The Ames Foundation




An ‘Ocean of Law’. The Harvard Law School’s copy of TUI1584 is bound in 29 physical volumes, 17 inches high, 18 ‘tomes’ in 25 physical volumes and 4 physical volumes of indices.


Tome 4 of TUI 1584 is devoted to proof (De probationibus). It contains 41 items, appoximately the same as tome 3.1 (39), and fewer than tome 3.2 (54). Once more, the authors are mostly Italian. There are a few French and one Netherlandish. Practical works in the tradition of the mos italicus dominate. There is treatise attributed to Alciatus (no. 37), but we have doubts whether he wrote it.

The tome begins with treatises on the making of positions, the written document in Romano-canonical procedure that laid out what the plaintiff intended to prove and in which he asked the defendant to affirm or deny each proposition. Two treatises deal with knotty problem of proving that negative. There are two treatises on proof by written instruments, one each on proof by confession and by notoriety. There follows a long series of treatises on witnesses, a reflection of the fact that proof by witnesses was the preferred method of proof in Romano-canonical procedure, and of the fact that this method was the one most often used in practice. Two treatises on presumptions are followed by three on the decisory oath, and the tome closes, with a treatise that from a modern point of view is somewhat out order, on the nullity of sentences.

The list of titles and authors follows the format outlined in the introduction to these pages. There are no records in HOLLIS that are not found here, though there are some items that are not found in HOLLIS that are here.

The heading abbreviations and the bibliographical abbreviations are the same as those used throughout these pages.

After the list of authors and titles there is another list that gives the formal ‘metadata’ of the tome. The foliation is regular; we have filled it in without comment where it is not visible. The register indicates that the signatures are A-Z, AA-ZZ, AAa-HHh, all quaternions except HHh, a duernion. The signature markings for sig. HHh are on f. 425r and 426r. The finis page, which has a printer’s device, is f. 427v. That probably means that the final blank folio is the last folio of sig. HHh, and that the binder added only the back pastedown. The title page is fol. [1r]. The front pastedown and a freestanding endpaper were added by the binder.

Preliminary work on this list was done in the summer of 2014 by Shuting Lu. The Ames Foundation is grateful to her for her devotion to the task. Errors, which certainly exist and which are my responsibility, can be called to our attention by sending us an email.

Charles Donahue, Jr.
July, 2014



The following table lists the items in tome 4 in the order in which they appear. The notes give linked references to general information about the author that appears on a separate page and any particular information that we have about the item in question. The final column gives a linked reference the sequence number in the PDS where the item first appears.


item no. 1Not in HOLLISOdofredus BeneventanusDe positionibus t. 4, f. 2ra8  
noteOdofredo Denari (Odofredus de Denariis), b. Bologna sec. 13/ineunte, d. Bologna 1265.    
item no. 2Jacobus de Arena, fl. 1288-1320Jacobus de ArenaDe positionibus4191928t. 4, f. 3ra10  
noteIacopo da Arena, b. Parma sec. 13/1, d. ?Napoli 1297/98. HOLTI: Tractatus positionū.    
item no. 3Ubertus de BobioUbertus de BobioDe positionibus4368722t. 4, f. 7vb19  
noteUberto da Bobbio (Ubertus de Bobio), b. ?Bobbio [prov. Piacenza] ca. 1185, d. . . . 1245. This item may be derived from his larger Liber cautele e doctrine, a work based on his many years of teaching.    
item no. 4Corte, Francesco, d. 1495Franciscus CurtiusTractatus positionum et interrogationum4299718t. 4, f. 10ra24  
noteCorti, Francesco sr., b. Pavia . . . , d. Pavia 1495.    
item no. 5Martino, de Fano, fl. 1229-1272Martinus de FanoNegativa qualiter probanda4338591t. 4, f. 12ra28  
noteMartino del Cassero da Fano (Martinus de Fano), b. Fano ca. 1190, d. ?Bologna p. 1272.    
