[001] consent because of some incidental exception outside the assise, let the oath then [002] be made thus,1 no mention made of a view made.
Another form, in the manner of a jury.
[004] Hear this, O justices, that I will speak the truth as to what you ask me on behalf of [005] the lord king and I will in no way omit etc. It will then be necessary to inform the [006] jurors upon what things they ought to speak the truth, thus: You shall say upon [007] your oath whether so much land with the appurtenances in such a vill is free alms etc. [008] And accordingly let the enrolment be made thus: The jury comes to recognise if [009] etc. And in accordance with the verdict of the jurors the judgment issues, depending [010] upon whether they know or do not know or are in doubt.
Of the several remedies to which a parson is entitled as well as a layman.
[012] There are also a number of remedies which lie for a parson just as for a layman, that [013] is, the assise of novel disseisin on his own seisin, if the parson has been disseised. [014] Also the writ of entry on his own seisin or that of one of his predecessors. Also the [015] assise utrum etc. All these lie for a parson just as for a layman. There are some which [016] lie for a layman only, as an action of succession, where a descent is made from ancestor [017] to heir, which cannot be in the case of a parson, as where a layman claims the [018] seisin of his ancestor against a parson, [by mortdancestor], in which case the matter [019] must proceed as between any other persons. If he claims by writ of right, the parson [020] either has a warrantor or does not. If he has a warrantor and he warrants him, let the [021] case proceed between warrantor and demandant as between any other persons, to [022] the duel or2 the grand assise. If he has no warrantor, or3 wishes to answer in his own [023] person, he will have two remedies, because of the writ of right, and may have the [024] one he chooses. If the time allowed for proof permits one to testify of his own sight [025] and hearing, he may then put himself on a jury, if he wishes, as to whether the land [026] claimed is the free alms etc. or the lay fee [etc.], as though the layman had claimed by [027] the assise at the outset, [The proprietary action is not thereby changed into a possessory [028] action, though it [the assise] determines both.] [or] defend himself by the [029] duel or the grand assise, of necessity, since no one may speak of his own sight or [030] hearing because of the great length of time. That will be allowed him because of [031] necessity, since he cannot defend by the assise, if the authority of the ordinary4 [032] and the consent of patrons is secured. If one holds land of a church in free alms for [033] service and commits a felony or dies without an heir, the tenement will be the escheat [034] of the church