[001] on the seisin of which parson the land is claimed1 by the assise, and how he was [002] seised, in demesne or in service,2 whether the land was given to the parish church in [003] free alms, to be held in demesne, or only the service, [as where] it is given to a feoffee [004] [to hold of his feoffor, the services to be done to the church], or to the church subject [005] to the condition that the church make the feoffment, to be held of the church;3[If [006] when one is so enfeoffed, to himself and his heirs to hold of his own feoffor, and he [007] gives some annual rent to the church for having the warranty and protection of the [008] church, this ought not to be called a service, but rather a payment in the name of [009] alms. In that case nothing more may be claimed, neither in the name of escheat nor [010] for any other reason.]4 accordingly we may easily tell whether the parson has a [011] iusta causa for claiming in demesne or only the service. We must also see by whom [012] the land was given to the church, that is, by one who has the right or by one who does [013] not, that a warrantor may be called, as is done in other pleas and assises; if the [014] warrantor defaults let the matter proceed as above [in the portion] on vouching a [015] warrantor in the assise of mortdancestor.5 Among other exceptions and answers, [016] [the exceptions and replications [available to the parties] may be drawn from what [017] has been said,] if the parties wish. If there is no warrantor, and no exception is put [018] forward, the parties and the jurors being present in court, let the assise proceed in [019] the manner of an assise, a reference being made, according to some, to the tenement [020] sought, because of the view which the jurors make thereof, as is done in the other [021] aforesaid assises.
Form of oath in this assise.
[023] The form of oath when the assise is taken in this manner: Hear this, O justices, that [024] I will speak the truth concerning this assise and concerning one virgate of land with [025] the appurtenances whereof I have made the view by order of the lord king, whether, [026] that is, the said land with the appurtenances is free alms belonging to such a church, [027] of which such a one is parson, or the lay fee of such a one, [or conversely according as [028] the parson arraigns the assise or the laymen] and I will in no way omit etc. In [029] accordance with this form of oath, when the assise is taken in the manner of an assise, [030] let this enrolment follow: The assise comes to recognise whether etc.; if it is taken [031] in the manner of a jury,6 when the parties put themselves on a jury by mutual