item no. 6Ercolani, Francesco, 1541-1569Franciscus HerculanusDe negativa probanda4313066t. 4, f. 12va29  
noteErcolani, Francesco, b. Panicale [prov. Perugia] 1541, d. . . . 1569. HOLTI: Quis teneatur probare negativam et quibus modis negativa probetur tractatus. E. wrote other procedural works, but this one seems to have been the one most often printed.    
item no. 7Not in HOLLISFedericus Schench, ex liberis baronibus a TautembergDe probationibus t. 4, f. 28va61  
noteSchenck, Frederick, van Toutenburg, b. Vollenhove ca. 1503, d. Utrecht 1580. This item would seem to be an extract from his Progymnasmata fori.    
item no. 8Oriano, Lanfranco da, d. 1488Lanfrancus ab AriadnoTractatus de instrumentorum fide et productione4334271t. 4, f. 29rb62  
noteLanfranco da Oriano (Lanfrancus de Ariadno), b. Oriano 1400 X 1410, d. Brescia 1488.    
item no. 9Not in HOLLISLanfrancus ab AriadnoDe probationibus cum utilissimis additamentis t. 4, f. 33va71  
noteLanfranco da Oriano (Lanfrancus de Ariadno), b. Oriano 1400 X 1410, d. Brescia 1488.    
item no. 10Pozzo, Paride del, ca. 1413-1493Paris de Puteo NeapolitanusDe reassumptione instrumentorum4355307t. 4, f. 36ra76  
notePozzo, Paride dal, b. ?Castellammare di Stabia ca. 1413, d. Napoli ca. 1493. P’s authorship of this item has been doubted, but Cortese in DGI (at 1.656) finds those doubts groundless.    
item no. 11Oriano, Lanfranco da, d. 1488Lanfrancus ab AriadnoDe confessionibus4334104t. 4, f. 47rb98  
noteLanfranco da Oriano (Lanfrancus de Ariadno), b. Oriano 1400 X 1410, d. Brescia 1488.    
item no. 12Not in HOLLISAntonius de Butrio BononiensisDe notorio t. 4, f. 50ra104  
noteAntonio da Budrio (Antonius de Butrio), b. Bologna ca. 1360, d. Bologna 1408. The manuscripts have not been studied, but there is no particular reason to doubt his authorship of this treatise.    
item no. 13Nepos de Monte Albano, 13th cent.Nepos de Monte AlbanoDe testibus4342020t. 4, f. 57va119  
noteNepos de Monte Albano, sec. 13.    
item no. 14Bottrigari, Jacopo, 1274-1347Jacobus ButrigariusDe testibus4287402t. 4, f. 60va125  
noteIacopo Bottrigari, b. Bologna ca. 1274, d. Bologna 1348.    
item no. 15Bartolo, of Sassoferrato, 1313-1357Bartolus de SaxoferratoDe testibus4192370t. 4, f. 63rb130  
noteBartolo da Sassoferrato (Bartolus de Saxoferrato ), b. Venatura near Sassoferrato 1313/14, d. Perugia 1357. That Bartolus wrote this treatise, which he seems to have called Tractatus testimoniorum, is not seriously doubted. It has recently been given a fine modern edition with an extensive commentary: S. Lepsius, Der Richter und die Zeugen: eine Untersuchung anhand des Tractatus testimoniorum des Bartolus von Sassoferrato, Studien zur europäischen rechtsgeschichte, 158 (Frankfurt 2003). Cf. id., Von Zweifeln zur Überzeugung : der Zeugenbeweis im gelehrten Recht ausgehend von der Abhandlung des Bartolus von Sassoferrato, id., 160 (Frankfurt 2003).    
