Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists |
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Report No. a308 |
Lateran IV, Council: Constitutiones |
1215 |
Alternative Names |
Decrees of the Fourth Lateran Council; Canons of the Fourth Lateran Council |
Biography/Description |
70 constitutions plus a decree (c.[71] dealing with preparations for a crusade) approved by the Fourth Lateran Council presided over by Innocent III in 1215. Quickly received commentary by the major canonists of the day. Adopted in Compilatio quarta (except for c.42 and c.[71]) and later into the Liber Extra (except for c.42, c.49, and c.[71]). |
Entry by: KP rev AL 2015 |
Text(s) |
No. 1 | Lateran IV, Council: Constitutiones. |
Text(s) – Manuscripts |
No. 1 |
Lateran IV, Council: Constitutiones. |
Manuscript | Admont, Stiftsbibl. 22, fol. 245v–246r |
Bamberg, Staatsbibl. Can. 20, fol. 63v–70v |
Bordeaux, BM 400, final work |
Firenze, BN Conv. Soppr. da ordinare, Vallombrosa 36(325), fol. 294ra–307va |
Firenze, Bibl. Laurenz. Plut. 3 (olim S. Croce III) sin.6 p.96 (The library currently identifies this manuscript with the Plutei designation, but the literature often refers to it with the S. Croce one.) |
Firenze, Bibl. Laurenz. Plut. 4 (olim S.Croce IV) sin.2, fol. 254r(251)–264v(261) |
Graz, Universitätsbibl. II.138, fol. 233r–246v |
Kassel, Universitäts- u. Landesbibl. Jur. 11 |
London, Lambeth Palace Libr. 139, fol. 168–76 |
Monte Cassino, Bibl. Abbazia 468, fol. 205–222 |
Rouen, BM 706, fol. 255r–268v |
Text(s) – Modern Editions |
No. 1 |
Lateran IV, Council: Constitutiones. |
Modern Editions |
Constitutiones concilii quarti Lateranensis una cum commentariis glossatorum, ed. A. García y García (MIC A–2; Città del Vaticano 1981) 175–272. |
Literature |
K. Pennington, ‘Reform in 1215: Magna Carta and the Fourth Lateran Council’, BMCL, 32 (2015) 97–125. |
P. Silanos, ‘In sede apostolica specula constituti: Procedure curiali per l’approvazione di regole e testi normativi allʹalba del IV concilio lateranse’, QF, 94 (2014) 33–93. |
S. Kuttner, ‘Retractationes’, in Medieval Councils, Decretals and Collections of Canon Law (Ashgate 1980). |
A. García y García, ‘La iglesia griega y el concilio IV Lateranense de 1215’, Dialogo ecumenico, 13 (1978) 121–44. |
A. García y García, ‘El gobierno de la Iglesia universal en el concilio IV lateranense de 1215’, AHC, 1 (1969) 50–68. |
J. Brundage, Medieval Canon Law and the Crusader (Madison WI 1969) 81–82, 144, 147–48, 175. |
R. Foreville, ‘Representation et taxation du clergé au concile du Latran (1215)’, in Etudes présentées à la Commission internationale pour les Assemblées d’Etats (XIIe congrès internationale des Sciences hist. 21; Paris 1966) 57–74. |
S. Kuttner, ‘A New Eyewitness Account on the Fourth Lateran Council’, em>Traditio, 20 (1964) 115–78. |
A. García y García, ‘El concilio de Latrán (1215) y sus commentarios’, Traditio, 14 (1958) 484–502. |
N. Vilain, ‘Prescription et bonne foi du Décret de Gratien (1140) à Jean d’André († 1348)’, Traditio, 14 (1958) 122–24, 138. |
S. Kuttner, ‘Johannes Teutonicus, das IV. Laterankonzil und die Compilatio IV’, in Miscellanea Giovanni Mercati, L. Donati, ed. (Studi e Testi 125; Città del Vaticano 1946) 5.608–34. |