[001] the heir is of full age the writ is varied, as above in the case of specified dower.1 [002] This clause is sometimes added to this writ: Consequently it was decided in our [003] same court that the aforesaid A. have land to the value of the aforesaid third part [004] from the land of the said D. if the land of the same D. amounts to the value of the [005] aforesaid third part. If it does not, let her have what is lacking from the land of the [006] same C. up to the amount of the third part which the aforesaid A. claims in dower [007] against the same C. And therefore we order you, having first made an extent, to the [008] same A. etc. (as above) to the value of the third part, [from the land of the same D.] [009] and in the same way from the land of the same C.2 etc. And note that though the [010] principal tenant is under age, the exaction of dower will not on that account remain, [011] as was said above, whether the dower is specified or not, and thus each will remain in [012] seisin, as said above, until the minor-warrantor comes of age. Then let him, if he can, [013] deliver the land he warranted, and have back his escambium.3 A writ on the same [014] matter for having seisin where the woman recovers her specified dower against the [015] tenant.4
A writ that she recover and the heir provide escambium to the value to the feoffee.
[017] The king to the sheriff, greeting. Know that when in our court etc. A. who was the [018] wife of B. claimed against C. so much land with the appurtenances in such a vill as [019] her dower, of which she was specifically endowed, the same C. came into the same [020] court and vouched to warranty D. the son and heir of the aforesaid B. by virtue [021] of the charter of the same B. his father, which he put forward. Since the said D. was [022] present and under age, it was decided that the same A. should recover her seisin of [023] the aforesaid land with the appurtenances against the same C.5 as her specified [024] dower, and that C. have escambium to the value of the aforesaid land with the [025] appurtenances from the land which belonged to the same B., which is in the wardship [026] of the same A., in such a vill, until the legal age of the same D. and that the [027] same D. should then deliver to C. the aforesaid land in the aforesaid vill, if he can, [028] and have back the aforesaid escambium. But if he cannot, let the aforesaid A. hold [029] the aforesaid land during her whole life. And therefore we order you, taking with [030] you twelve etc., to go in your own person etc. and by their oath etc. and by their [031] view of the land of the same D. in N. which is in the wardship of A., to cause to be [032] assigned to C. escambium to the value of the aforesaid land, in accordance with what [033] was said above, saving