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Bio-Bibliographical Guide to Medieval and Early Modern Jurists

Ames Projects

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Report No. a403

Quaestiones Andegavenses


Alternative Names



The title of a decretist collection analysed by Gerard Fransen in 1965. Stephan Kuttner’s Repertorium lists another text from Angers under the same name, but it later turned out to be a fragment of Robert of Courson’s penitential Summa.


Entry by: KP rev AL 2015



No. 1

Quaestiones Andegavenses.


Text(s) – Manuscripts

No. 1

Quaestiones Andegavenses.


Angers, BM 312, fol. 129r–36



G. Fransen, ‘Utrumque ius dans les Questiones Andegavenses’, in Études d’Histoire du droit dediées à G. Le Bras (Paris 1965) 2.897–911.

S. Kuttner, ‘Anglo-Norman Canonists of the Twelfth Century’, Traditio, 7 (1949/51) 315 n.71.

S. Kuttner, Repertorium 251.