Appeals to the Privy Council

Report No. 13_1742_03

Starke v Hawkins (Starke v Thrustout)


Case Name Short

Starke v Thrustout

Starke v Hawkins

Case Name Long

Thomas Starke and Augustine Baughan v William Thrustout on the demise of John Hawkins


Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series


APC Citation 

v.3 [561] p.742 – 16 December 1742 – entry 1

PC Register Citation 

George II v.8 (22 October 1741 – 29 September 1743) p.280: PC 2/97/280


APC Citation 

v.3 [561] p.742–743 – 3 November 1743 – entry 2

PC Register Citation 

George II v.10 (1 March 1745 – 31 July 1746) p.123, 124 recte 123 only, 268 recte 267–268: PC 2/99/123, 124 recte 123 only, 268 recte 267–268


PC Register Note 

The reference in the APC to p.124 is incorrect, and it does not seem to be a mistake for another reference.


Colonial Courts

General Court – 15 April 1741


Baughan, Augustine

Hawkins, John

Starke, Thomas

Thrustout, William


Land (ejectment) in the parish of St. Ann in Essex County




There can be little doubt that William Thrustout and the lease to him are fictional. On this and on the action of ejectment involved here, see Additional Research.

References in Smith, Appeals to the Privy Council from the American Plantations

Table of Cases (Starke v Thrustout)


Printed Cases

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Privy Council Documents in PC 1 at The National Archives at Kew

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