item no. 16Ubaldi, Baldo degli, 1327?-1400Baldus de PerusioCirca materiam testium4195526t. 4, f. 71ra146  
noteBaldo degli Ubaldi (Baldus de Ubaldis, Baldus Perusinus), b. Perugia 1327, d. Pavia 1400. Direct authorship by Baldus of this lectura circa materiam testium (the three lemmata do not appear in D.22.5, C.4.2, or X 2.20) seems unlikely. At one point he is referred to in the third person (f. 72rb no. 1). The item purports to be a report of Baldus’ lectura on the topic, and it may be.    
item no. 17Not in HOLLISBartolusDe reprobatione testium t. 4, f. 73ra150  
noteAngleberme(s), Jean Pyrrhus d’, b. Orléans ca. 1480, d. Milano 1521. That Bartolus had anything to do with this treatise has long been doubted. Much of it must have been in existence by the late 13th c. because quite extensive extracts from it appear in Durantis’ Speculum iudciale. It is possible, however, as Diplovatatius says (f. 73ra-rb), that the brief paragraph at the beginning was written by Bartolus. For the authorship of the basic treatise see immediately below.    
item no. 18Not in HOLLISJacobus AegidiusDe testibus et eorum reprobatione t. 4, f. 73rb150  
noteJacobus Aegidii de Veterbio, prior Aureliensis [?Aureil, dép Haute-Vienne], sec. ?13/2. Diplovatatius (f. 73rb) attributes this treatise to one Jacobus Aegidii de Viterbio, prior ‘Aureliensis’ (?Aureil dép. Haute-Vienne), who, he says, was lecturing in Rome and did it at the request of one Geoffrey of Milano, the ‘chief judge of the church of Viterbo’. He says that there are also manuscript attributions to one Angelus de Amelia, who was a contemporary of Bartolus, but there are more ascriptions to Jacobus. Diplovatatius was apparently unaware that there are also manuscript ascriptions to Iacopo Balduini (b. Bologna . . . , fl. 1210 - d. Bologna 1235), a student of Azo’s, and to Bagarotus (fl. 1200-1246). We can probably exclude Angelus de Amelia on chronological grounds, but the other three are all possible, and it may be that all three of them were involved in this ‘living text.’ A similar, but not the same, text is printed below, f. 298r, under the name of Bagarotus. A comparison of the two texts suggests that this is more than just variants that could have appeared in different manuscripts, but a rather substantial rewriting. See the attached Notes on Testium facilitate (Word doc). Still to be determined is which version Durantis used.    
item no. 19Ubaldi, Angelo degli, 1328 - ca. 1407Angelus de PerusioAdditiones4371626t. 4, f. 75rb154  
noteAngelo degli Ubaldi (Angelus de Perusio), sr., b. ?Perugia 1327/8, d. Perugia 1407.    
item no. 20Ubaldi, Angelo degli, 1328 - ca. 1407Angelus de Ubaldis de PerusioQuaestio4371741t. 4, f. 76ra156  
noteAngelo degli Ubaldi (Angelus de Perusio), sr., b. ?Perugia 1327/8, d. Perugia 1407. HOLTI: Quæstio talis est, etc. TUI 1584 groups these quaestiones under the general title Quaestiones circa materiam testium. They may be related to the lectura given above at f. 71ra, but the relationship may be one perceived by the editor rather than by original author(s).    
item no. 21Ubaldi, Angelo degli, 1328 - ca. 1408Angelus de Ubaldis de PerusioAn frater possit esse testis in causa criminali fratris4371738t. 4, f. 76va157  
noteAngelo degli Ubaldi (Angelus de Perusio), sr., b. ?Perugia 1327/8, d. Perugia 1407. HOLTI: Quæstio - an frater possit esse testis in causa criminali fratris. TUI 1584 groups these quaestiones under the general title Quaestiones circa materiam testium. See the note immediately above.    
item no. 22Not in HOLLISFedericus SchenchDe testibus t. 4, f. 77rb158  
noteSchenck, Frederick, van Toutenburg, b. Vollenhove ca. 1503, d. Utrecht 1580. This item would also seem to be an extract from his Progymnasmata fori.    
