Appeals to the Privy Council

Report No. 04_1738_02

Carroll v Parran


Case Name Short

Carroll v Parran

Case Name Long

Charles Carroll v Mary Parran and John Parran


Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series


APC Citation 

v.3 [456] p.620 – 30 November 1738 – entry 1

PC Register Citation 

George II v.6 (1 October 1738 – 27 March 1740) p.47: PC 2/95/47


APC Citation 

v.3 [456] p.620 – 27 December 1739 – entry 2

PC Register Citation 

George II v.6 (1 October 1738 – 27 March 1740) p.264, 335, 432, 445–450, 492: PC 2/95/264, 335, 432, 445–450, 492


Colonial Courts

Maryland Court of Chancery – 20 October 1731 and subsequent explanatory orders

Issuing body unnamed – Order of Dismission – 17 February 1735

High Court of Appeals – 17 May 1737


Carroll, Charles (deceased father of Charles Carroll)

Carroll, Charles, esquire, of Annapolis (son and surviving executor of Charles Carroll)

Carroll, Daniel (deceased executor of Charles Carroll)

Parran, Alexander (deceased husband of Mary Parran and father of John Parran)

Parran, John (son of Alexander Parran)

Parran, Mary (widow and adminstratrix of Alexander Parran)


Not stated in Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series




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Privy Council Documents in PC 1 at The National Archives at Kew

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