Appeals to the Privy Council
Report No. MON_1771_00

Appeal of Brislane



Case Name Long

Appeal of Michael Brislane


Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series


APC Citation  

v.5 [181] p.293–295 (1 May 1771 – 6 May 1773)

PC Register Citation  

George III v.8 (Jan. 1771 – Dec. 1771) p.175: PC 2/115/175


PC Register Citation  

George III v.10 (Jan. 1773 – April 1774) p.119–121, 187, 191: PC 2/117/119–121, 187, 191


Colonial Courts

Grand Jury in the Island of Montserrat – 20 April 1770

Court of King's Bench – 24 April 1770

Court of Errors – 17 July 1770


Brislane, Elizabeth, deceased (wife of Michael, daughter of Junima White)

Brislane, Michael, appellant (husband of Elizabeth)

Carroll (Carrolls), Elizabeth

Dartmouth, [William], earl of – see Legge, William

Dartmouth, [William], lord – see Legge, William

Fogarty, Thomas, surgeon

Legge, William, earl of Dartmouth, minutes laid before

Pownall, Mr. ___

White, Junima (mother of Elizabeth Brislane)


Murder of wife by husband/domestic violence.


Appeal dismissed as inadmissible.


Regarding Elizabeth’s surname: “She left his house and went to Elizabeth Carrolls.” It is likely that the APC simply omitted the apostrophe from ”Carroll’s,” but that is not clear from either the APC or the manuscript.


Printed Cases

Not found

Privy Council Documents in PC 1 at The National Archives at Kew

TNA Document Committee report and minute on the appeal – 27 March 1773 (PC 1/55/72) view_Document
Notes about
Referenced in APC v.6 [907] p.539



Other Documents

Other DocumentsAdditional materials, possibly duplicative, are referenced in Calendar of Home Office Papers of the Reign of George III, 1773–1775 ed. Richard Arthur Roberts (London: HMSO, 1899) [v.4 in the series] no. 165, p.48. 
Library Ames Foundation: (1 page) (Source:
