[001] which of them the proof of bastardy or legitimacy falls. It seems that it will always [002] fall to him who is out of seisin, since he who is in seisin has no need to prove, neither [003] the exception, if he excepts bastardy, or the replication of legitimacy if bastardy is [004] objected against him, because of the advantage of possession,1 because when a [005] tenant raises the exception of bastardy against a demandant [the demandant will be [006] forced to the proof of legitimacy, [not] the tenant to the proof of bastardy]2 by excepting, [007] the demandant must show that he is legitimate by replicating, otherwise his [008] case will fall and possession remain with the tenant. Conversely, if bastardy is objected [009] against the tenant by the demandant, that he has no right in the land he holds [010] because he is a bastard, he may be answered that he, the tenant, is in seisin as lawful [011] heir, whereupon the demandant must replicate that he is a bastard, and so by replicating [012] prove the bastardy, and so the demandant must sue [to prove bastardy] because [013] the tenant would never sue [to prove legitimacy]. Thus in both cases proof of [014] the replication falls upon the demandant, either to prove that he is legitimate, as in [015] the first case, or that the tenant is a bastard, as in the second.
An enquiry as to bastardy is sent to court christian by writ.
[017] When, in the proper circumstances, a plea is to be transmitted to court christian, [018] [when] that is permissible and proper, because3 cognisance and the enquiry as to [019] bastardy ought to be made in court christian, let a writ then issue to the ordinary of [020] the place, in this form, [if the ordinary is within the realm [and] under4 the king's [021] potestas. If he is outside the realm and not under the king's potestas, [since] he is not [022] bound to obey unless he wishes, and may not enquire unless the matter is entrusted [023] to him by the king,5 the demandant's action may fall for lack of proof.][And note [024] that before the plea and enquiry as to bastardy is sent to court christian, the view must [025] be made of the land claimed, because, since the whole cause is decided by the enquiry [026] so made, and nothing remains after the inquest except to give judgment in the king's [027] court, it would be preposterously done if the view were then first claimed. Let the [028] view therefore he made first, that the justice may give a judgment certain as to a [029] thing certain. When the enquiry has been returned by