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Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists

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Report No. a061

Bernardus Papiensis



Alternative Names

Bernard, of Pavia (LC); Bernardo Balbi; Bernardus Balbi Ticinensis; Bernardus Balbus; Bernard of Pavia; Bernhard von Pavia; Bernardo da Pavia



Born in Pavia. Bernardus studied at Bologna under Bazianus, Gandulphus, and (perhaps) Huguccio. He taught at Bologna during the 1170s and then spent time at Rome working in the curia. In 1187, Bernardus became Provost of Pavia. In 1191, he succeeded Johannes Faventinus as Bishop of Faenza. In 1198, he was postulated to the bishopric of Pavia. He died there on 18 September 1213.

Bernardus was the most important twelfth-century canonist after Huguccio. He wrote glosses on the Decretum which formed the core of the apparatus Ordinaturus magister, which passed for the Ordinary Gloss to the Decretum until the time of Johannes Teutonicus. But Bernardus’ lasting achievement was as a decretalist. Bernardus first compiled a modest decretal collection, the Collection in ninety-five titles (or Parisiensis II), between 1177 and 1179. Far more important, however, was Bernardus’ creation, around 1190, of the large, systematic decretal collection, Breuiarium extrauagantium (later known as Compilatio prima, which became the model for all subsequent collections. He also wrote glosses, Casus and a Summa on the Breuiarium organized by title which helped to establish the genre of the Summa super titulis. The chronology of Bernardus’ writings poses significant problems; it seems likely that he wrote and then revised most of his works at least once and perhaps several times.


Entry by: KP rev AL 2015



No. 01

Glosses on Decretum. See under Ordinaturus Magister.

No. 02

Collection in ninety-five titles. See under Collectio Parisiensis II.

No. 03

Breuiarium extrauagantium. See under Compilatio prima.

No. 04

Glosses on Compilatio I.

No. 05

Summa titulorum decretalium, c.1191–98.

No. 06

Casus decretalium, after 1198.

No. 07

Summa de electione, c.1177–79.

No. 08

Summa de matrimonio, c.1173–79.

No. 09

Argumenta or Notabilia.

No. 10

Collectio Lipsiensis, 1180s. See under Collectio Lipsiensis.


Text(s) – Manuscripts

No. 04

Glosses on Compilatio I.


Appears together with glosses of Alanus Anglicus


Erlangen, Universitätsbibl. 349


Fulda, Landesbibl. D.5


Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibl. Aug. XL


München, BSB Clm 3879


Appears together with the glosses of Ricardus Anglicus


München, BSB Clm 6352


München, BSB Clm 8302


Other manuscripts containing mixed glosses including those of Bernardus


a061Txt04Admont, Stiftsbibl. 55, fols. 1–85v (set i)


a061Txt04Avranches, BM 149, fols. 7–77v (set i)


Lisboa, BN Alcobaça 173 (304), fols. 10v–115r


a061Txt04Monte Cassino, Bibl. Abbazia 46, pp.1–178 (set i)


Halle, Universitäts- u. Landesbibl. Ye 52


Laon, BM 385


Vendôme, BM 89


Città del Vaticano, BAV Pal. lat. 288


Città del Vaticano, BAV Pal. lat. 653


Other manuscripts with very early glosses that should be studied in more depth in order to determine if some of them belong to Bernardus


Bamberg, Staatsbibl. Can. 19


Cambridge, Gonville & Caius Coll. 150


London, Lambeth Palace Libr. 80


Chartres, BM 318


Douai, BM 594


Paris, BN lat. 15398


Monte Cassino, Bibl. Abbazia 46

No. 05

Summa titulorum decretalium, c.1191–98.


Avignon, BM 661, fol. 85–119v


Bamberg, Staatsbibl. Can. 45, fol. 8–22


Berlin, Staatsbibl. lat. fol. 350


a061Txt05Bern, Universitätsbibl. A. 94 (19 folios; ends at 1 Comp. 2.20)


a061Txt05Cambrai, BM 253, fol. 82–113v (ends at 1 Comp. 4.19)


a061Txt05Bernkastel-Kues, Bibl. St. Nikolaus Hospitals 226, fol. 38–48v (ends at 1 Comp. 5.15)


a061Txt05Fulda, Landesbibl. D.5, fol. 1–83 (with decretal text)


a061Txt05Halle, Universitäts- u. Landesbibl. Ye. 80, fol. 1–78 (with decretal text)


