[001] he was heir or not, or who was heir.1 Or that if [the ancestor] died seised as of fee, [002] this plaintiff could not be his heir since he was neither son nor heir but a bastard, or [003] if he is a son and near heir, that another is nearer, namely, such a one. To which the [004] plaintiff may replicate that he is the heir, and even though he was not, that he was [005] in possession for so long a time that he could not be ejected without judgment. There [006] are many other such exceptions which can be brought forward, all of which are determined [007] by the assise in the manner of a jury, which is not open to a conviction, but let [008] these suffice for the present by way of example. With respect to similar or different [009] exceptions the procedure will be the same.
If a gift falls into the assise.
[011] If a gift falls into the assise many exceptions may be raised by virtue of it, as where, [012] [if] the plaintiff says that he was in seisin of that tenement by the gift of such a one, [013] for so long a time, until such a one ejected him, it may be excepted against him that [014] he who is alleged to have made the gift never had seisin thereof so as to be able to [015] make a gift, either because he had none at all, or because, if he had, he had earlier [016] given the tenement to such a one by his charter, before he had made a charter to the [017] aforesaid plaintiff, [or] that if he [the plaintiff] had any seisin thereof he had none [018] except by intrusion after the death of the donor, from which he was ejected immediately [019] and at once. In that case the assise falls into a jury to ascertain whether he had [020] seisin in the lifetime of the donor or not, and by that the matter will be determined. [021] If they know nothing at all as to seisin, the plaintiff will take nothing by the jury. [022] If they are doubtful, judgment must be given for the possessor. If they say that they [023] are quite sure of the plaintiff's seisin, and of the day on which he was put in seisin, [024] but know nothing of the death of the donor because he died in remote parts and in [025] another county let the truth be inquired into by another jury in the county in which [026] he died. And so, the results of the two inquests being combined, the matter will be [027] determined and judgment given for one party or the other.2 Let this suffice here by [028] way of example.
If an agreement or a pact falls into the assise, or the modus of a gift.
[030] A pact or an agreement may also fall into an assise, if introduced when the gift was [031] first made so that it will become part of the gift and fashion it.3 And so a modus, a [032] condition and a causa may become part of a gift: a modus, as where it is said, I give [033] that you do; a condition, as I give if you do. A condition may be introduced in such [034] a way that one