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Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists

Ames Projects

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Report No. t101

Johannes Ulricus Zasius



Alternative Names

Johann Ulrich Zasius von Rabenstein; Johann Ulrich Zasius



J. was the son of the better-known early humanist jurist Ulrich Zasius (1461–1535) and editor of his father’s works. J. served as a counselor to princes and ended his life as Vice-Chancellor of the Reich under Maxmillian II. A shorter biography can be found in German Wikipedia.

Source: W. Goetz, in *ADB (1898) 44.706–708; German Wikipedia.

Entry by: CD/DC v.2017

TUI database



No. 01

Catalogus legum antiquarum una cum adiuncta summaria interpretatione.


Text(s) – Early Printed Editions

No. 01

Catalogus legum antiquarum una cum adiuncta summaria interpretatione.

Early Printed Editions

Tractatus universi iuris. Venezia: F. Ziletti, 1584, 1.252va.