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Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists

Ames Projects

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Report No. t277

Joannes de Vischis

?sec. 15


Alternative Names

Joannes de Vischis



Library cataloguers have given up on J. If they catalogue the work at all, they leave the name in Latin and give no identification. J. is found in no authority file of which we are aware. The Tractatus de immunitate ecclesiae was first published in Lyon in 1519 as part of a collection of treatises entitled Tractatus Singulares et in praxi contingibiles diuersorum doctorum. The book is very rare, but it was microfilmed in the project of French Books Prior to 1601, which we have not seen. WorldCat. It was not, so far as we can yet tell, published in Tractatus 1549, and was not published again before or after 1584. Ágoston Roskoványi, in his Romanus Pontifex tamquam primas ecclesiae et princeps civilis e monumentis omnium seculorum demonstratus (Neutra 1867) 1.669 lists among ‘scripta pro pontificatu contra imperium’ of the 14th century a Tractatus de immunitate ecclesiae by a ‘Ioannes de Vischbach Abbas Benedictinus’, which he dates to 1355 and which he says makes the same argument as Alberigo da Rosate: ‘impugnant universalem monarchiam Imperatoris et evolvit independentiam potestatis ecclesiasticae’. The statement of the argument of the treatise is correcTUI 1584 t. That an early 16th-century French printer could have turned ‘Vischbach’ (modern Fischbach, prov. Styria, ÖST) into ‘Vischis’ is certainly possible. Roskoványi’s identification, however, must be rejected as an identification of the treatise in TUI 1584. The work cites both Panormitanus and Zabarella frequently, and so it must date, in the form in which we have it, from at least the 15th century. We fall back, then, with some discomfort, on Ziletti’s identification of J.: ‘praepositus ecclesie cathedralis Thaurinensis, Decretum in Thaurinensi universitati legens’. That J. is not mentioned in T. Vallauri, Storia delle università degli studi del Piemonte 1 (Torino 1845), is troubling but not decisive. A more careful examination of the citations in the work might allow us to tie down the date more precisely.

Source: Not in CERL Thesaurus. Not in MEMJ. Printed works.

Entry by: CD 22.v.2019

TUI database