Appeals to the Privy Council
Report No. NEV_1740_02

Woodley v Gordon



Case Name Long

John Woodley v James Gordon and William Wells


Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series


APC Citation  

v.3 [505] p.685 (23 Oct. 1740 – 21 May 1741)

PC Register Citation  

George II v.7 (1 April 1740 – 7 Aug. 1741) p.226, 248, 311, 466–467, 479–480: PC 2/96/226, 248, 311, 466–467, 479–480


Colonial Courts

Court of King's Bench and Common Pleas

Court of Errors – 4 July 1739


Gordon, James, merchant, respondent

Wells, William, merchant, respondent

Woodley, John, merchant, appellant


Action of scandal and defamation relating to “Reputation, Business and Livelyhood in the way of Consignment of Negroes . . . .”


Appeal dismissed.

References in Smith, Appeals to the Privy Council from the American Plantations

Table of Cases (Woodley v Gordon)


Printed Cases

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Privy Council Documents in PC 1 at The National Archives at Kew

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