Appeals to the Privy Council |
Report No. JAM_1767_04 |
Jamaica |
Case Name Long |
Edward Woollery, William Woollery, John Woollery, and Robert Dunstan Woollery v David and Elizabeth Bernard (revived with Charles Bernard) | |
Case Name Long |
Aaron Baruch Lousada (revived with Rachel Baruch Lousada, Benjamin Dias Fernandes, and Jacob Feurtado) v Edward Woollery, William Woollery, John Woollery, and Robert Dunstan Woollery | |
Case Name Long |
James Dunn v Edward Woollery, William Woollery, and Robert Dunstan Woollery |
Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series |
APC Citation | v.5 [49] p.118 (6 Nov. 1767 – 9 Feb. 1770) |
PC Register Citation | George III v.5 (Aug. 1766 – Jan. 1768) p.507: PC 2/112/507 |
PC Register Citation | George III v.6 (Jan. 1768 – April 1769) p.63–64, 76, 105–106, 162–163, 228, 482–484: PC 2/113/63–64, 76, 105–106, 162–163, 228, 482–484 |
PC Register Citation | George III v.7 (May 1769 – Dec. 1770) p.220–222, 227–228: PC 2/114/220–222, 227–228 |
Colonial Courts |
Chancellor – 23 Jan. 1767 (Woollery v Lousada) Chancellor – 4 July 1767 (Lousada v Woollery) (Dunn v Woollery) |
Participants |
Bernard, Charles, respondent (executor of David) |
Bernard, David, respondent, later deceased (husband of Elizabeth) |
Bernard, Elizabeth, respondent (wife/widow of David) |
Dias Fernandes, Benjamin, merchant, appellant (executor of Aaron Baruch Lousada) |
Dunn, James, appellant (executor of John Woollery [1]) |
Feurtado, Jacob, merchant, appellant (executor of Aaron Baruch Lousada) |
Goostrey, Thomas, of Sherrard Street near Golden Square (attorney for David and Elizabeth Bernard) |
Lousada, Aaron Baruch, appellant, later deceased (husband of Rachel, executor of John Woollery) |
Lousada, Rachel Baruch, appellant (widow and executrix of Aaron) |
Woollery (Woolery), Edward, appellant/respondent (son of John [1], brother of William) |
Woollery (Woolery), John (1), deceased (father of Edward and William) |
Woollery (Woolery), John (2), appellant/respondent |
Woollery (Woolery), Robert Dunstan, appellant/respondent |
Woollery (Woolery), William, appellant/respondent (son of John [1], brother of Edward) |
Description |
Concerning a will. |
Disposition |
First decree dismissed as it relates to Lousada; all subsequent appeals dismissed with varying costs. |
References in Smith, Appeals to the Privy Council from the American Plantations |
Table of Cases (Woollery v Lousada) |
Printed Cases |
Respondent’s case |
Case of the respondent (Aaron Baruch Lousada and James Dunn v Edward and William Woolery, Robert Dunstan, and John Woolery) |
Counsel | Fl. Norton [crossed out]; Al. Forrester |
Library | Columbia University. Diamond Law Library: (William Samuel Johnson Collection) Treasure – Johnson 1770m and Microfilm – AA70 (Printed date on dorse 1769 with manuscript note: “Judgt. affirmed.” One other lengthy manuscript note) |
Privy Council Documents in PC 1 at The National Archives at Kew |
TNA Document | Committee report (Lousada v Woollery and Dunn v Woollery) – 30 Jan. 1770 (PC 1/54/65) | view_Document |
Notes about Document |
Referenced in APC v.6 [828] p.473 |