[001] A. offered himself on the fourth day against B. with respect to such a plea and B. did [002] not appear; the sheriff was ordered to attach him (or to have his body or to distrain [003] him by his lands and chattels). The sheriff sent word that he ordered the bailiffs [004] of such a liberty and they did nothing therein. Therefore the sheriff is ordered not to [005] omit because of such liberty from putting the aforesaid B. by gage and pledges (or [006] from having his body, or from distraining him by [his] lands and chattels, or from [007] taking such land into the hand of the lord king, or from doing some other thing in [008] accordance with the order of the lord king) and let the bailiff be summoned by the [009] sheriff to be present to answer as to why the order of the lord king was not executed. [010] Let the writ be in this form.
Writ that the sheriff not omit because of a liberty.
[012] The king to the sheriff, greeting. We order you not to omit because of the liberty [013] of such a one from putting B. by gage and safe pledges to be etc. to answer etc. (or [014] in another way according to what was ordered etc., as above. And then let it be said:) [015] as to which you have sent word to our justices etc. that you ordered the bailiff (or [016] steward) of such a liberty to attach him to be present at such a day etc. who did [017] nothing therein. Summon the aforesaid bailiff (or steward) by good summoners to [018] be before our justices at the aforesaid term to answer as to why our order was not [019] executed, or why he did not attach the aforesaid B. (or do whatever it is that he [020] did not do) as he was ordered, or, in another way, according to some, that the bailiff [021] be present to hear his judgment as to this etc. If when the sheriff wishes to enter [022] entry is denied him, because of the opposition of the bailiffs of the liberty, let the [023] sheriff be ordered, as before, not to omit because of the liberty from attaching such a [024] one in the manner aforesaid. And if he meets resistance, having assumed to himself, [025] if need be, a sufficiency of knights and free men of the county, to seize the bodies of all [026] the resistors and keep them safe in prison until the lord king has indicated his will in [027] the matter. And let the lord of the liberty be attached to be present at the aforesaid [028] day to defend himself, if he can, with respect to the aforesaid trespass. If he avows [029] it or cannot defend himself, let that liberty be taken into the hand of the lord king, [030] to be held at the will of the lord king, because he deserves to lose the liberty who [031] abuses the power given him. And though in the first case the sheriff may enter since [032] he has an order to do so, if the bailiff