[001] does not come on his day, let proceedings for default be taken against him, that is, [002] let him not be attached but resummoned, and if he does not come on the resummons, [003] heavily amerced, as [in the roll] of Trinity term in the third year of king Henry.1
If a clerk refuses to find a surety because of the privilege of his order.
[005] The sheriff may also be excused because of the privilege of clerks, as where he has [006] the king's order to attach a clerk, who refuses to find pledges because of his clerical [007] privilege and has no lay fee by which he may be distrained, nor ought the lord king to [008] lay a hand on them. Since he has no coercion over them, especially [it is otherwise2 in [009] delicts and trespasses,] in the case of major crimes,3 there will be no other remedy except [010] that the ordinaries of the place who have baronies, as archbishops, bishops and [011] others, in whose dioceses the persons to be attached are resident or have ecclesiastical [012] benefices, over whom the king has coercion because of their baronies, be ordered by [013] the king to cause such persons to come. Let the enrolment be made as follows: A. [014] offered himself on the fourth day against B. with respect to such a plea etc. and B. did [015] not appear; the sheriff was ordered to attach him and sent word that the aforesaid [016] B. is a clerk who refused to find pledges and had no lay fee by which he could be distrained. [017] Therefore the ordinary of the place, as the archbishop, bishop or the like [018] was ordered to cause such clerk to appear on such a day, unless it is alleged that such [019] clerk has a lay fee and chattels in the lay fee by which he may be distrained and the [020] sheriff deceitfully sends word that he has nothing. In that case let it be done as [021] above, [in the portion] on the deceits of the sheriff. But what if the clerk has a prebend, [022] that is, a lay fee and refuses to find pledges? Quaere whether the sheriff may at [023] once distrain him by his prebend, or if, when he has an order to attach, he ought to [024] make the return by the ordinary, so that4 the ordinary may distrain the canon by his [025] prebend. It seems that neither may distrain, neither the sheriff nor the bishop. The [026] sheriff cannot, though he has a warrant to enter the liberty, without the bishop or [027] other ordinary, since the bishop is the head of the church and the canons its members. [028] Nor may the bishop by such return, without the special order of the lord king, since [029] a canon holds his prebend of the church as freely as the bishop holds his barony. And [030] the canons are, so to speak, a separate body in the church, and, though the bishop is [031] the head of the church, nevertheless the canons have their own property distinct [032] from the bishop's property. Therefore [only] when the bishop has a special mandate [033] from the lord king,