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Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists

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Report No. c017

Ordo iudiciarius ‘Inuocato Christi nomine’



Alternative Names



Complete treatment of civil procedure attributed to Pillius but more likely written by another, possibly Bencivene di Siena, relying on the teaching of Pillius. Kantorowicz doubted Seckel and Genzmer’s attribution to Bencivene, and preferred to call the author ‘pseudo-Pillius’.


Entry by: AL viii.2016



No. 1

Ordo iudiciarius ‘Inuocato Christi nomine’.


Text(s) – Modern Editions

No. 1

Ordo iudiciarius ‘Inuocato Christi nomine’.

Modern Editions

Quellen zur Geschichte des römisch–kanonischen Prozesses im Mittelalter, ed. L. Wahrmund, 5.1 (Heidelberg 1931; repr. Aalen 1962).


Pillii, Tancredi, Gratiae libri de iudiciorum ordine, ed. F. Bergmann (Göttingen 1842; repr. Aalen 1965) 3–86;.



E. Cortese, ‘Pillio da Medicina’, in DGI (2013) 2.1589.

H. Lange, Glossatoren (1997) 235–36.

L. Fowler-Magerl, Ordo iudiciorum vel ordo iudiciarius: Begriff und Literaturgattung (Ius commune: Sonderhefte 19; Frankfurt a.M. 1984) 119–22.

E. Genzmer, ‘Zum Ordo Invocato Christi nomine’, ZRG Kan. Abt., 22 (1933) 380–88.

H. Kantorowicz, Review of Emil Seckel, ‘Über die dem Pillius zugeschriebene summa iudiciorum “Invocato Christi nomine”,’, 52 (1932) 438–41.

E. Seckel and E. Genzmer, ‘Über die dem Pillius zugeschriebene summa iudiciorum “Invocato Christi nomine”’, Sitzungsberichte der preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Berlin, phil.-hist. Klasse, 17 (1931) 391–417.