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Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists

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Report No. a561

Vincentius Hispanus



Alternative Names

Vincentius, Hispanus (LC); Vincent of Spain; Vicente Hispano; Vincent d’Espagne



A Portugese, was eminent among the Bolognese decretalists from the 1210s onwards. He composed gloss apparatuses on several of the Compilationes antiquae (c.1210–15) and the constitutions of the Fourth Lateran Council of 1215 and wrote various minor works. He received the bishopric of Idanha-Guarda (Portugal) in 1226, but continued to be active as a canonistic author, as is evident from his apparatus on the Liber extra, the oldest commentary (c.1234–43) on the new legislation of Gregory IX. His participation in the Council of Lyon (1245) is certain, which rules out his identification, formerly proposed, with the homonymous bishop of Zaragoza (d. 1244). Vincentius died in 1248.


Entry by: KP rev AL 2015



No. 1

Apparatus to Compilatio I.

No. 10

De discordia testium. (?).

No. 2

Glosses (Apparatus?) on Compilatio II.

No. 3

Apparatus to Compilatio III.

No. 4

Apparatus ad Constitutiones quarti Lateranensis Concilii.

No. 5

Ad Arborem consanguinitatis.

No. 6

Select Casus on Compilatio III.

No. 7

Apparatus ad Decretales Gregorii IX.

No. 8

Casus on the Decretales Gregorii IX.

No. 9

De interdicto uti possidetis.


Text(s) – Manuscripts

No. 1

Apparatus to Compilatio I.


a561Txt1Erlangen, Universitätsbibl. 349, fol. 1–72 (third layer of glosses; incomplete)


Leipzig, Universitätsbibl. 983, fol. 1–60v


a561Txt1Vendôme, BM 89 (scattered glosses)

No. 10

De discordia testium.


Monte Cassino, Bibl. Abbazia 136, p.225

No. 2

Glosses (Apparatus?) on Compilatio II.


a561Txt2Erlangen, Universitätsbibl. 349, fol. 73–113 (second layer of glosses)


a561Txt2Melk, Stiftsbibl. 518, fol. 1v–34v (third layer of glosses)

No. 3

Apparatus to Compilatio III.


Bamberg, Staatsbibl. Can. 20, fol. 99r–180v


a561Txt3Chartres, BM 318 (partially destroyed)


Douai, BM 598, fol. 2r–120r


a561Txt3Erlangen, Universitätsbibl. 349, fol. 114r–202v (third layer of glosses, incomplete)


Fulda, Landesbibl. D.6, front fly-leaf


Graz, Universitätsbibl. 138, fol. 123r–232v


a561Txt3Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibl. Aug. XL, fol. 231r–290v (ends at 3 Comp. 5.10.4, without decretal text)


a561Txt3Melk, Stiftsbibl. 333, fol. 132v–151v (single glosses only)


a561Txt3Melk, Stiftsbibl. 518, fol. 126r–152v (appended to the decretal text)


Modena, Bibl. Estense ???, 119r–235v


München, BSB Clm 3897, fol. 150r–266v


Paris, BN lat. 14611, fol. 1–154r


a561Txt3Paris, Bibl. Mazarine 1292, fol. 102r–159v (incomplete)


Poznan, Biblioteka Kapitulna 28, fol. 1–104v


Reims, BM 691, fol. 3r–152r


Rouen, BM 706, fol. 127r–254r


a561Txt3Sankt Gallen, Stiftsbibl. 697, fol. 1–136r (without decretal text)


a561Txt3Saint-Omer, BM 484, fol. 6r–109v (ends at 3 Comp. 5.23.9)


a561Txt3Città del Vaticano, BAV Vat. lat. 1378, fol. 1–105v (ends at 3 Comp. 5.21.5)


a561Txt3Vercelli, Bibl. Agnes. 23, fol. 87r–178v (single glosses)

No. 6

Select Casus on Compilatio III.


Fulda, Landesbibl. D.10, fol. 102vb–110rb


Graz, Universitätsbibl. 138, fol. 269r–275vb


a561Txt6Halle, Universitäts- u. Landesbibl. Ye.52, fol. 6ra (on 3 Comp. 1.1.1–1.2.7, fragmentary)


a561Txt6Halle, Universitäts- u. Landesbibl. Ye.52, fol. 7ra–8va (on 3 Comp. 5.1.3–5.23.10; fragmentary)


Melk, Stiftsbibl. 333, fol. 132vb–152ra


a561Txt6Paris, BN lat. 3922A, fol. 77v–90v (after 3 Comp. 1.6 with interpolations)


Paris, BN lat. 3931, fol. 73–


a561Txt6Pŀock, Seminarium Bibl. 78, fol. 58r–66v (lost in WWII)


Zwettl, Stiftsbibl. 297, fol. 114v–124v

No. 7

Apparatus ad Decretales Gregorii IX.


a561Txt7Madrid, BN 30, fol. 1–282v (The division of the folios is as follows: fol. 1–214v (books 1–3), 215r–36rb (book 4, omitting decretals of Honorius III and Gregory IX), 236rb–238v (adding decretals of Honorius and Gregory), 239ra–278vr (book 5, without decretals of Honorius and Gregory).)


