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Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists

Ames Projects

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Report No. c010




Alternative Names

Albericus de Porta Ravennate; Alberico; Alberico di Porta Ravennate



Student of Bulgarus (and/or possibly Martinus); somewhat older contemporary of Johannes Bassianus. Most likely from Bologna from the quarter of the Porta Ravennate. Documented as lawyer, judge, or doctor (professor) of law from 1165 to 1194. Enjoyed a great teaching career and was highly esteemed in civilian as well as ecclesiastical circles. Few texts of his have been edited, but he was cited often by future glossators and seems to have been held in esteem comparable to that of the Four Doctors. His glosses bear the siglum ‘A’, ‘Al’, ‘Alb’, and ‘Albri’.


Entry by: AL viii.2016



No. 01

Glossae ad Corpus iuris ciuilis.

No. 02

Apparatus ad Authenticum.

No. 03

Apparatus ad Digestum nouum. Variety of glosses ascribed to Hugo, Rogerius, and Albericus; as youngest of the three, A. was probably responsible for putting the work together.

No. 04

Distinctiones. Expanded from a collection attributed to Hugo, but A.’s exact contribution remains uncertain.

No. 05

Summula de testibus, 1170s.

No. 06

De dilationibus. On the delay of deadlines based on Cod. 3.1; A.’s authorship is uncertain.

No. 07

Lectura ad Digestum uetus. Not complete; only pieces survive; from the school of Albericus and Johannes Bassianus.

No. 08

Consilia. not extant (or not yet found); mentioned by Azo.

No. 09

Distinctio de substitutione.


Text(s) – Modern Editions

No. 01

Glossae ad Corpus iuris ciuilis.

Modern Editions

Ed. F. von Savigny in Geschichte 4.531–33.


Ed. A. Converso in ‘Sul manoscritto torinese F.II 15’, RSDI, 37/38 (1964/65) 54–66.

No. 02

Apparatus ad Authenticum.

Modern Editions

Ed. L. Chiappelli in ‘Glosse d’Irnerio e della sua scuola tratte dal manoscritto capitulare pistoiese dell’ Authenticum con una introduzione storica’, Atti della R. Accademia dei Lincei: Memorie (Classe delle scienze morali, storiche e filologiche 4.2; Roma 1886) 184–256.

No. 05

Summula de testibus.

Modern Editions

Ed. E. Genzmer in ‘Summula de testibus ab Alberico de porta Ravennate composita’, Studi di storia e diritto in onore di Enrico Besta (Milano 1938) 1.479–510.



A. Bettetini, ‘Alberico di Porta Ravennate’, in DGI (2013) 1.22–23.

E. Montanos Ferrín, ‘Alberico’, in Juristas universales (2004) 1.354–5.

H. Lange, Glossatoren (1997) 200–202.

A. Belloni, Le questioni civilistiche del secolo XII: da Bulgaro a Pillio da Medicina e Azzone (Studien zur Europäischen Rechtsgeschichte 43; Frankfurt a.M. 1989) 24–30.

E. Schrage and R. Schoen, ‘Mora debitoris dans le droit savant avant Accurse: avec une édition des distinctions de mora d’Albericus, d’Hugolinus, de Symon Vicentinus et d’un auteur inconnu’, TRG, 57 (1989) 87–104.

A. Padovani, Studi storici sulla dottrina delle sostituzioni (Ius Nostrum 18; Milano 1983) 543–44.

P. Weimar, ‘Die legistische Literatur der Glossatorenzeit’, in Handbuch der Quellen und Literatur der neueren europäischen Privatrechtsgeschichte, H. Coing, ed. (München 1973).

A. Converso, ‘Sul manoscritto torinese F.II 15’, RSDI, 37/38 (1965) 54–66.

P. Fiorelli, ‘Alberico’, in DBI (1960) 1.646–47.

E. Genzmer, ‘Summula de testibus ab Alberico de porta Ravennate composita’, in Studi di storia e diritto in onore di Enrico Besta (Milano 1938) 1.479–510.

H. Kantorowicz, Studies in the Glossators of the Roman Law: Newly Discovered Writings of the Twelfth Century (Cambridge 1938; repr. Aalen 1969) 104–105.

E. Meijers, ‘Sommes, Lectures et Commentaires (1100 à 1250)’, in Atti del Congresso internazionale di diritto Romano: Bologna e Roma 1933 (Pavia 1934) Bologna 1.248–50.

G. Pescatore, ‘Verzeichnis legistischer Distinktionen mit Angabe des Verfassers’, ZRG Rom. Abt., 33 (1912) 493–95, 504–506.

A. Solmi, ‘Documenti per la storia aneddotica dei glossatori bolognesi: Alberico glossatore’, Studi e memorie per la storia dell’Università di Bologna 1.2 (Bologna 1911) 179–90. Reprinted in: idem, Contributi alla storia del diritto commune (Roma 1937), 326–38.

E. Seckel, ‘Distinctiones glossatorum: Studien zur Distinktionen–Literatur der romanistischen Glossatorenschule, verbunden mit Mitteilungen unedierter Texte’, in Fs. Ferdinand von Martitz (Berlin 1911; repr. as Distinctiones glossatorum, Graz 1956) 311–12, 317–32.

F. von Savigny, Geschichte 4.225–30.