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Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists

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Report No. r344

Johannes Bromiardus

fl. mid. 14th c.


Alternative Names

Bromyarde; John de (LC); John de Bromyarde; Ioannes Bromiardus; John Philip de Bromyarde; Johannes de Bromyerde; Jean de Bromyard; John de Bromiard; John de Bromeard; Joannes Bromiardus



Johannes was a Dominican from the convent at Hereford (c. 1326–1352). He wrote a manual on confession, the Opus trivium (c. 1330), which included a considerable amount of canonistic material, of which he later presented a revision, Summa predicantium (before 1348).


Entry by: KP rev BP 2015



No. 1

Opus trivium, c. 1330. (Tractatus iuris civilis et canonici ad moralem materiam applicati secundum ordinem alphabeti).

No. 2

Summa predicantium.


Text(s) – Early Printed Editions

No. 1

Opus trivium, c. 1330.

Early Printed Editions

Köln, c. 1473.


Lyon, 1500.


Paris, 1500.

No. 2

Summa predicantium.

Early Printed Editions

Basel, c. 1484 (Hain 3993).


Nürnberg, 1485 (Hain 3994).


Nürnberg, 1518.


Paris, 1518.


Lyon, 1522.


Nürnberg, 1575.


Venezia, 1586.


Antwerp, 1614.



M.–A. Polo de Beaulieu and J. Berlioz, ‘“Car qui a le vilain, a la proie”. Les proverbes dans les recueils d’exempla (XIIIe-XIVe siècle)’, Tradition des proverbes et des exempla dans l’Occident médiéval: Colloque fribourgeois 2007, H. Bizzari and M. Rohde, ed. (Scrinium Friburgense, 24; Berlin 2009) 25–65.

S. Wenzel, ‘Bromyard’s Other Handbook: Canon and Civil Law for Preachers’, Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History (2009) 93–123.

R. Green, ‘“Allas, allas! That evere love was synne!”: John Bromyard v. Alice of Bath’, Chaucer Review, 42 (2008) 298–311.

C. Rider, ‘“Danger, stupidity, and infidelity”: Magic and Discipline in John Bromyard’s Summa for Preachers’, Studies in Church History (2007) 191–201.

D. Wood, ‘“Lesyng of tyme”: Perceptions of Idleness and Usury in Late Medieval England’, Studies in Church History (2002) 107–116.

P. Binkley, ‘Preachers’ Responses to Thirteenth–Century Encyclopaedism’, Pre–Modern Encyclopaedic Texts: Proceedings of the Second COMERS Congress, Groningen, 1–4 July 1996, P. Binkley, ed. (Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History, 79; Leiden 1997) 75–88.

R. Karras, ‘Sex, Money, and Prostitution in Medieval English Culture’, Desire and Discipline: Sex and Sexuality in the Premodern West, J. Murray and K. Eisenbichler, ed. (Toronto 1996) 201–216.

P. Binkley, ‘John Bromyard and the Hereford Dominicans’, Centres of Learning: Learning and Location in Pre–Modern Europe and the Near East, J. Drijvers and A. MacDonald, ed. (Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History, 61; Leiden 1995) 255–264.

R. Karras, ‘Gendered Sin and Misogyny in John of Bromyard’s Summa predicantium’, Traditio, 47 (1992) 233–257.

G. Rudd, ‘The State of the Ark: A Metaphor in Bromyard and Piers Plowman B.X.396-401’, Notes and Queries, n.s. 37 (1990) 6–10.

A. Fletcher, ‘A Death Lyric from the Summa Predicantium, MS. Oriel College 10’, Notes and Queries, n.s. 24 (1977) 11–12.

T. Kaeppeli, Scriptores ordinis praedicatorum medii aevi (1975) 2.392–94.

L. Boyle, ‘The date of the Summa praedicantium of John Bromyard’, Speculum (1973) 533–37. Reprinted in: idem, Pastoral Care, Clerical Education and Canon Law, 1200-1400. Essays by Leonard E. Boyle (Variorum Collected Studies, 135; London 1981) no. X.

D. Oross, John Bromyard, Medieval Sermon Encyclopedist (Ph.D. diss. St. Louis University; St. Louis 1971).

J. von Schulte, QL 2.38.