Paris, BN lat. 3967, fol. 1–212v


a561Txt7Paris, BN lat. 3968 (omits X 2.2.13–16, 2.28.11–52)


Salamanca, Bibl. Univ. 2168, fol. 1–233va


a561Txt7Roma, Bibl. Casanatense 1094, fol. 184r–203vb (ends at X 1.30.10)


a561Txt7Città del Vaticano, BAV Barb. lat. 1626 (omits book 3 and ends at X 5.37.9)

No. 8

Casus on the Decretales Gregorii IX.


Paris, BN lat. 3969, fol. 9r–33v


Roma, Bibl. Casanatense 1094, fol. 121r–143r

No. 9

De interdicto uti possidetis.


Roma, Bibl. Casanatense 1910, fol. 73rb


Text(s) – Modern Editions

No. 1

Apparatus to Compilatio I.

Modern Editions

None. The prologue has been printed (1) by J. Ochoa Sanz in Vincentius Hispanus (1960) 120.

No. 3

Apparatus to Compilatio III.

Modern Editions

Opening gloss printed by J. Ochoa Sanz in Vincentius Hispanus (1960) 122.

No. 4

Apparatus ad Constitutiones quarti Lateranensis Concilii.

Modern Editions

Constitutiones Concilii quarti Lateranensis una cum Commentariis glossatorum, ed. A. García y García (MIC A–2; Città del Vaticano 1981) 271–383.

No. 5

Ad Arborem consanguinitatis.

Modern Editions

Ed. A. García y García in ZRG Kan. Abt., 68 (1982) 153–86.

No. 7

Apparatus ad Decretales Gregorii IX.

Modern Editions

Opening gloss printed by J. Ochoa Sanz in Vincentius Hispanus (1960) 139.



R. Weigand, ‘The Development of the Glossa ordinaria to Gratian’s Decretum’, in The History of Medieval Canon Law in the Classical Period, 1140–1234: From Gratian to the Decretals of Pope Gregory IX, W. Hartmann and K. Pennington, ed. (History of Medieval Canon Law 6; Washington DC 2008) 87, 97.

K. Pennington, ‘The Decretalists 1190 to 1234’, in The History of Medieval Canon Law in the Classical Period, 1140–1234: From Gratian to the Decretals of Pope Gregory IX, W. Hartmann and K. Pennington, ed. (History of Medieval Canon Law 6; Washington DC 2008) 228, 230–38.

A. Duggan, ‘Conciliar Law 1123–1215: The Legislation of the Four Lateran Councils’, in The History of Medieval Canon Law in the Classical Period, 1140–1234: From Gratian to the Decretals of Pope Gregory IX, W. Hartmann and K. Pennington, ed. (History of Medieval Canon Law 6; Washington DC 2008) 353–54.

A. García y García, ‘The Fourth Lateran Council and the Canonists’, in The History of Medieval Canon Law in the Classical Period, 1140–1234: From Gratian to the Decretals of Pope Gregory IX, W. Hartmann and K. Pennington, ed. (History of Medieval Canon Law 6; Washington DC 2008) 371–77.

K. Pennington, ‘Vincentius Hispanus’, in DMA (1989) 12.455–56.

E. Vodola, Excommunication in the Middle Ages (Berkeley 1986) 114, 122, 126, 133.

L. Fowler-Magerl, Ordo iudiciorum vel ordo iudiciarius (Ius Commune, Sonderheft 19; Frankfurt am Main 1984) 240.

K. Pennington, Pope and Bishops: The Papal Monarchy in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries (The Middle Ages; Philadelphia 1984) 24–29, 122–23, 141–43.

A. de Sousa Costa, ‘Presenza di Alessandro di Hales e di Vincentius Hispanus al I Concilio di Lione’, Antonianum, 59 (1984) 71–218.

K. Pennington, Pope and Bishops: The Papal Monarchy in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries (The Middle Ages; Philadelphia 1984) 171–72, 177, 183.

