[001] the ordinary to the lord king, no further exception is to be put forward by which [002] judgment may be postponed.]
The form of the writ.
[004] Henry by the grace of God [etc.] to the venerable father in Christ A. by the same [005] grace bishop of London, greeting. Know that when A. in our court before us (or [006] before our justices) claimed against B. so much land with the appurtenances in [007] such a vill, the same B. came into the court before etc. and objected against the said [008] A. that he had no right in that land because he is a bastard, because he was born before [009] such a one, the father of the said A., had married the mother of the same A. [010] Therefore we order you, having called before you those who are to be called, to [011] enquire diligently into the truth of the matter, namely, whether the aforesaid A. was [012] born before the aforesaid, such a one, had married such a one, the mother of the [013] same A., or after. And cause the enquiry that you make thereof to be made known to [014] us or to our justices, such persons, by your letters patent. Witness etc. Since it is [015] within the king's discretion whether to transmit an enquiry of this kind to court [016] christian or not, let the writ not include the phrase And since cognisance of such a [017] matter belongs to the ecclesiastical forum,1<as in the other cases that follow, where it [018] does belong to the ecclesiastical forum,> and not to the secular.23In this case, since [019] the exception of bastardy is put forward by the tenant against the demandant, the [020] demandant must sue and prove that he is legitimate, by replicating to the exception [021] of bastardy. There is another writ dealing with the same matter.
He against whom bastardy is objected must prove that he is legitimate.
[023] Henry by the grace of God etc. to the venerable etc. (or to such a one, his official), [024] greeting. Know that when A. of N. in our court etc. claimed against B. and C. his wife [025] so much land with the appurtenances in such a vill by an assise of mortdancestor [026] there summoned between them, and the aforesaid C. said that she was the nearer [027] heir of D., on whose death A. brought that assise, the same A. objected against the [028] same C. that she could have no right in that land because she was a bastard, born [029] before her father had espoused her mother. Therefore we order you etc. (as above). [030] In this case