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Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists

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Report No. a313

Lyon II, Council: Constitutiones



Alternative Names

Decrees of the Second Council of Lyon; Canons of the Second Council of Lyons



Officially promulgated version of the decisions reached at the Second Council of Lyon (1274). Promulgated by Pope Gregory X in 1275. At least seven different commentaries were written on this collection of constitutiones and nouellae. The apparatus are: 1. an anonymous commentary with the incipit, ‘Hoc dicit quod spiritus sanctus’, written by Sept. 1275; 2. Johannes Anguissola de Cesena by 1275; 3. Boatinus of Mantua (late 1277 or later); 4. Franciscus de Albano, by the Spring of 1277; 5. Garsias Hispanus (the Glossa Ordinaria) in 1282; 6. an anonymous commentary with the incipit, ‘Gregorius salutem. Si qui erant excommunicati non absoluuntur’; and 7. Guillelmus Durandus, written in 1289 or later. This collection was rendered obsolete by the promulgation in 1298 of the Liber Sextus by Boniface VIII.


Entry by: KP rev AL 2015



No. 1

Constitutiones. See under the various commentaries.



S. Kuttner, ‘Retractationes’, in Medieval Councils (Aldershot 1980).

L. Boyle, ‘The Date of the Commentary of William Duranti on the Constitutions of the Second Council of Lyons’, BMCL, 4 (1974) 39–47.

M. Bertram, ‘Zur wissenschaflichen Bearbeitung der Konstitutionen Gregors X.’, QF, 53 (1973) 459–67.

S. Kuttner, ‘Conciliar Law in the Making: The Lyonese constitutions (1274) of Gregory X in a Manuscript at Washington’, in Miscellanea Pio Paschini (Studi di storia ecclesiastica, N.S. 15; Roma 1949) 2.39–81.