A. García y García, ‘Glosas de Juan Teutónico, Vicente Hispano y Dámaso Húngaro a los Arbores Consanguinitatis et Affinitatis’, ZRG Kan. Abt., 68 (1982) 153–85.

J. Ochoa, ‘El glosador Vincentius Hispanus y titulos comunes “de foro competenti” canonico’, in Miscellanea in onore dei Professori Anastasio Gutierrez e Pietro Tocanel (Roma 1982) 429–88.

J. Ochoa, ‘El glosador Vincentius Hispanus y titulos comunes de foro competenti canonico’, Apollinaris, 55 (1982) 677–736.

A. García y García, ‘La canonística ibérica’, BMCL, 11 (1981) 57–58.

R. Fraher, ‘Tancred’s “Summula de criminibus”: A New Text and a Key to the Ordo iudiciarius’, BMCL, 9 (1979) 23.

A. García y García, Estudios sobre la canonística portuguesa medieval (Madrid 1976) 108–112.

M. Bertram, ‘Some Additions to the “Repertorium der Kanonistik”’, BMCL, 4 (1974) 9–16.

G. Post, ‘Vincentius Hispanus, “Pro Ratione Voluntas”, and Medieval and Early Modern Theories of Sovereignty’, Traditio, 28 (1972) 159–84.

F. Liotta, La continenza dei chierici (Milano 1971) 334–37.

J. Brundage, Medieval Canon Law and the Crusader (Madison WI 1969) 79–80.

J. Brundage, ‘The Votive Obligations of Crusaders: The Development of a Canonistic Doctrine’, Traditio, 24 (1968) 99–100. Reprinted in: idem, The Crusades, Holy War and Canon Law (Collected Studies CS 338; Aldershot 1991) no. VI.

J. Brundage, ‘The Crusader’s Wife: A Canonistic Quandary’, SG, 12 (1967) 436. Reprinted in: idem, The Crusades, Holy War and Canon Law (Collected Studies CS 338; Aldershot 1991) no. XV.

S. Kuttner, ‘Wo war Vincentius Hispanus Bischof?’, Traditio, 22 (1966) 471–74.

A. de Sousa Costa, Mestre Silvestre e Mestre Vicente juristas da contenda entre D. Afonso II e suas irmãs (Braga 1963).

R. Weigand, Die bedingte Eheschliessung im kanonischen Recht (Münchener Theologische Studien 3, Kan. Abt. 16; München 1963) 1.347–57.

S. Kuttner, ‘Notes on Manuscripts’, Traditio, 17 (1961) 537–41.

G. Couvreur, Les pauvres ont-ils des droits? Recherches sur le vol en cas d’extrême nécessité depuis la Concordia de Gratien (1140) jusqu’à Guillaume d’Auxerre († 1321) (Analecta Gregoriana 111; Roma 1961) 61, 102–4, 115, 265, 269.

J. Ochoa Sanz, Vincentius Hispanus: Canonista boloñes del siglo XIII (Cuadernos de Instituto Juridico Español 13; Roma 1960).

R. Weigand, ‘Mitteilungen aus Handschriften’, Traditio, 16 (1960) 560 n.18.

S. Kuttner, ‘An Interim Checklist of Manuscripts’, Traditio, 13 (1957) 467–69.

G. Fransen, ‘Manuscrits canoniques conservés en Espagne’, RHE, 51 (1956) 940–41.

B. Tierney, Foundations of the Conciliar Theory: The Contribution of the Medieval Canonists from Gratian to the Great Schism (Cambridge 1955; repr. 1968) 91, 121, 129, 213.

G. Post, ‘“Blessed Lady Spain”: Vincentius Hispanus and Spanish National Imperialism in the Thirteenth Century’, Speculum, 29 (1954) 198–209.

S. Kuttner, ‘Bernardus Compostellanus Antiquus’, Traditio, 1 (1943) 289–91.

S. Kuttner, Repertorium 326–44, 356–71, 374 n.2.

F. Gillmann, ‘Wo war Vincentius Hispanus Bischof?’, AKKR, 113 (1933) 99–107.

F. Gillmann, ‘Der Kommentar des Vincentius Hispanus zu den Kanones des vierten Laterankonzils (1215)’, AKKR, 109 (1929) 223–34.

F. Gillmann, ‘Die Ablaßlehre des Vincentius Hispanus’, AKKR, 106 (1926) 179–83.

J. von Schulte, QL 1.191–93.

J. von Schulte, ‘Litteraturgeschichte der Compilationes Antiquae’, Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, 66 (1871) 106–108.