft Alteuropas, Symposien und Synthesen 10; Köln 2006) 381, 391, 397, 410, 428, 437, 486, 521, 555. |
L. Kéry, Gottesfurcht und irdische Strafe: Der Beitrag des mittelalterlichen Kirchenrechts zur Entstehung des öffentlichen Strafrechts (Konflikt, Verbrechen und Sanktion in der Gesellschaft Alteuropas, Symposien und Synthesen 10; Köln 2006) 569–670. |
T. Frenz, Papst Innozenz III.: Weichensteller der Geschichte Europas: Interdisziplinäre Ringvorlesung an der Universität Passau 5.11.1997 – 26.5.1998 (Stuttgart 2000). |
E. Peters, ‘Lotario dei Conti di Segni becomes Pope Innocent III: The Man and the Pope’, in Pope Innocent III and His World, J. Moore, ed. (Ashgate 1999) 3–24. |
C. Eggers, ‘Dignitas und Miseria. Überlegungen zu Menschenbild und Selbstverständnis Papst Innocenz’ III.’, Mitteilungen des Institus für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung, 105 (1997) 330–45. |
C. Eggers, ‘Papst Innocenz III. und die Veronica. Geschichte, theologie, liturgie und seelsorge’, in The Holy Face and the paradox of Representation. Papers from a Colloquium Held at the Bibliotheca Hertziana, Rome and the Villa Spelman, Florence, 1996, H. Kessler, ed. (Bologna 1997) 181–203. |
J. Moore, ‘The Sermons of Pope Innocent III’, RHM, 36 (1994) 81–142. |
J. Sayers, Innocent III: Leader of Europe 1198–1216 (The Medieval World; London 1993). |
K. Pennington, The Prince and the Law, 1200–1600: Sovereignty and Rights in the Western Legal Tradition (Berkeley 1993) 32, 45–46, 51, 56–58, 68, 134, 157. |
C. Eggers, ‘Papst Innocenz III. Als Theologe: Beiträge zur Kenntnis seines Denkens im Rahmen der Frühscholastik’, AHP, 30 (1992) 56–123. |
J. Moore, ‘Lotario Dei Conti di Segni (Pope Innocent III) in the 1180’s’, AHP, 29 (1991) 255–58. |
W. Maleczek, ‘Innocenz III.’, in LMA (1989) 4.434–37. |
B. Meduna, Studien zum Formular der päpstlichen Justizbriefe von Alexander III. Bis Innocenz III. (1159–1216): Die non obstantibus-Formel (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, Sitzungsberichte 536; Wien 1989). |
U.–R. Blumenthal, ‘Papal Registers in the Twelfth Century’, in Proceedings Cambridge, P. Linehan, ed. (MIC C–8; Città del Vaticano 1988) 146–50. |
J. Moore, ‘Peter of Lucedo (Cistercian Patriarch of Antioch) and Pope Innocent III’, RHM, 29 (1987) 221-49. |
K. Pennington, ‘Review of W. Imkamp, Das Kirchenbild Innocenz’ III. (1198–1216)’, ZRG Kan. Abt., 72 (1986) 417–28. |
E. Vodola, Excommunication in the Middle Ages (Berkeley 1986) 28, 38, 45, 61, 84, 113, 121–22, 125, 132. |
E. Vodola, Excommunication in the Middle Ages (Berkeley 1986) 134, 145, 156–58. |
O. Hageneder, ‘Mandatum und Praeceptum im politischen Handeln Papst Innocenz’ III.’, in Proceedings Berkeley, S. Kuttner, ed. (MIC C–7; Città del Vaticano 1985) 377–90. |
F. Kempf, ‘Innocenz III. und der deutschen Thronstreit’, AHP, 23 (1985) 68–91. |
P. Landau, ‘Papst Innocenz III. in der richterlichen Praxis. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Kooperationsmaxime’, in Festschrift für Rudolf Wasserman, C. Broda, ed. (Darmstadt 1985) 727-33. |
K. Pennington, Pope and Bishops: The Papal Monarchy in the Thirteenth Century (The Middle Ages; Philadelphia 1984). |
W. Maleczek, Papst und Kardinalskolleg von 1191 bis 1216 (Publikationen des Historischen Instituts beim Österreichischen Kulturinstitut in Rom, I. Abteilung, Abhandlungen 6; Wien 1984). |
K. Pennington, Pope and Bishops: The Papal Monarchy in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries (The Middle Ages; Philadelphia 1984) 10–19, 25, 28, 30–33, 37–59. |
K. Pennington, Pope and Bishops: The Papal Monarchy in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries (The Middle Ages; Philadelphia 1984) 73–78, 89, 95–100, 106–14, 117. |
K. Pennington, Pope and Bishops: The Papal Monarchy in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries (The Middle Ages; Philadelphia 1984) 125, 129, 131, 135, 167–78, 190, 195. |
W. Imkamp, Das Kirchenbild Innocenz III (1198–1216) (Päpste und Papsttum 22; Stuttgart 1983). |
J. Rainer, ‘Innocenz III. und das römische Recht’, RHM, 25 (1983) 15–33. |
S. Kuttner, ‘Universal Pope or the Servant of God’s Servants: The Canonists, Papal Titles, and Innocent III’, RDC, 31 (1981) 110-49. |
