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Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists

Ames Projects

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Report No. t070

Jacobus Gentilis

?15th c.


Alternative Names

Jacobus Gentilis Perusinus; Iacopo Gentili; Iacopo Gentili da Perugia



J. is obscure. Francesco Calasso, writing about Bartolus de Saxoferrato in DBI (6 [1964]), says that an ordo iudiciarius, sometimes attributed to Bartolus, is also sometimes attributed to one Iacopo Gentili da Perugia. A website that purports to list all the professors who ever taught civil law at Perugia lists a Lorenzo di Iacopo Gentili as having taught there from 1415–?, and 1429–?. J. could be Lorenzo’s father, or it could be Lorenzo himself, whose Christian name was forgotten and his patronimic remembered. More work on this author is clearly called for.

Source: Not in DGI, DBI, or CERL Thesaurus.

Entry by: CD/DC v.2017

TUI database



No. 01

De ordine iudiciorum.


Text(s) – Early Printed Editions

No. 01

De ordine iudiciorum.

Early Printed Editions

Tractatus universi iuris. Venezia: F. Ziletti, 1584, 3.1.41ra.