Leipzig, Universitätsbibl. 982


a061Txt05London, BL Royal 9. E. XIV, fol. 191–197v (ends at 1 Comp. 4.1)


a061Txt05Monte Cassino, Bibl. Abbazia 46, p. 1–278 (excerpts only; with decretal text)


München, BSB Clm 3507, fol. 51ff


München, BSB Clm 4592, fol. 76–117


München, BSB Clm 16083, fol. 5–36


München, BSB Clm 22304, fol. 84–130


Paris, BN lat. 3934A, fol. 1–20


Roma, Bibl. Vallicell. C.44, fol. 4–40v


a061Txt05Troyes, BM 385 (with decretal text)


Città del Vaticano, BAV Vat. lat. 2691, fol. 21–44v


Città del Vaticano, BAV Vat. lat. 11502, fol. 1–103


Vercelli, Bibl. Agnes. 176 [Ar. 191], fol. 17–49


Wien, ÖNB 1326, fol. 111–132


Berkeley, Univ. Cal. (Berkeley), Law Libr. Robbins Coll. 7

No. 06

Casus decretalium, after 1198.


Alba Iulia, Bibl. Batthyan. 292, fol. 1r–40v


Berlin, Staatsbibl. lat. fol. 350


Chalon-sur-Saône, BM 16


Frankfurt am Main, Stadt- und Universitätsbibl. 43


a061Txt06Fulda, Landesbibl. D. 5, fol. 1–83 (excerpts only; with decretal text)


Leipzig, Universitätsbibl. 984, fol. 67–89v


a061Txt06Oxford, Bodleian Libr. lat. misc. 60 (14 leaves containing parts of books 3 and 4)


Città del Vaticano, BAV Vat. lat. 2691, fol. 59–82


Zwettl, Stiftsbibl. 279, fol. 86r–106r

No. 07

Summa de electione, c.1177–79.


Amiens, BM 377, fol. 148va–151ra


a061Txt07Ivrea, Bibl. Cap. 67, fol. 46ra–47vb (incomplete)


Paris, BN lat. 1566, fol. 69vb–78vb

No. 08

Summa de matrimonio, c.1173–79.


Amiens, BM 377, fol. 151ra–54vb


München, BSB Clm 8302


Monte Cassino, Bibl. Abbazia 396, p. 1–20


Paris, BN lat. 1566, fol. 56ra–69vb


Paris, BN lat. 3454, fol. 49–52


Torino, BN Universitaria D.V.2, fol. 99–109


Würzburg, Universitätsbibl. M. p. th. f. 122, fol. 26v–31r


Zwettl, Stiftsbibl. 162, fol. 66–70r

No. 09

Argumenta or Notabilia.


Melk, Stiftsbibl. 190 (333), fol. 252v–254v



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C. Reid, Power over the Body, Equality in the Family: Rights and Domestic Relations in Medieval Canon Law (Emory University Studies in Law and Religion; Grand Rapids 2004) 49, 111–12, 144, 163–64, 202–3.

J. Fornés, ‘Bernardo de Pavia’, in Juristas universales (2004) 1.375–8.

R. Weigand, Die Glossen zum Dekret Gratians: Studien zu den frühen Glossen und Glossenkompositionen (SG 25/26; Roma 1991) 3.11.

S. Kuttner, ‘Retractationes VII’, in Gratian and the Schools of Law (London 1983) 15–17.

H. Müller, Der Anteil der Laien an der Bischofswahl: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Kanonistik von Gratian bis Gregor IX. (Kanonistische Studien und Texte 29; Amsterdam 1977) 78–84, 138–39.

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F. Liotta, La continenza dei chierici (Milano 1971) 305–309.

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J. Brundage, Medieval Canon Law and the Crusader (Madison WI 1969) 70–71, 163.

R. Benson, The Bishop–Elect: A Study in Medieval Ecclesiastical Office (Princeton 1968) 99–101, 104, 113, 128, 136.

J. Brundage, ‘The Votive Obligations of Crusaders: The Development of a Canonistic Doctrine’, Traditio, 24 (1968) 96–.

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N. Vilain, ‘Prescription et bonne foi du Décret de Gratien (1140) à Jean d’André († 1348)’, Traditio, 14 (1958) 147.

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