[001] he has no entry except through [C.], after whose death the land ought to revert to the [002] aforesaid by a fine levied in the court of the lord king John, our father, (or in our [003] court before our justices at such a place) between the father of the aforesaid, whose [004] heir he is, demandant, and the aforesaid [C.], tenant, of so much land with the appurtenances [005] in such a vill. Or thus: in which he has no entry except through [C.] who [006] held that land for life by a fine levied in our court etc. between such a one, demandant, [007] and the aforesaid [C.], by which fine the land ought to revert to the aforesaid demandant [008] after the death of the said tenant, as he says, as to which he complains that [009] he wrongfully deforces him. And unless he does so etc. (as above). If one is in seisin by [010] intrusion and he who has right claims against him, let the writ be in this form:
If one
[is in] by intrusion. [012] The king to the sheriff, greeting. Order A. that rightfully etc. he render to B. so much [013] land etc. which the same B. claims as his right against him through the gift of C., the [014] father of the said A., whose heir he is, and in which the said A. has no entry except that [015] he intruded himself into that land after the death of D., the mother of the said A., who [016] recovered that land as her dower against the aforesaid B. in our court etc. by judgment [017] of our same court, of which he wrongfully deforces him. And unless he does so, [018] summon etc. Or in another way: which B. claims is his right1 and in which he has no [019] entry except by the intrusion he made into that land after the death of the same C. [020] [his father] who had that land in wardship to the use of the said B. while he was within [021] age, as he says. Or in another way: Order A. that rightfully etc. he render to B. and [022] C. his wife so much land etc. which the same A. gave in maritagium to the aforesaid B. [023] with the aforesaid C. his daughter, and in which the same A. has no entry after that [024] gift except by the intrusion which he made into it after the death of D., father of the [025] said B., who had that land in wardship to the use of the aforesaid B. and C. his wife [026] with the consent of the same A., [and] who was their guardian by the assignment and [027] the assent to the same A., as the said B. and C. say. If a husband sells the inheritance [028] of one of the children of his wife who is in their wardship, then thus:
If a husband sells the inheritance of the children of his wife who are in his wardship.
[030] The king to the sheriff, greeting. Order A. that he render to B. etc. in which