[001] an assise. Therefore [the jurors] are not subject to a conviction, because of the consent [002] of the parties, since they place themselves upon the jury freely, or of necessity lest [003] they be without defence.1 Such are, in the first place, the question of status, the causa [004] of succession, gift, a pact or agreement. Also uncertainty, that is, where certainty as [005] to the thing or tenement can in no way be reached; it is otherwise if it may be reached, [006] though with difficulty.2 Also consent or dissimulation, because the disseisee wished [007] to be disseised, whether that was so from the first or later.3 Also a settlement, because [008] the disseisee remitted the injuria and quit-claimed the tenement. Also confirmation [009] or consent, as where the disseisor gives the thing seized to another with the consent [010] of the disseisee and the disseisee confirms the gift, or ratifies it in some other way, [011] when it is first made or afterwards.4 Also usurpation by the disseisee of his own property [012] without judgment, after time has passed. Also difficulty in giving judgment, [013] that is, where the matter can in no way be decided by the justices; if it may in some [014] way be determined, though with difficulty, it is otherwise.5 Also res judicata, if a just [015] judgment has been given. Also a fine levied and a chirograph. Also intrusion into [016] another's property or a disseisin, if they are re-ejected at once. Also negligence which [017] in the course of time bars the action and the assise. There are some [exceptions] which [018] do not destroy the assise though they defer it for a time, as exceptions against the [019] writ and persons, as appears sufficiently from what has been said above. Thus we [020] must see how they fall into the assise and are determined by a jury, [those] as to [021] which nothing was said above. First of the exception of status, as where villeinage is [022] raised by way of an exception,6[as above more fully [in the portion] on exceptions [023] of villeinage.]
If the causa of succession falls into the assise.
[025] The causa of succession falls into the assise in this way. Suppose that the plaintiff [026] supports his claim and says that such an ancestor of his died seised of such a tenement [027] as of fee, and that he as his nearer heir put himself into seisin, and that he was in [028] seisin for so long a time until such a one wrongfully ejected him. The exception may [029] be made to this that the ancestor did not die seised as of fee, but held for life in some [030] way, or for a term or in gage, and that the plaintiff had nothing except by intrusion [031] and was at once ejected by the tenant who is the true lord (or the right heir, or the [032] chief lord), or that the plaintiff, though he might be the heir, put himself into seisin [033] over the chief lord, who had first seisin as chief lord, and that he intruded himself on [034] his seisin before it was clear whether