Appeals to the Privy Council
Report No. MON_1743_00

Webb v Tully



Case Name Long

Harry Webb, Isaac Hobhouse, John Paine, Dominick Trant, Thomas Mead, George French, Peter Lee, and Robert Webb v Michael and Catherine Tully, Sarah Lynch, Mary Lynch, and Catherine Molineux


Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series


APC Citation  

v.3 [578] p.760–761 (13 Oct. 1743 – 20 March 1746)

PC Register Citation  

George II v.9 (1 Oct. 1743 – 27 Feb. 1745) p.8–9: PC 2/98/8–9


PC Register Citation  

George II v.10 (1 March 1745 – 31 July 1746) p.273–274, 339, 353, 379, 417: PC 2/99/273–274, 339, 353, 379, 417


Colonial Courts

Court of Chancery of Antigua (elsewhere given as Montserrat) – 6 Oct. 1740


French, George, esquire, appellant (executor of Nathaniel Webb)

Gibbons, Sarah (guardian of Catherine Lynch [2] [now Catherine Tully], Sarah Lynch, and Mary Lynch)

Hobhouse, Isaac, merchant, of Bristol, appellant (executor of Nathaniel Webb)

Kirwan, Richard (guardian of Catherine Lynch [2] [now Catherine Tully], Sarah Lynch, and Mary Lynch)

Lee, Peter, esquire, appellant (executor of Nathaniel Webb)

Lynch, Anthony, deceased (husband of Catherine [1] [now Catherine Molineux], father of Catherine [2] [now Catherine Tully], Sarah, and Mary)

Lynch, Catherine (1) – see Molineux, Catherine

Lynch, Catherine (2), infant – see Tully, Catherine

Lynch, Mary, infant, respondent (daughter of Anthony)

Lynch, Sarah, infant, respondent (daughter of Anthony)

Mead, Thomas, esquire, appellant (executor of Nathaniel Webb)

Molineux (formerly Lynch), Catherine, respondent (widow and administratrix of John, widow of Anthony Lynch, former guardian of Catherine Lynch [2] [now Catherine Tully], Sarah Lynch, and Mary Lynch)

Molineux, John, deceased (husband of Catherine, former guardian of Catherine Lynch [2] [now Catherine Tully], Sarah Lynch, and Mary Lynch)

Paine, John, esquire, appellant (executor of Nathaniel Webb)

Trant, Dominick, esquire, appellant (executor of Nathaniel Webb)

Tully (née Lynch), Catherine, respondent (wife of Michael, daughter of Anthony Lynch)

Tully, Michael, respondent (husband of Catherine)

Webb, Harry, appellant (executor of Nathaniel)

Webb, Nathaniel, esquire, deceased (guardian of the estates of Catherine Lynch [2] [now Catherine Tully], Sarah Lynch, and Mary Lynch)

Webb, Robert, esquire, appellant (executor of Nathaniel)


Not stated in the Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series.


Orders reversed, bill dismissed.


The APC lists this under Antigua, but it is clear that the case belongs in this colony. The lead petitioner in the case came from Antigua, and the first entry in the PC register labels the case Antigua and says that the court appealed from was the Chancery Court of Antigua. That is highly unlikely, since the decedent whose estate is the subject of the proceedings came from Montserrat. Subsequent entries in the PC register label the case as Montserrat and say, as the APC points out, that the court appealed from was the Chancery Court of Montserrat. The date given for the order appealed from is 6 October 1740 and the names of the participants in the subsequent entries match those in the first one, so there is little doubt that we are dealing with the same case.


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