Appeals to the Privy Council
Report No. JAM_1767_04

Woollery v Bernard

Lousada v Woollery

Dunn v Woollery



Case Name Long

Edward Woollery, William Woollery, John Woollery, and Robert Dunstan Woollery v David and Elizabeth Bernard (revived with Charles Bernard)

Case Name Long

Aaron Baruch Lousada (revived with Rachel Baruch Lousada, Benjamin Dias Fernandes, and Jacob Feurtado) v Edward Woollery, William Woollery, John Woollery, and Robert Dunstan Woollery

Case Name Long

James Dunn v Edward Woollery, William Woollery, and Robert Dunstan Woollery


Acts of the Privy Council, Colonial Series


APC Citation  

v.5 [49] p.118 (6 Nov. 1767 – 9 Feb. 1770)

PC Register Citation  

George III v.5 (Aug. 1766 – Jan. 1768) p.507: PC 2/112/507


PC Register Citation  

George III v.6 (Jan. 1768 – April 1769) p.63–64, 76, 105–106, 162–163, 228, 482–484: PC 2/113/63–64, 76, 105–106, 162–163, 228, 482–484


PC Register Citation  

George III v.7 (May 1769 – Dec. 1770) p.220–222, 227–228: PC 2/114/220–222, 227–228


Colonial Courts

Chancellor – 23 Jan. 1767 (Woollery v Lousada)

Chancellor – 4 July 1767 (Lousada v Woollery) (Dunn v Woollery)


Bernard, Charles, respondent (executor of David)

Bernard, David, respondent, later deceased (husband of Elizabeth)

Bernard, Elizabeth, respondent (wife/widow of David)

Dias Fernandes, Benjamin, merchant, appellant (executor of Aaron Baruch Lousada)

Dunn, James, appellant (executor of John Woollery [1])

Feurtado, Jacob, merchant, appellant (executor of Aaron Baruch Lousada)

Goostrey, Thomas, of Sherrard Street near Golden Square (attorney for David and Elizabeth Bernard)

Lousada, Aaron Baruch, appellant, later deceased (husband of Rachel, executor of John Woollery)

Lousada, Rachel Baruch, appellant (widow and executrix of Aaron)

Woollery (Woolery), Edward, appellant/respondent (son of John [1], brother of William)

Woollery (Woolery), John (1), deceased (father of Edward and William)

Woollery (Woolery), John (2), appellant/respondent

Woollery (Woolery), Robert Dunstan, appellant/respondent

Woollery (Woolery), William, appellant/respondent (son of John [1], brother of Edward)


Concerning a will.


First decree dismissed as it relates to Lousada; all subsequent appeals dismissed with varying costs.

References in Smith, Appeals to the Privy Council from the American Plantations

Table of Cases (Woollery v Lousada)


Printed Cases


Case of the respondent (Aaron Baruch Lousada and James Dunn v Edward and William Woolery, Robert Dunstan, and John Woolery)


Fl. Norton [crossed out]; Al. Forrester


Columbia University. Diamond Law Library: (William Samuel Johnson Collection) Treasure – Johnson 1770m and Microfilm – AA70 (Printed date on dorse 1769 with manuscript note: “Judgt. affirmed.” One other lengthy manuscript note)


Privy Council Documents in PC 1 at The National Archives at Kew

TNA Document Committee report (Lousada v Woollery and Dunn v Woollery) – 30 Jan. 1770 (PC 1/54/65) view_Document
Notes about
Referenced in APC v.6 [828] p.473
