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1. Br. and Azo, 3, 6, 11, 13
1-2. Inst. proe.; Glanvill, prol.; Azo, Summa Inst. proe., no. 1: tam militaris res legibus est in tuto collocata, quam ipsae leges armorum praesidio servatae sunt, ut C. de Iustiniano cod. confirmando, where the same words appear
3. Infra 23. 25
4. Inst. 1.2.9: infra 21
5-8. Glanvill, prol.; cf. Schulz in E.H.R., lx, 171; infra 305. Supplemented infra 21, nn. 1-2
6. D. 1.3.1; Azo, Summa Cod., 1.14. no. 1; infra 21
7. Br. uses praecedente (infra 305 praestante) for Glanvill's accedente, but the idea is the same: infra 85, line 1; 223, iv, 213: praededucat; cf. McIlwain, Constitutionalism, Ancient and Modern, 71-2; Hoyt in E.H.R., lxxi, 359 n.; Lewis in Speculum, xxxix, 250
9. Br. and Azo, 3, 13
10. Br. and Azo, 5, 10, 13, 16
11. Infra 21, n. 13, 307
12. Supplemented infra 21, nn. 3-5
13. Infra iv, 99 also iii, 321
14. Azo, Summa Inst. proe Just., no. 5: erexit itaque Justinianus animum suum ad immensa volumina veteris prudentiae, for the last words of which Br. substitutes ad vetera iudicia iustorum; Fesefeldt, 88
15. Inst. proe.; Azo, Summa Inst. proe. Just., no. 2 cum summis vigiliis
16. Cf. Richardson in Traditio vi, 64; Tancred (89) contrasts the form of a summa with an arrangement sub paragraphis