item no. 23Nellus, de Sancto GeminianoNellus a Sancto GeminianoDe testibus4341998t. 4, f. 79ra162  
noteNello Cetti da San Gimignano (Nellus de [a] Sancto Geminiano), b. ?San Gimignano 1373, d. ?Firenze 1430. N’s authorship of this practical treatise, first published in Venezia in 1472, seems clear.    
item no. 24Campeggi, Giovanni, 1448-1511Ioannes Campegius BononiensisDe testibus4295253t. 4, f. 88rb180  
noteCampeggi, Giovanni Zaccaria, b. Mantova 1448, d. Mantova 1511. The treatise is divided into 441 regulae, a fact that gives some sense of his dogmatic approach, despite the fact that he was originally trained as a humanist.    
item no. 25Corte, Francesco, d. 1495Franciscus Curtius PapiensisDe testibus4299689t. 4, f. 125rb254  
noteCorti, Francesco sr., b. Pavia . . . , d. Pavia 1495.    
item no. 26Barbazza, Andrea, ca. 1410-1480Andreas BarbatiusDe testibus ad c. testimonium de testibus [D.22.5pr]4192772t. 4, f. 130va265  
noteBarbaza, Andrea, b. Messina ca. 1410, d. Bologna 1479. B. was much more a canonist than he was a civilian, so it is a bit surprising to find him writing what seems to be a repetitio on a Digest text. The attribution of this text to him needs further exploration.    
item no. 27Aufrère, Étienne deStephanus Aufrerius Tolosanus PraesesDe testibus4192542t. 4, f. 140ra284  
noteAufréri, Étienne, b. Poitiers ca. 1458, d. Toulouse 1511. HOLTI: Tractatus optimus de testibus & eorum reprobatione.    
item no. 28Alfani, Tindaro, 15th cent.TyndarusDe testibus4192283t. 4, f. 147ra298  
noteAlfani, Tindaro, b. ?Perugia . . . , d. Perugia 1449. The item is interesting in that it set in the form of a dialogue among Bartolus, Baldus, and Ludovicus Romanus, in which the last-named seems to get the best of the argument.    
item no. 29Albericus, de MaletisAlbericius de Maletis PapiniensisDe testibus subtilis ac perutilis [tractatus]4196179t. 4, f. 162ra328  
noteMaletta (Maletti), Alberico. b. Mortara ca. 1410, d. Campalestro 1466. This is M.’s best-known (and perhaps his only) work. As Vaglienti (DGI) notes, it is characterized by a pursuit of rationes and by considerable imagination.    
item no. 30Oriano, Lanfranco da, d. 1488Lanfrancus de OrianoDe testibus4334277t. 4, f. 179ra362  
noteLanfranco da Oriano (Lanfrancus de Ariadno), b. Oriano 1400 X 1410, d. Brescia 1488. HOLTI: Tractatus depositionis testium seu de testibus.    
item no. 31Socini, Mariano, 1401-1467Marianus Socinus SeniorisDe testibus4372301t. 4, f. 189vb383  
noteSocini (Sozini, Soccini), Mariano, sr., b. Siena 1397, d. Siena 1467.    
item no. 32Crottus, JoannesJoannes Crotus a MonteferratoPraeclarus et insignis tractus de testibus4295403t. 4, f. 199vb403  
noteCrotti, Giovanni (Crotus de Monteferrato), b. Casale Monferrato ca. 1475, d. Pisa 1517. HOLTI adds: cum additionibus, necnon plurimis fructuosis quæstionibus . . . Petri de Moncada. Deza (DGI) reports that this treatise was not completed because of the author’s early death and was reworked for publication in 1523 by the Spanish jurist Pedro de Moncada (16th c.).    
item no. 33Lescut, Nicolaus de, 16th cent.Nicolaus de LescutDe testium examinatione4327432t. 4, f. 231vb467  
noteEscut, Nicolas de l’, b. . . . (Lorraine) sec. 16/ineunte, d. . . . 1580. The dedicatory epistle of this work is dated in 1540 (e.g., ed. Frankfurt 1597).    
