[001] it is clear that the appurtenances are not connected with the right itself, but with [002] the church, constructed of wood and stone; not as ingress and egress are appurtenant [003] to a right of pasturing and the like, or repair to a right of way.1 Nor is the [004] rule that in the assise of darrein presentment the jurors ought to see the church to [005] which the presentation is made, an objection, because this has nothing to do with [006] the right, but [is done] to make clear the church to which he is presented, the thing [007] constructed of wood and stone; the two are completely different, though in a way [008] connected. 2<The view was once claimed of the advowson of a church because there [009] were different churches in the same vill, but it was afterwards revoked by judgment, [010] so that the writ of view remained, because the church in which the advowson [011] was claimed could be designated in another way, by what amounted to the same [012] thing, as the advowson of the church of the blessed Peter. On this there is matter [013] in [the roll] of Trinity term in the second year after the war in the county of Kent, [014] [the case] of the abbot of Nutley.>3
If the right of advowson ought to be taken into the lord king's hand.
[016] Since the right of advowson of a church is incorporeal, if on the tenant's default [017] the sheriff is ordered to seize it into the hand of the lord king, how may it be seized, [018] since it is incorporeal, invisible, intangible and cannot be touched, an act which [019] seems impossible?4 I answer: in truth there can be no right without a body and a [020] subject in which it inheres. If it is said that it inheres in the estate or tenement in [021] which the church is situated, it then seems at first sight that the estate ought to be [022] seized and thus the right of that advowson. But the estate is not seized because the [023] right of advowson does not inhere in the estate directly, but through a mesne, which [024] is the church, as constructed of wood and stones, [because], as was said above, it is [025] the right of advowson of such church, not of such estate.5 Therefore since the right [026] of advowson inheres in the church, let the sheriff be told to seize the church into the [027] hand of the lord king by a simple taking, and in consequence he takes that which [028] inheres in the body, as may be seen of a right of pasturing and the like.
Where the view or the equivalent lies.
[030] Where does the view lie? I say that it lies generally with respect to all lands [031] claimed by writ of right patent, or by other writs close in which the matter may be [032] brought to the duel, especially because of the oath of the champions,