M. Laufs, Politik und Recht bei Innocenz III (Kölner Historische Abhandlungen 26; Köln 1980). |
H. Tillmann, Pope Innocent III, W. Sax, ed. (Europe in the Middle Ages Selected Studies 12; Amsterdam 1980). (English translation of Tillmann’s Papst Innocenz III.) |
K. Pennington, ‘Pope Innocent III’s Views on Church and State: A Gloss to “Per venerabilem”’, in Law, Church and Society: Essays in honor of Stephan Kuttner, K. Pennington, ed. (The Middle Ages; Philadelphia 1977) 46–67. |
K. Pennington, ‘“Cum causam que”: A Decretal of Pope Innocent III’, BMCL, 7 (1977) 100–103. |
H. Müller, Der Anteil der Laien an der Bischofswahl: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Kanonistik von Gratian bis Gregor IX. (Kanonistische Studien und Texte 29; Amsterdam 1977) 142–43. |
C. Cheney, Innocent III and England (Päpste and Papsttum 9; Stuttgart 1976). |
K. Pennington, ‘The Legal Education of Pope Innocent III’, BMCL, 4 (1974) 70-77. |
J. Brundage, ‘Christian Marriage in Thirteenth–Century Livonia’, Journal of Baltic Studies, 4 (1973) 315–17. Reprinted in: idem, The Crusades, Holy War and Canon Law (Collected Studies CS 338; Aldershot 1991) no. XVIII. |
M. Maccarrone, Studi su Innocenzo III (Roma 1972). |
J. Brundage, ‘A Transformed Angel (X 3.31.18): The Problem of the Crusading Monk’, in Studies in Medieval Cistercian History Presented to Jeremiah F. O’Sullivan (Cistercian Studies Series 13; Spencer MA 1971) 55–62. Reprinted in: idem, The Crusades, Holy War and Canon Law (Collected Studies CS 338; Aldershot 1991) no. XIII. |
K. Schatz, ‘Papsttum und Partikularkirchliche Gewalt bei Innocenz III. (1198–1216)’, AHP, 8 (1970) 61–111. |
J. Brundage, Medieval Canon Law and the Crusader (Madison WI 1969) 69–70, 114, 121–63, 173–88. |
L. Buisson, ‘Exempla und Tradition bei Innocenz III’, in Adel und Kirche: Gerd Tellenbach zum 65.Geburtstag . . ., J. Fleckenstein, ed. (Freiburg 1968) 458–76. |
R. Benson, The Bishop–Elect: A Study in Medieval Ecclesiastical Office (Princeton 1968) 144–49. |
J. Muldoon, ‘A Canonistic Contribution to the Formation of International Law’, The Jurist, 28:03:00 (1968) 271–72. Reprinted in: idem, Canon Law, the Expansion of Europe, and World Order (Variorum Collected Studies Series 612; Aldershot 1998) no. II. |
J. Brundage, ‘The Votive Obligations of Crusaders: The Development of a Canonistic Doctrine’, Traditio, 24 (1968) 94–95. Reprinted in: idem, The Crusades, Holy War and Canon Law (Collected Studies CS 338; Aldershot 1991) no. VI. |
C. Cheney, The Letters of Pope Innocent III (1198–1216) concerning England and Wales (Oxford 1967). |
O. Hageneder, ‘Über das Priuilegium Fori bei Innocenz III.’, in Collectanea Stephan Kuttner (SG 11 ; Roma 1967) 1.447–60. |
J. Brundage, ‘The Crusader’s Wife: A Canonistic Quandary’, SG, 12 (1967) 434–35, 440. Reprinted in: idem, The Crusades, Holy War and Canon Law (Collected Studies CS 338; Aldershot 1991) no. XV. |
J. Muldoon, ‘Extra ecclesiam non est imperium: The Canonists and the Legitimacy of Secular Power’, SG, 9 (1966) 561–62, 566, 571–72. Reprinted in: idem, Canon Law, the Expansion of Europe, and World Order (Variorum Collected Studies Series 612; Aldershot 1998) no. I. |
J. Watt, ‘The Theory of the Papal Monarchy in the Thirteenth Century: The Contribution of the Canonists’, Traditio, 20 (1964) 179–318. Reprinted in: idem, The Theory of the Papal Monarchy in the Thirteenth Century: The Contribution of the Canonists (New York 1965). |
B. Tierney, ‘“Tria quippe distinguit iudicia . . .”: A Note on Innocent III’s Decretal Per venerabilem’, Speculum, 38 (1962) 48–59. |
C. Cheney, ‘A Draft Decretal of Pope Innocent III’, QF, 41 (1961) 29–47. |
N. Vilain, ‘Prescription et bonne foi du Décret de Gratien (1140) à Jean d’André († 1348)’, Traditio, 14 (1958) 138–40. |
F. Kempf, Papsttum und Kaisertum bei Innocenz III (Miscellanea Historiae Pontificiae 19; Roma 1954). |
H. Tillmann, Papst Innocenz III. (Bonn 1954). |
C. Cheney, Selected Letters of Pope Innocent III concerning England (London 1953). |
F. Kempf, Die Register Innocenz III: Eine paläographisch- diplomatische Untersuchung (Miscellanea Historiae Pontificiae 9; Roma 1945). |
M. Maccarrone, Chiesa e Stato nella Dottrina di Papa Innocenzo III (Lateranum, Nova series An. VI nn.3-4; Roma 1940). |