Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists |
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Report No. r344 |
Johannes Bromiardus |
fl. mid. 14th c. |
Alternative Names |
Bromyarde; John de (LC); John de Bromyarde; Ioannes Bromiardus; John Philip de Bromyarde; Johannes de Bromyerde; Jean de Bromyard; John de Bromiard; John de Bromeard; Joannes Bromiardus |
Biography/Description |
Johannes was a Dominican from the convent at Hereford (c. 1326–1352). He wrote a manual on confession, the Opus trivium (c. 1330), which included a considerable amount of canonistic material, of which he later presented a revision, Summa predicantium (before 1348). |
Entry by: KP rev BP 2015 |
Text(s) |
No. 1 | Opus trivium, c. 1330. (Tractatus iuris civilis et canonici ad moralem materiam applicati secundum ordinem alphabeti). |
No. 2 | Summa predicantium. |
Text(s) – Early Printed Editions |
No. 1 |
Opus trivium, c. 1330. |
Early Printed Editions |
Köln, c. 1473. |
Lyon, 1500. |
Paris, 1500. |
No. 2 |
Summa predicantium. |
Early Printed Editions |
Basel, c. 1484 (Hain 3993). |
Nürnberg, 1485 (Hain 3994). |
Nürnberg, 1518. |
Paris, 1518. |
Lyon, 1522. |
Nürnberg, 1575. |
Venezia, 1586. |
Antwerp, 1614. |
Literature |
M.–A. Polo de Beaulieu and J. Berlioz, ‘“Car qui a le vilain, a la proie”. Les proverbes dans les recueils d’exempla (XIIIe-XIVe siècle)’, Tradition des proverbes et des exempla dans l’Occident médiéval: Colloque fribourgeois 2007, H. Bizzari and M. Rohde, ed. (Scrinium Friburgense, 24; Berlin 2009) 25–65. |
S. Wenzel, ‘Bromyard’s Other Handbook: Canon and Civil Law for Preachers’, Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History (2009) 93–123. |
R. Green, ‘“Allas, allas! That evere love was synne!”: John Bromyard v. Alice of Bath’, Chaucer Review, 42 (2008) 298–311. |
C. Rider, ‘“Danger, stupidity, and infidelity”: Magic and Discipline in John Bromyard’s Summa for Preachers’, Studies in Church History (2007) 191–201. |
D. Wood, ‘“Lesyng of tyme”: Perceptions of Idleness and Usury in Late Medieval England’, Studies in Church History (2002) 107–116. |
P. Binkley, ‘Preachers’ Responses to Thirteenth–Century Encyclopaedism’, Pre–Modern Encyclopaedic Texts: Proceedings of the Second COMERS Congress, Groningen, 1–4 July 1996, P. Binkley, ed. (Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History, 79; Leiden 1997) 75–88. |
R. Karras, ‘Sex, Money, and Prostitution in Medieval English Culture’, Desire and Discipline: Sex and Sexuality in the Premodern West, J. Murray and K. Eisenbichler, ed. (Toronto 1996) 201–216. |
P. Binkley, ‘John Bromyard and the Hereford Dominicans’, Centres of Learning: Learning and Location in Pre–Modern Europe and the Near East, J. Drijvers and A. MacDonald, ed. (Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History, 61; Leiden 1995) 255–264. |
R. Karras, ‘Gendered Sin and Misogyny in John of Bromyard’s Summa predicantium’, Traditio, 47 (1992) 233–257. |
G. Rudd, ‘The State of the Ark: A Metaphor in Bromyard and Piers Plowman B.X.396-401’, Notes and Queries, n.s. 37 (1990) 6–10. |
A. Fletcher, ‘A Death Lyric from the Summa Predicantium, MS. Oriel College 10’, Notes and Queries, n.s. 24 (1977) 11–12. |
T. Kaeppeli, Scriptores ordinis praedicatorum medii aevi (1975) 2.392–94. |
L. Boyle, ‘The date of the Summa praedicantium of John Bromyard’, Speculum (1973) 533–37. Reprinted in: idem, Pastoral Care, Clerical Education and Canon Law, 1200-1400. Essays by Leonard E. Boyle (Variorum Collected Studies, 135; London 1981) no. X. |
D. Oross, John Bromyard, Medieval Sermon Encyclopedist (Ph.D. diss. St. Louis University; St. Louis 1971). |
J. von Schulte, |