item no. 34Monticellus, Joannes MariaJoannes Maria Monticellus de BobioRepertorium generale in materiis civilibus testium per ordinem titulorum digestum et ordinatum4338754t. 4, f. 239ra482  
noteMonticelli, Giovanni Maria, sec. 16/2.    
item no. 35BagarotusBagarotusDe reprobationibus testium4196012t. 4, f. 298rb600  
noteBagarotto (Bagarottus de Coradis), fl. 1200 X 1246. For the work, see above, f. 73rb.    
item no. 36La Pape, Guy de, ca. 1402 - ca. 1487Guido PapaDe praesumptionibus iuris tantum et de iure4323764t. 4, f. 300ra604  
notePape, Gui, b. Lyons ?1404, d. Grenoble 1477.    
item no. 37Alciati, Andrea, 1492-1550Andreas AlciatusDe presumptionibus, cum additionibus4192978t. 4, f. 304vb613  
noteAlciato (Alciati), Andrea, b. Milano 1492, d. Pavia 1550. HOLTI adds: incerto auctore, etsi nonnulli eum Alciato tribuant. That title comes from Tractatus Lyon 1549, and the editors of Lyon were more cautious about the attribution than was Ziletti. Alciatus’ output was large and was for the most part not organized in the traditional fashion. It is possible that this item is somehow derived from Alciatus’ works. It seem unlikely that he wrote it in the way that it is presented here. TUI 1584 gives the author of the additiones as Ioannes Nicholai Arelatani (Jean Nicolas, [16th c.]). Nicolas may have studied with Alciatus when the latter was teaching at Avignon.    
item no. 38Selva, Giovanni diJoannes de Selva GalliDe iureiurando4362147t. 4, f. 347vb699  
noteSelve, Jean de, ?sr., b. . . . , d. ?Paris 1521. The HOLAU is a phantom. S. would seem to be the elder brother of a better-known Jean de Selve.    
item no. 39Corsetus Siculus, AntoniusAntonius Corsetus SiculusDe iuramento et eius privilegiis4302956t. 4, f. 359ra722  
noteCorsetti (Corsettus, Corsectus, Corsictus), Antonio, b. Noto [prov. Siracusa, Sicily] ca. 1450, d. Roma 1503. HOLTI: Tractatus solen?is per modum repetitionis ad rubr. de juramento & ejus privilegiis. The rubric in question is X 2.24, De iuramento. The form of the item, as the longer title suggests, is that of a repetitio or commentary on the rubric itself.    
item no. 40Baviera, Marco AntonioMarcus Antonius BavieraDe virtute et viribus iuramenti4196246t. 4, f. 364vb733  
noteBonetti, Marcantonio Baverio de, b. . . . sec. 15/m, d. . . . 1500. B’s authorship of this treatise is not in doubt. The HOLLIS record is for both Lyon 1549 and TUI 1584. HOLLIS 4194269 duplicates for TUI 1584.    
item no. 41Not in HOLLISSebastianus VantiusDe nullitatibus processuum ac sententiarum t. 4, f. 371va747  
noteVanzi, Sebastiano, b. Rimini 1514, d. Orvieto 1571. This work was finished in 1549 and enjoyed a great success (Mura [DGI] reports that it was cited as authoritative by Grotius), if only because little else had been written on the topic.    



