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Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists

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Report No. r274

Guido Terrena



Alternative Names

Guido Terreni; de Perpiniano (LC); Guido de Terrena; Guido Tarrena; Guido de Perpiniano; Guy de Perpignan; Guido Maiorcensis; Guido de Terrenis; Guido Maiorcensis; Guy de Majorque; Guido Terreni



Born around 1260, Guido joined the Carmelites in 1290 and taught theology at Paris until 1318, when he was made general of his order. One of the great supporters of Pope John XXII and his policies, he became bishop of Majorca (1321) and Elne (1332), but spent much of his time at the papal curia at Avignon, where he died in 1342. He left a number of canonistic works such as the Expositorium Decreti, which offered a summary of Gratian’s text for the use of theologians.


Entry by: KP rev BP 2015



No. 1

Epistolae ad Iohannem utrum invocantes dominum sint haeretici.

No. 2

Expositorium Decreti.


Text(s) – Manuscripts

No. 1

Epistolae ad Iohannem utrum invocantes dominum sint haeretici.


Città del Vaticano, BAV Borgh. 348

No. 2

Expositorium Decreti.


Paris, BN lat. 3914


Città del Vaticano, BAV Vat. lat. 1453



T. Turley, ‘Making a Heresiarch: Guido Terreni’s Attack on Joachim of Fiore’, in Religion, Power, and Resistance from the Eleventh to the Sixteenth Centuries: Playing the Heresy Card, K. Bollerman, T. Izbicki, and C. Nederman, ed. (The New Middle Ages; New York 2014) 103–126.

A. Giletti, ‘Aristotle in Medieval Spain: Writers of the Christian Kingdoms Confronting the Eternity of the World’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 67 (2006) 23–47.

T. Shogimen, ‘William of Ockham and Conceptions of Heresy, c.1250–c.1350’, Heresy in Transition: Transforming Ideas of Heresy in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, I. Hunter, J. Laursen, and C. Nederman, ed. (Aldershot 2005) 59–70.

U. Schmid, ‘Lateinische Evangelienharmonien: die Konturen der abendländischen Harmonietradition’, Evangelienharmonien des Mittelalters, C. Burger, A. den Hollander, and U. Schmid, ed. (Studies in Theology and Religion, 9; Assen 2004) 18–39.

F. Bertelloni, ‘Guido Terrena’, A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages, J. Gracia and T. Noone, ed. (Blackwell Companions to Philosophy, 24; Oxford 2003) 291–292.

T. Shogimen, ‘William of Ockham and Guido Terreni’, History of Political Thought, 19 (1998) 517–530.

T. Turley, ‘Guido Terreni, heresy, and the reconstruction of tradition: 1317-1342’, Tradition and Ecstasy: The Agony of the Fourteenth Century, N. van Deusen, ed. (Claremont Cultural Studies; Ottawa 1997) 51–68.

R. Lambertini, ‘Individuelle und politische Klugheit in den mittelalterlichen Ethikkommentaren (von Albert bis Buridan)’, Individuum und Individualität im Mittelalter, J. Aersten and A. Speer, ed. (Miscellanea Mediaevalia, 24; Berlin 1996) 464–478.

D. Romano, ‘Penseurs chrétiens catalans vis–à–vis des Juifs’, From Witness to Witchcraft: Jews and Judaism in Medieval Christian Thought, J. Cohen, ed. (Wolfenbütteler Mittelalter-Studien, 11; Wiesbaden 1996) 299–336.

T. Turley, ‘Ab apostolorum temporibus: The Primitive Church in the Ecclesiology of Three Medieval Carmelites’, Studia in honorem eminentissimi Cardinalis Alphonsi M. Stickler, R. Castillo Lara, ed. (Pontificia Studiorum Universitas Salesiana. Facultas Iuris Canonici. Studia et textus historiae iuris canonici, 7; Rome 1992) 559–580.

S. Brown, ‘Guido Terrena and the Unity of the Concept of Being’, Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica medievale, 3 (1988) 599–631.

J. Etzwiler, ‘Six questions of Guido Terreni, O. Carm. (d. 1342)’, Carmelus, 35 (1988) 138–177.

P. Marcuzzi, ‘Una soluzione teologico-giuridica al problema dell’usura in una questione de quolibet inedita di Guido Terreni (1260-1342)’, Salesianum (1979) 647–684.

T. Turley, The Ecclesiology of Guido Terreni (Ph.D. Diss. Cornell University; Ithaca 1979).

T. Izbicki, The ecclesiology of Guido Terreni (Ph.D. Diss. Cornell; Ithaca 1978).

T. Turley, ‘Guido Terreni and the Decretum’, BMCL, 8 (1978) 29–34.

T. Izbicki, ‘Infallibility and the Erring Pope: Guido Terreni and Johannes de Turrecremata’, Law, church and society: essays in honor of Stephan Kuttner, K. Pennington and R. Somerville, ed. (Philadelphia 1977) 97–105.

T. Turley, ‘Infallibilists in the Curia of Pope John XXII’, JMH, 1 (1975) 71–102.

J. Gracia, ‘The Convertibility of “Unum” and “Ens” According to Guido Terrena’, Franciscan Studies, 33 (1973) 143–170.

A. García y García, ‘La canonística ibérica posterior al Decreto de Graciano’, Repertorio de Historia de las Ciencias eclesiasticas en España (Salamanca 1967) 1.425.

R. Naz, ‘Gui Terré ou Guido Terreni ou Gui de Perpignan’, in DDC (1953) 5.1011–12.

J. Melsen, Guido Terreni, Ord. Carm. (1260?–1342) jurista (Roma 1939).

P. Fournier, ‘Gui Terré (Guido Terreni), théologien’, in HLF (1927) 36.432–73.

J. von Schulte, QL 2.23.