[001] as was said above.1 And so if it may lead to the grand assise. It lies wherever a corporeal [002] thing is claimed which cannot be designated in another way, [that a thing [003] certain may be brought before the court,] either directly or indirectly:2 directly, as [004] where land or some corporeal thing is claimed without the appurtenances, because [005] of the certainty of the body, because the tenant may know at once whether he holds [006] such a body, the whole or part or nothing. Indirectly, as where it may be designated [007] in another way, by what amounts to a view, by which certainty may be had as to [008] what and what kind of thing it is that is claimed, as where it is said, I claim so [009] much land with the appurtenances of which such a one recently died seised, or [010] which such a one recently warranted, or if he holds no more, all the land which [011] such a one holds in the same vill, or in the county or in such a place, or which [012] was seized into the hand of the lord king and replevied by the tenant, or which I [013] (or another) transferred to you, or of which you committed a disseisin, or which [014] you hold of the gift of such a one, or at the bail of the lord king and the like. It [015] also lies in a plea of quo warranto. where the action is both in rem and in personam, [016] by reason of the appurtenances, as of the escheats of the lord king from the lands [017] of the Normans.3 It lies of tenements from which a rent issues; if it is claimed of a [018] rent from a chamber or the like4 it does not lie, because a rent will not be a free [019] tenement unless it issues from a tenement. The view lies of the tenement in which [020] one claims common and the right of pasturing by writ of right, unless it may be [021] designated in another way, as was said above, because he who is sued may have a [022] tenement in which the demandant can claim no common. It also lies if suit is claimed [023] from one who has several tenements in the same vill, that he may know5 and be [024] certified by reason of which tenement the suit is claimed, or though he claims [025] several the tenant owes only one, as may be seen [in the roll] of Trinity term in the [026] second year of king Henry after the war in the county of Kent, [the case] of the [027] Master of the Templars.6 [Thus] the view lies as to some rights, if the things or [028] the places in which the rights inhere cannot be designated by what amounts to [029] the views, as in common of pasture and the like.
Of the enrolment after the view granted.
[031] When the view cannot be denied, let the enrolment be made in this way: A. claims [032] against B. so much land with the appurtenances in such a vill as