Item Vol Fol Seq
Spine 4  no f. 1
Front cover 4  no f. 2
Front pastedown, with bookplate 4  no f. 3
Blank freestanding endpaper 4  no f. 4
Blank freestanding endpaper 4  no f. 5
Title Page 4 [1r] 6
Index authorum 4 [1v] 7
Odofredus Beneventanus: De positionibus 4 2r 8
4 2v 9
Iacobus de Arena: De positionibus 4 3r 10
4 3v 11
4 4r 12
4 4v 13
4 5r 14
4 5v 15
4 6r 16
4 6v 17
4 7r 18
Ubertus de Bobio: De positionibus 4 7v 19
4 8r 20
4 8v 21
4 9r 22
4 9v 23
Franciscus Curtius: Tractatus positionum et interrogationum 4 10r 24
4 10v 25
4 11r 26
4 11v 27
Martinus de Fano: Negativa qualiter probanda 4 12r 28
Franciscus Herculanus: De negativa probanda 4 12v 29
4 13r 30
4 13v 31
4 14r 32
4 14v 33
4 15r 34
4 15v 35
4 16r 36
4 16v 37
4 17r 38
4 17v 39
4 18r 40
4 18v 41
4 19r 42
4 19v 43
4 20r 44
4 20v 45
4 21r 46
4 21v 47
4 22r 48
4 22v 49
4 23r 50
4 23v 51
4 24r 52
4 24v 53
4 25r 54
4 25v 55
4 26r 56
4 26v 57
4 27r 58
4 27v 59
4 28r 60
Federicus Schench: De probationibus 4 28v 61
Lanfrancus ab Ariadno: Tractatus de instrumentorum fide et productione 4 29r 62
4 29v 63
4 30r 64
4 30v 65
4 31r 66
4 31v 67
4 32r 68
4 32v 69
4 33r 70
Lanfrancus ab Ariadno: De probationibus cum utilissimis additamentis 4 33v 71
4 34r 72
4 34v 73
4 35r 74
4 35v 75
Paride de Puteo: De reassumptione instrumentorum 4 36r 76
4 36v 77
4 37r 78
4 37v 79
4 38r 80
4 38v 81
4 39r 82
4 39v 83
4 40r 84
4 40v 85
4 41r 86
4 41v 87
4 42r 88
4 42v 89
4 43r 90
4 43v 91
4 44r 92
4 44v 93
4 45r 94
4 45v 95
4 46r 96
4 46v 97
Lanfrancus ab Ariadno: De confessionibus 4 47r 98
4 47v 99
4 48r 100
4 48v 101
4 49r 102
4 49v 103
Antonius de Butrio: De notorio 4 50r 104
4 50v 105
4 51r 106
4 51v 107
4 52r 108
4 52v 109
4 53r 110
4 53v 111
4 54r 112
4 54v 113
4 55r 114
4 55v 115
4 56r 116
4 56v 117
4 57r 118
Nepos a Monte Albano: De testibus 4 57v 119
4 58r 120
4 58v 121
4 59r 122
4 59v 123
4 60r 124
Iacobus Butrigarius: De testibus 4 60v 125
4 61r 126
4 61v 127
4 62r 128
4 62v 129
Bartolus de Saxoferrato: De testibus 4 63r 130
4 63v 131
4 64r 132
4 64v 133
4 65r 134
4 65v 135
4 66r 136
4 66v 137
4 67r 138
4 67v 139
4 68r 140
4 68v 141
4 69r 142
4 69v 143
4 70r 144
4 70v 145
Baldus de Perusio: Circa materiam testium 4 71r 146
4 71v 147
4 72r 148
4 72v 149
Bartolus: De reprobatione testium; Iacobus Aegidius: De testibus et eorum reprobatione 4 73r 150
4 73v 151
4 74r 152
4 74v 153
Angelus de Perusio: Additiones  4 75r 154
4 75v 155
Angelus de Ubaldis de Perusio: Quæstio talis est, etc. 4 76r 156
Angelus de Ubaldis de Perusio: An frater possit esse testis in causa criminali fratris 4 76v 157
Federicus Schench: De testibus 4 77r 158
4 77v 159
4 78r 160
4 78v 161
Nellus a Sancto Geminiano: De testibus 4 79r 162
4 79v 163
4 80r 164
4 80v 165
4 81r 166
4 81v 167
4 82r 168
4 82v 169
4 83r 170
4 83v 171
4 84r 172
4 84v 173
4 85r 174
4 85v 175
4 86r 176
4 86v 177
4 87r 178
4 87v 179
Ioannes Campegius Bononinsis: De testibus 4 88r 180
4 88v 181
4 89r 182
4 89v 183
4 90r 184
4 90v 185
4 91r 186
4 91v 187
4 92r 188
4 92v 189
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4 122r 248
4 122v 249
4 123r 250
4 123v 251
4 124r 252
4 124v 253
Franciscus Curtius Papiensis: De testibus 4 125r 254
4 125v 255
4 126r 256
4 126v 257
4 127r 258
4 127v 259
4 128r 260
4 128v 261
4 129r 262
4 129v 263
4 130r 264
Andrea Barbatius: De testibus ad c. testimonium de testibus [D.22.5.1pr] 4 130v 265
4 131r 266
4 131v 267
