Appeals to the Privy Council

Report No. 10_1770_01

Swift v Jones

Swift v Hawkins

Swift v Mitchell


Case Name Short

Swift v Jones

Swift v Hawkins

Swift v Mitchell

Case Name Long

John Swift v Henry Jones and Robert Smith

John Swift v George Hawkins and John Moore

John Swift v Abraham Mitchell and Thomas Lightfoot


Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series


APC Citation 

v.5 [158] p.276 – 6 July 1770 – entry 1

PC Register Citation 

George III v.7 (May 1769 – December 1770) p.450–451, 692–693: PC 2/114/450–451, 692–693


APC Citation 

v.5 [158] p.276 – 31 December 1773 – entry 2

PC Register Citation 

George III v.10 (January 1773 – April 1774) p.323–324 recte 383–384, 383–385 recte 384–385, 393–394: PC 2/117/323–324 recte 383–384, 383–385 recte 384–385, 393–394


PC Register Note 

The reference in the APC to p.323–324 is incorrect; p.383–385 contain 3 committee reports, one on p.383–384, one on p.384, and one on p.385.


Colonial Courts

Supreme Court – April 1768


Hawkins, George

Jones, Henry

Lightfoot, Thomas

Mitchell, Abraham

Moore, John

Smith, Robert

Swift, John, deputy collector of customs at Philadelphia


Abbey (snow)


Foreign duties on imports


All reversed

References in Smith, Appeals to the Privy Council from the American Plantations

Table of Cases (Smith v Jones; Smith v Hawkins; Smith v Mitchell)


Printed Cases

Not found

Privy Council Documents in PC 1 at The National Archives at Kew

Not found