4 132r 268
4 132v 269
4 133r 270
4 133v 271
4 134r 272
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4 135r 274
4 135v 275
4 136r 276
4 136v 277
4 137r 278
4 137v 279
4 138r 280
4 138v 281
4 139r 282
4 139v 283
Stephanus Aufrerius: De testibus 4 140r 284
4 140v 285
4 141r 286
4 141v 287
4 142r 288
4 142v 289
4 143r 290
4 143v 291
4 144r 292
4 144v 293
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Tyndarus: De testibus 4 147r 298
4 147v 299
4 148r 300
4 148v 301
4 149r 302
4 149v 303
4 150r 304
4 150v 305
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4 161v 327
Albercius de Maletis Papiensis: Tractatus de testibus 4 162r 328
4 162v 329
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4 176r 356
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4 178v 361
Lanfrancus de Oriano: De testibus 4 179r 362
4 179v 363
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4 189r 382
Marianus Socinus: De testibus 4 189v 383
4 190r 384
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4 197v 399
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4 199r 402
Ioannes Crottus: De testibus 4 199v 403
4 200r 404
4 200v 405
4 201r 406
4 201v 407
4 202r 408
4 202v 409
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4 231r 466
Nicolaus de Lescut: De testium examinatione 4 231v 467
4 232r 468
4 232v 469
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4 233v 471
4 234r 472
4 234v 473
4 235r 474
4 235v 475
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4 236v 477
4 237r 478
4 237v 479
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4 238v 481
Ioannes Maria Monticellus: Repertorium generale in materiis civilibus testium per ordinem titulorum digestum et ordinatum 4 239r 482
4 239v 483
4 240r 484
4 240v 485
4 241r 486
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4 294v 593
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4 297v 599
Bagarotus: De reprobationibus testium 4 298r 600
4 298v 601
4 299r 602
4 299v 603
4 300r 604
4 300v 605
4 301r 606
4 301v 607
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4 302v 609
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4 303v 611
4 304r 612
Andrea Alciatus: De presumptionibus 4 304v 613
4 305r 614
4 305v 615
4 306r 616
4 306v 617
4 307r 618
4 307v 619
4 308r 620
4 308v 621
4 309r 622
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4 347r 698
Ioannes de Selva Galli: De iureiurando 4 347v 699
4 348r 700
4 348v 701
4 349r 702
4 349v 703
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4 350v 705
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4 358r 720
4 358v 721
Antonius Corsetus Siculus: De iuramento et eius privilegiis 4 359r 722
4 359v 723
4 360r 724
4 360v 725
4 361r 726
4 361v 727
4 362r 728
4 362v 729
4 363r 730
4 363v 731
4 364r 732
Marcus Antonius Baveria: De virtute et viribus iuramenti 4 364v 733
4 365r 734
4 365v 735
4 366r 736
4 366v 737
4 367r 738
4 367v 739
4 368r 740
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4 369r 742
4 369v 743
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4 370v 745
4 371r 746
Sebastianus Vantius: De nullitatibus processuum, ac sententiarum 4 371v 747
4 372r 748
4 372v 749
4 373r 750
4 373v 751
4 374r 752
4 374v 753
4 375r 754
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Finis. Registrum. Printer’s device. 4 427v 859
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